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# Posted: 25 Nov 2023 06:22pm
Well, all the talk about Victron in some previous threads lit a fire under my butt.
I was frustrated that I had no way to monitor my solar system when I was away from the cabin. I was just relying on the fact that I "thought" I designed it well enough (large enough bank, low draw when away). It just wasn't good enough, I really wanted to see the trends.
Disclaimer (I could have done easily with a Raspberry Pi and Victron's open source GX OS. However, PIs are hard to get now and I didn't like how much they draw (4-5W))
So I picked up an ESP32 device off Amazon and cobbled some code together (reusing a bunch off Github). I now have it tossing my solar data up to Android IOT Cloud. Best of all it only uses about 0.05W of power. Its connected to my Victron BMV-700 so I get a good view of the batteries and total solar generation (updated every 5s). I can access the data via a web browser on my PC or via andriod/ios apps.
I just thought some might be interested. I can share the build details and code if anyone wants to put one together themselves.
# Posted: 25 Nov 2023 07:17pm
Wow that's cool. Way beyond my 2nd grade education though. When I read the title I thought you were referring to cloudy day solar...
# Posted: 25 Nov 2023 07:44pm
It's a brave new world out there Paul! As my dad used to say,"Too soon old, Too late smart"
# Posted: 25 Nov 2023 08:11pm
# Posted: 25 Nov 2023 08:31pm
Quoting: paulz Wow that's cool. Way beyond my 2nd grade education though. When I read the title I thought you were referring to cloudy day solar...
Quoting: gcrank1 It's a brave new world out there Paul! As my dad used to say,"Too soon old, Too late smart"
I promise.. It just looks smart.. but really, if you can build a whole cabin, its nothing. Solder some wires here, plug in a usb cable there, upload the code... Easy peasy... Even writing code is not anything complex (hell, why write when you can find %90 on github).
The key is really having a good open standard that is documented. Although this would be possible with most other "off brands", it would take WAY WAY longer as you reverse engineer their standards. Victron makes it easy with clear text serial data that is very well documented. This is really what makes Victron worth it (especially the BMV monitors).
# Posted: 26 Nov 2023 09:22am - Edited by: Nobadays
Is there a way to use this device without the BMV700? I would love to be able to monitor my winter system but it is pretty basic. Victron Phoenix 24/1200 inverter and Victron 150/35 SCC. Mostly the charge controller to know if the panels are snow covered.
I'm with Paul... I can follow detailed directions to build electronic "stuff" but the minute "writing code.... github" comes into the equation im lost. I'd rather buy it built!
Edit: Side note....isn't 50.399 a bit low? That would be ~15% charge if I figure right.
# Posted: 26 Nov 2023 01:21pm
The code is capable of working with any Victron device. You would just need to make some small adjustments so it gets the right "labels". It would work without those adjustments but you would only get battery voltage, power and current (as those labels are common for all Victron devices).
There may be other labels you would be interested in from the MPPT. Like Panel voltage, panel current, load current.
The only challenging part would be the soldering. You would need to solder to 2 pins on the EPS32 and they are small. You need a good iron and solder to do it. I will do some searching to see if I can find a cable that has connectors on the end instead. That would eliminate the need to solder.
For anyone wondering, the total cost to build is about $25.
As to the voltage.. Yup, I had just reset the BMV, so it thought the batts were at %100 and they were not. It will correct once the batteries go through a full charge cycle.
# Posted: 26 Nov 2023 07:15pm
I'm definitely interested in building one of these. I have an old Weller soldering iron but it works well. Is there a good source for the plugs that fit the ve connect plug? Looking on Amazon there are a plethora of ESP32 devices...
Thanks for the help!
BTW.... we are closing up the cabin tomorrow morning and headed back to AZ for the winter. So no hurry on getting this thing built.
I'm just hoping the Victron inverter shuts off and turns back on as I have it programed. I know snow will block charging once in awhile so as long as the inverter shuts off, and more importantly wakes back up when the batteries come back up.... all will be good!
# Posted: 26 Nov 2023 09:30pm - Edited by: travellerw
The Victron Ve.Direct plugs are JST 2.0 4 pin connectors. https://www.amazon.com/Connector-Include-Ph2-0-Female-Ph2-0mm/dp/B08RHGT3W3/ref=sr_1_ 1?crid=1TCNZZLM9V1XM&keywords=jsp+2.0+4+pin&qid=1701046832&sprefix=jsp+2.0+4+pin%2Cap s%2C145&sr=8-1
If you bought these too, you could just solder the 2 together instead of trying to solder the tiny pins (tiny means about 1/2mm, you need magnification). https://www.amazon.com/Antrader-Breadboard-Dupont-Arduino-Raspberry/dp/B07S2RH6Q4/ref =sr_1_10?crid=CZBOGZPVB8NA&keywords=jumper%2Bwire%2Bfemale&qid=1701047321&sprefix=jum per%2Bwire%2Bfemale%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-10&th=1
For ESP32, look for a NodeMCU device or compatible. It will be pin compatible with the device I used.
Heck if you have a Phoenix inverter, you could build 2. One for your MPPT and one for the Phoenix. That way you could see what the Phoenix is doing and what the MPPT is doing. The Arduino IOT Cloud allows 2 devices in the free tier.
