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# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 01:37pm - Edited by: Nobadays
Picked up this iGen4500 dual fuel last week in AZ when we took the campervan back for the winter.
Has a total of 2hours run time on it! The guy got tired of fiddling with it so sold it as a "needs work" machine. He says it won't run on propane... I use gas so no worries and the electric/remote start doesn't work. Three or four pulls on the cord (I'm going to change out the Chinese Torch plug for a Champion which should help starting) and it runs like a champ! We put a heat gun and a hair driver, both on high and it pulled it down but chugged away.
I found a Westinghouse service bulletin about the no electric start issue... took the machine apart and figured out he had already addressed that issue. After a bunch of testing I am convinced the Start Module is bad.
So filled a "tech help needed" claim with Westinghouse yesterday. By this morning a tech had emailed and after a couple of stupid questions ( I'm sure they've seen it all) like, "this is how to connect the battery, is it connected? " He finally came back with, "Sounds like you need a new Start Module." He sent me a link to buy the part... I couldn't find one anywhere I searched on the internet... total $40 with shipping and tax.
Oh did I mention I only gave $250 for the generator! If this part fixes it I'll be all in at $290 for an $1,100 generator! If not I guess I pull start it, still worth the money.
Kind of feel like Paul! 
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 01:39pm
Here's a picture
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 02:15pm
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 02:46pm
Are you sure that wasn't under warranty?
I just got the same champion version with remote start for $800 shipped. Remote start is the bees knees.
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 02:55pm
Would have been but I'm not the original purchaser, no receipt. Not sure why the PO didn't try to get them to warranty it.
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 02:57pm
Quoting: Brettny Remote start is the bees knees.
I retrofitted my Predator 3500 with remote start.... love it!
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 03:46pm
Sweet! The propane issue may just be what he had it hooked to. Just went through a tussle getting mine running because the pressure regulators have to be just right.
What are you going to use it for?
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 04:18pm
Did the PO even turn the 'switch' from gas to LP? Another issue can the OPD? safety lockout in the valve activating thinking there was a leak so he got no LP flow.
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 04:42pm - Edited by: Nobadays
Quoting: paulz The propane issue may just be what he had it hooked to. Just went through a tussle getting mine running because the pressure regulators have to be just right. What are you going to use it for?
It came with a whole propane set up that I have to assume is made for it. But, my neighbor runs the same generator off his 250 gallon propane tank that feeds the house... it just has a 2 stage regulator at the tank. I think that black piece is designed to shut off fuel flow if it suspects a leak... Maybe what gcrank1 is refering to. I will strip it back to just the regulator and try it.
Really just a backup. Our Predator is about 30 hours away from 1000 hours so have been thinking maybe a backup could be warranted. The Predator 3500 has been a great generator, no complaints. I haven't even put the high altitude jet in it. Runs dirty but always runs!
Oh wanted to mention, the scuffing on the generator was on us, the Xterra was packed coming back so something was rubbing against the generator. It looked totally new when I bought it.
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 04:47pm
I've also read that sometimes you can start a generator on gas then switch over to propane. Anyone use that method?
Oh and was it you Paul that needed a bigger than 5 gallon propane tank to run a generator? Read that somewhere...
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 05:12pm
Quoting: Nobadays I've also read that sometimes you can start a generator on gas then switch over to propane. Anyone use that method? Oh and was it you Paul that needed a bigger than 5 gallon propane tank to run a generator? Read that somewhere...
I start mine on propane. I've never even put gas in the tank; why gunk up the carburetor?
It runs fine on a 5 gallon tank, but it's only 2000W.
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 05:14pm - Edited by: gcrank1
Running stuff you arent familiar with on a low 20# can be a problem at low temps, the vaporizing doesnt seem to work right. Ime, having multiple regulators isnt a problem, each takes the pressure it is fed and ensures it doesnt exceed the reg's pressure setting. With a two-stage reg the 1st stage gets it close and the 2nd stage spot on, but is kind of a safety. If all you have is a single stage, like cheap gas grills, and that reg fails it may fail keeping gas from flowing or letting it through too high. Something I saw online was someone who couldnt get the 20# cyl valve to flow so he hooked up to a 100#cyl with the old style valve; of course it worked. There is all kinds of info online about how to 'clear and run' the safety valve. Ive been studying up on the LP conversions as I have a rotten gas tank on an older construction type gen. The 'kits' are regulated just like a gas grill and the line goes to a needle valve to adjust the gas flow to the intake. Commercial setups must have a safety cut-off to stop gas flow if the engine doesnt start (think LP furnace in an RV). If that adjustable needle valve is closed off the engine wont start on LP. Dont know if there is a gas flow button on a safety valve like on an RV furnace, you hold those down for X time to get flow. Should all be in the instructions that may have been misunderstood or ignored.
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 09:40pm
Quoting: Nobadays Oh and was it you Paul that needed a bigger than 5 gallon propane tank to run a generator? Read that somewhere...
No, I've only run mine on 5 gallon tanks. Seemed to use a lot but it's a 7kw two cylinder.
# Posted: 28 Oct 2022 11:58pm
LP isnt as 'energy dense' as gasoline; ie less efficient, but wont have any storage issues or ever gum up the carb. LP (propane) has about 92000 btu's per gallon. