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# Posted: 18 Nov 2023 08:16am
Good morning,
We have a small off-grid cabin in Ontario and are looking into incinerating propane toilets. Are the Cinderella toilets that much better than Incincolet to justify the price? And how about the smell? Do they have to be wired to electricity for the ignition?
Thanks for any and all responses!
# Posted: 18 Nov 2023 10:52am - Edited by: Aklogcabin
We have an Incinolet incinerator toilet. 30 amp electric. No odors. None. They are fairly simple with not many components so I wouldn't imagine much for problems. I believe that Incinolet is made in America. So parts or service would be good. Very easy to plumb. 4" abs pipe and a rubber collar attaches it to a vent outside similar to m a dryer vent. For the electrical I uses 10 guage underground wire and ran it from a 30 amp receptacle to a 30 amp plug in that connects to our 2500w duel fuel champion generator. Very easy. We charge up the batteries on everything n get the freezer down to temperature while burning the poo. It is a nice addition to the cabin. When I am by myself I just open the flapper doors and put a bunch of heavy duty garbage bags in it. When done remove the bag n burn or dispose in a garbage can. I would recommend them to anyone with a cabin without septic system. Especially where it gets really cold outside. And my beautiful wife has foot issues making walking difficult. So yes I'd recommend them Incinolet incinerator toilet
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# Posted: 20 Nov 2023 12:11pm
Do these burn the urine too? Must take time
# Posted: 20 Nov 2023 04:29pm
Burns liquids and solids
# Posted: 20 Nov 2023 07:52pm - Edited by: 909
Do you have to use a new bag for every use. And you must buy only their bags, right? Does it really take 90 mins after every use to incinerate. I imagine a small cabin with limited power wouldn't be able to complete a single burn. Are you tied to the grid ?
# Posted: 20 Nov 2023 08:17pm
Can you go several deposits before you burn, or does it have to be burned after each use?
# Posted: 20 Nov 2023 08:24pm - Edited by: 909
Imagine the smells though Bob. If you just have piles of poop, sitting in a toilet bowl indoors.
# Posted: 21 Nov 2023 06:05am
I had a Sawdust Composting toilet for years, never had any smell issues - although it had a 3" Venting box fan which I added to it. I've since switched to a Sparret Tiny with urine diversion (goes to grey water system), this also has a fan and no smell + Very Female Friendly too BTW, so no oopsie "blackwater".
Sparette is a Swedish Company, products sold everywhere. https://separett.com/de/en/urine-diverting-toilet-separett-tiny-with-urine-tube-2
Considered a Battery Backed Incinerator Toilet but the price + other complications made the choice simple.
# Posted: 21 Nov 2023 10:35am
Good point, 909. Can a dump be taken while the incinerator is burning the previous dump? If you have, say, 4 guys, 90 minutes is a long time to wait between uses..
# Posted: 21 Nov 2023 10:49am - Edited by: Aklogcabin
Our Incinolet takes 40 minutes to burn. And yes new liners are used for each cycle. It burns urine also. Yes 2 deposits can be made. I just put some extra toilet paper over the first deposit or a paper towel to cover it up. We do not leave piles of poo in it. The odors are not bad. Actually the only odors are the deposits, also have a window in the bathroom if needed. And for me, better than cleaning a compost toilet. Just push the flapper making up,then bowl part so it drops into the incinerator n push the button. I would highly recommend them. We like to use our cabin year round and using an outhouse at below zero in not good. I do not understand why folks seem to downplay how well they work. It is a very good design and works great. And certainly cheaper than installing holding tanks that need continued servicing or installing a septic system. And have been used on boats for many years. It makes using the cabin a 4 season cabin. If you had grid power, absolutely no problems. A box of liners is cheap n lasts years.