On another note, tonight has been the first time I have been able to monitor my draw when I'm not there. So, we have 5 cameras, a small security system, a MIFI device and now my Arduino cloud monitor. Total draw is 22W.
More than I wanted, but the cameras and MIFI is not really something I can control. However, at that draw I could technically go 10 days without any production and still only draw the bank to %50.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2023 07:11am
Mine is much simpler, at least to me. I have WIFI, security cameras, etc. I have a camera that looks at the charge controllers. The problem was that it's dark in the shed. So I have a light controlled by a smart plug. I turn on the light and have a look. Drawing about 25 watts. I have everything on a timer so I'm not drawing 25 watts 24/7
# Posted: 13 Dec 2023 09:40am - Edited by: Nobadays
I had thought of doing the same thing with my old equipment. Unfortunately Victron doesn't have a readout on the SCC or inverter. Bluetooth to your phone allows monitoring and programming, very easy to use, but, you have to buy/install the Cerbo GX wifi interface, another $300 to make it available on the internet. I do think you can get a digital display for the SCC for under $100. But even then you would have to buy a camera, etc.
The hack travellerw is using would be way cheaper... just not sure I'm smart enough to build it!
# Posted: 13 Dec 2023 09:44am
These are all very advanced. I just turn my system off becids the charge controller. If I ever want security cam I'm going to use cellular solar units.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2023 10:12am
Quoting: Brettny I'm going to use cellular solar units.
I wish we had cell signal at the cabin, that would be a simple solution.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2023 10:21am
An update to this. I plan on modifying the code to pull the pertinent tags from an MPPT. Unfortunately, the only charge controller I have is at my cabin. I'm hoping to get out there this weekend and I will grab it.
Once I have the code modified, I will put together a quick write up on how to build and program it.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2023 01:48pm
# Posted: 14 Dec 2023 06:21pm
Travellerw... I have been searching around trying to understand what you have built and information on the hardware and code. I found THIS project on github and am gathering this is similar to what you have done?
Unfortunately I read through this and it is so far over my head... I really don't understand any of it... seriously!
"Also a couple of generic NPN transistors to shift the level of the 5V RS-232 signaling from the Victron unit to the 3.3V needed by the ESP32. A level-shift board could be used instead of the transistors." WHAT?
"You need the Arduino IDE, of course. It must be set up for ESP32 development, including the sketch data uploader." ....UH??
"You will also need the ArduinoJSON, ESPAsyncWebServer, and ESPAsyncTCP libraries." ???
The article says he has guides to help but not sure they will help when I don't even speak this language!!
My Mandarin is rusty but better than this!
# Posted: 14 Dec 2023 06:39pm
Quoting: Nobadays My Mandarin is rusty but better than this!
LOL... izzy
# Posted: 14 Dec 2023 07:26pm
Quoting: Nobadays Travellerw... I have been searching around trying to understand what you have built and information on the hardware and code. I found THIS project on github and am gathering this is similar to what you have done? Unfortunately I read through this and it is so far over my head... I really don't understand any of it... seriously! "Also a couple of generic NPN transistors to shift the level of the 5V RS-232 signaling from the Victron unit to the 3.3V needed by the ESP32. A level-shift board could be used instead of the transistors." WHAT? "You need the Arduino IDE, of course. It must be set up for ESP32 development, including the sketch data uploader." ....UH??
I promise its not super hard and I will put together a guide that should be easy to follow. But here is a quick "laymans" on what you typed.
The Victron MPPT controllers use 5V on the serial port, but the ESP devices use 3.3V. So, you need some way to change the 5V to 3.3V. However... The reality is while the ESP is 3.3V based, its actually 5V tolerant so you don't "need" to adjust the voltage (however, its considered best practice and the life the ESP may be shortened if you don't). Frankly, there are ESPs running for years attached to a 5V signal and had no issues, so I would skip it (the ESP is like $10, so just change it out if it dies.. I actually buy them in sets of 3 for like $22).
As to the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment). That is just software that you download (free). Its basically a text editor where you write the code (or paste it), then it has a program to "compile" the code and then upload to the device (Arduino by default). Since Arduino IDE is made for Arduino, you have to add some stuff to it so it can be used with an ESP device. Its really just a couple of steps in the menus of Arduino IDE to make that happen. (In case you are wondering, "compiling" is where the program takes the code written in a human readable language like C, C-Plus, Basic, ect ect and converts it to code for the processor (essentially 1s and 0s))
Once you start a project a ton of this will make sense. The circuit I built is super simple and only requires an ESP and a cable that goes from the ESP to the Victron MPPT. Then you just need to power the ESP via USB. That could be an adapter (like just a little phone charger) plugged into your inverter, or a 12V phone charger wired to the "Load" port on your MPPT.
Once you have completed one project, you mind will be opened and you will be hungry for more. It would be trivial to add a temperature and humidity sensor to my build and send those numbers to the cloud. Then you would have good data on how temp and humidity affects solar production (or just if its raining at the cabin).
# Posted: 14 Dec 2023 09:01pm
好的,我会å°è¯•ä¸€ä¸‹.... ok, I'll give it a try 