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# Posted: 7 Nov 2022 07:19am
I have owned this generator 2yrs, $200 1kw sportsman inverter generator. It's only use has been charging a 12v battery bank at 30a. I have changed the oil about 6-7x in the 100hrs it's been used...but that's all she wrote on this one. Blowing smoke and I hear a rod knock.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2022 08:16am - Edited by: gcrank1
30amps x 100hrs = 3000 x 12v = 36000w $200 / 36000w = .0055 per w Not bad; Buy another one!
Nate R
# Posted: 7 Nov 2022 08:32am
Oil changes with less than 20 hours!? Wow. Yeah, it's done.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2022 08:54am
I find that disappointing
# Posted: 7 Nov 2022 09:05am - Edited by: gcrank1
We never know how long our stuff will run until it dies, its all a roll of the dice. Fwiw, my little Champion 1700/2000 inv-gen cost me $450 in late 2019 and has run fine, but I have no idea of the hours. I run it quite a bit as I have an electric corded chain saw, table saw and chop saw at the cabin. The bat charger and for cabin power (nuker, toaster, some little elec coffee pot) are not much time. I can, at this point, recommend this brand and model, though if I were to replace Id look hard at their dual-fuel (lp/gas) 2200w unit and shop around for best price. A friend bought one last year based on my experience and saved quite a bit by shopping around (iirc he bought online with free shipping).
# Posted: 7 Nov 2022 09:09am
I would buy another but ours solar is doing prety good after I added a 3rd pannel and I might bought a 3500w champion inverter for cabin construction.
The last oil change was at hour 75.
I'm kind of disappointed also. But the thing did only burn a tank of gas(0.55gal) in 8-13hrs. It was a real fuel sipper and great for charging a battery bank.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2022 09:32am
That seems like early failure, pretty disappointing I'm sure.
We have a Predator 3500 that was broke in gently and oil changes every 100 hrs. It now has 970hrs on it. Now that parts are readily available for the Predator they are giving Honda a run for the money.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2022 10:25am
For 200 bucks I'd say the risk was worth buying. Most last longer. I ruined one by cold starting it too often. Last generator I bought was a dual 2,500w champion. I bought this one through Walmart.com and they delivered it to the rural post office free. Within a week.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2022 07:55pm
Brett, are you saying that with the demise of this unit you have no gen? I sure wouldnt want to be without one knowing what I do now, I dont like the idea of being powerless if/when the solar fails.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2022 09:24pm
Quoting: gcrank1 Brett, are you saying that with the demise of this unit you have no gen? I sure wouldnt want to be without one knowing what I do now, I dont like the idea of being powerless if/when the solar fails Sort of yes no generator but to be honest we used it to charge our camper battery and run a baby monitor. Now we just plug our inverter into the camper and use the baby monitor. I originally bought it to charger our solar bank and dont feel the need for it. I havent even used it to charge our solar bank this fall.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2022 05:50am - Edited by: Steve_S
I also have to Chime in about Champion Generators. I have two units, 1 for Construction Work, which is a 7200/9000 Watt model 41552 (now discontinued), it runs extremely well and has never presented any issues with one exception, it is NOT an Inverter Model and is Mod-Sine which is not optimal for charging Batteries. It's 6.5 years old with a LOT of hours and starts 1st pull every time. It has worked hard and even in the muckiest of weather conditions never let me down.
2nd one is a Model #201079 4650-Watt Inverter Generator (gas only, no electric start) that is now 2 years old that also starts 1st every time. I use this to charge my LFP Battery Bank if/when necessary and is a very clean 60Hz Pure Sine generator. I use the L5-30 outlet to push 120V/25A into my Inverter/Charger which charges the 24V Battery Bank @ 80A.
Just to note, I only use 0W30 Synthetic Oil in these with regular oil changes.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2022 08:45am
Quoting: Steve_S 2nd one is a Model #201079 4650-Watt Inverter Generator (gas only, no electric start) that is now 2 years old that also starts 1st every time. I use this to charge my LFP Battery Bank if/when necessary and is a very clean 60Hz Pure Sine generator. I use the L5-30 outlet to push 120V/25A into my Inverter/Charger which charges the 24V Battery Bank @ 80A. Just to note, I only use 0W30 Synthetic Oil in these with regular oil changes. How many hours on this one? This is what I bought a few weeks ago but with remote start.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2022 08:58am
Quoting: Brettny How many hours on this one? This is what I bought a few weeks ago but with remote start. At this point I believe I have 250 hours on the 4650W Inverter Gen or close to it... I've also used it for lighter duties, I'd have to fire it up to see the hour meter. My only complaint about it, is the oil drain tube which can make a mess really fast LOL. So I tip it slightly onto the drain tube side slightly and use a shallow pan to collect the oil and I also clip the drain tube to the pan.
The older / bigger one has a "Hell of a lot more" but has no Hour Meter on it. Its work was mostly used during construction (Table saw, Compressor etc) from when I started building and even Battery Charging back in my Lead Days.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2022 05:59pm
I was thinking the same thing.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2022 06:00pm
Quoting: gcrank1 30amps x 100hrs = 3000 x 12v = 36000w $200 / 36000w = .0055 per w Not bad; Buy another one!
I was thinking the same thing.
# Posted: 10 Nov 2022 07:24am
Quoting: Steve_S it runs extremely well and has never presented any issues with one exception, it is NOT an Inverter Model and is Mod-Sine
Steve, a question: My understanding (and I might be wrong) with these larger non-inverter generators is that they produce AC directly and the output is naturally pure sine wave. unlike an Inverter generator (pure or mod sine wave), they are subject to voltage and frequency fluctuations especially with sudden changes of loads which can have an impact on some equipment, and they cannot ramp down for low or no loads.
# Posted: 10 Nov 2022 09:07am
You could also calculate the cost vs the hours. $200÷100hrs. $2hr, prety poor.
# Posted: 10 Nov 2022 09:30am
Its the work one does that is important to me, though I grant that more hours of life is always better than less. In this case for you it was gen'ing watts, thats why I calc'ed that. For perspective, I often see calc's on solar watts produced per dollar spent, and that compared to grid costs; solar aint cheap! Your .005c/watt (but that does not inc fuel & oil) is about the cheapest Ive seen. Btw, dont throw it away, somebody is gonna need parts!
# Posted: 10 Nov 2022 10:19am
Quoting: razmichael produce AC directly and the output is naturally pure sine wave. I don't know about AC Directly but they are NOT AT ALL PureSine ! It's certainly ModSine and quite noisy.
I have Never seen an Inverter Generator that is Modsine, only Pure Sine. Also one of the reasons they cost 2x+ more than a Modsine. I burnt up the Inverter in a King Canada 3KW unit and that was quite an ugly state of affairs 
# Posted: 13 Nov 2022 07:53am
No I wont be throwing it out. I have it forsale currently stating the defect.
Honestly I didnt care what sine wave it was. I just wanted a small quiet 1kw that didnt burn a ton of fuel.
# Posted: 13 Nov 2022 08:38am
Many devices 'care' A Lot if the power that feeds them is pure sine wave or not. MSW makes things run slower, hotter (and heat is a killer of electronics) and shortens their life span.