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# Posted: 25 Jul 2023 04:36pm - Edited by: ICC
A 2500 watt (1850 full time) Champion Model 200951 has been added to my cabin today, as well as the lifepo battery and a few other things. It's the gas only version, not the dual fuel. It replaces a 17 year old Honda EU2000i that lost the control board for the inverter section after a lightning strike. 
EDIT: changed the mis-typed 3500 to 2500
# Posted: 25 Jul 2023 06:49pm - Edited by: gcrank1
Mis-type? 1850/3500 peak seems off. OH, I see now in the pic it is a 2500w peak. We are very happy with our 'lil-Champ, iirc 1750/2000peak, had NO issues, starts well (pull only), easy on gas, quiet, reasonably light to carry, not expensive....at this point we'd get another Champion product.
# Posted: 25 Jul 2023 08:52pm - Edited by: ICC
Quoting: gcrank1 we'd get another Champion product.
Champion has come a long way since I saw the first one about 10 years ago.
The carb uses a bowl drain similar to Honda. And Champion has high-altitude jets available which is important to me, just like Honda. I went with the 2500-watt model as our altitude causes an engine power loss of approximately 24%. THe optional dual-fuel model would lose even more power on propane so I did not even consider it. I usually use avgas LL100 for fuel so no alky. The old 2000-watt Honda did well but for a little extra $, I have a little more of a power cushion.
# Posted: 28 Jul 2023 04:52pm
Yesterday I emailed Champion support. I asked if I could be sent the high altitude jet I need in order for the engine to run most efficiently at the 8700 foot elevation where it will be used. I expected to be told I could buy one. It's $10.95 online. Today Their response was they could send me a jet n/c under warranty if I supplied the invoice number. Very good service and worth the 20 minute hold time.
(The hold was made more palatable by using the Google hold feature on my Pixel. It silences the monotonous hold voice recording and notifies when to pick up again. )
# Posted: 28 Jul 2023 07:20pm
I have heard great things about champions customer service and warrenty department. My first champion piece of equipment was only bought about 9 months ago so havent used it my self.
I do miss having a small generator like you have ICC. My 1kw sportsman went dead and I replaced it with a 4500w inverter champion with remote start.
# Posted: 28 Jul 2023 09:05pm
Remote starts are nice. Yes, Champion seems to have learned how to make a good product. Much better than user reviews were a 10-15 years ago.
# Posted: 29 Jul 2023 04:38pm
Quoting: ICC It replaces a 17 year old Honda EU2000i that lost the control board for the inverter section after a lightning strike.
So it appears the Honda unit can be killed. But it takes a lightening strike. 
# Posted: 29 Jul 2023 04:53pm
Yes. It was using a small amount of oil but other than replacing plugs and recoil ropes it was super.
The lightning took out the inverter section control board. I was not aware of the strike before starting it. The throttle is controlled by the board. When I pulled the recoil rope the revs went up, up, up almost instantly. Must have hit over 5 or 6000 RPMs. I tried ot again with a VOM meter plugged into an AC outlet. Nothing. Then tried it connected to the DC output. Way over 30 volts DC in an instant. Then with some further looking I discovered many components of the circuit board and blown apart. Silicon chips returned to sand.
I had left it connected to the remote livestock water well pump system after using it the week before while waiting for repair parts for the solar pump control. I should have unplugged it before leaving.
# Posted: 3 Aug 2023 03:08am
Ive abused my 3,500 watt electric start for 8 years. Rock solid. The reviews are impressive.
I use it primarily to pump water from lake to 300 gallon tank or to shopvac place in spring, run power tools.
I had one episode of non start and I was ready to roll it into the water when I noticed I had the fuel off......
# Posted: 3 Aug 2023 08:16am
Quoting: rachelsdad when I noticed I had the fuel off......
We have all done it. In the off road motorcycle world, we all had these stickers on helmets etc.
Turn the Gas on Dummy stickers 
# Posted: 3 Aug 2023 09:06am
I could never find the Dummy setting on the petcock....
# Posted: 6 Aug 2023 12:26pm
I just bought the Honda 2200i, $1250.00 My first. There is a recall for older 2200i, gas cap I think. Check your serial number.
# Posted: 6 Aug 2023 04:53pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: DaveBell I just bought the Honda 2200i, $1250.00 My first.
Welcome aboard Dave, been some of the finest power equipment on the planet, and that is coming from a very finicky technician of 40+ years.
Well, or over-engineered stuff.
# Posted: 6 Aug 2023 08:44pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Welcome aboard Dave Thank you sir.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2023 09:12pm
For those wanting a portable generator, might consider it a little more seriously. There has been chatter about banning them. The smaller portable types we all use.
I believe California has done it already, chatter on banning gas stoves and of course, the assault on woodstoves has been ongoing already. All these items contribute to cabin life.
Anyway, not trying to stir up political, just an all points bulletin or passing on info.
Maybe just chatter, but just in case, get one if your thinking about it.
# Posted: 13 Aug 2023 12:38pm
Our last generator purchased was a duel power champion. For us having the choice is nice. Being remote you can run out of either it seems. And I would expect that it would run on propane if the carburetor gummed up, direct injection. Hopefully never have to find out. It replaced a ryobi that did very well. Except I kept cold starting it toooo many times being impatient and letting it warm by the stove. One of the rececticals broke in the cold weather and I called them. They sent me back 2 for free so that went well. I have a 7500w duel fuel ryobi for heavy load but could sell it n buy another 2500w to marry them up. Except getting things in n out is more freight. It looks really pretty looking like it is a race car. I've had a 1000w coleman I bought at garage sale 30 years ago and I runs great. Will heat up my hot pad on the lazy boy n and a few led lights and a battery charger. Little 10 Amp push breaker for overloads. Quite. Hey enjoy the new genny
# Posted: 15 Aug 2023 04:48pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech For those wanting a portable generator, might consider it a little more seriously. There has been chatter about banning them. The smaller portable types we all use. I believe California has done it already, chatter on banning gas stoves and of course, the assault on woodstoves has been ongoing already. All these items contribute to cabin life. Anyway, not trying to stir up political, just an all points bulletin or passing on info. Maybe just chatter, but just in case, get one if your thinking about it.
I have heard something similar. Given that there are actual draft regulations jacking up the CAFE (mpg requirements) standards for vehicles to an impossibly high level for gasoline cars (i.e. only electric cars can meet it) I suspect this may be more than just chatter.
# Posted: 15 Aug 2023 10:54pm
Never fear, all we need is one of the the new-fangled 'solar generators'.....
# Posted: 16 Aug 2023 11:11am
Back to the post at hand, I have been using my trusty EU2000 for 10 years, still works like a champ. Last winter, I decided since it was getting some age to it, I would buy a new one. Couldn't get my hands on one but found a brand new EU3000 - It purs like a kitten rarely kicks out of eco mode. Probably more than I need, but I just love the electric start feature.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2023 12:34pm
Nothing like the government continually trying to save us. Kinda like the building codes. I'd get one now though.
# Posted: 17 Aug 2023 03:41pm
Quoting: Aklogcabin Nothing like the government continually trying to save us. Kinda like the building codes. I'd get one now though.
Its that large carbon foot print our inverter generators are causing - compared to Grid- Ha. 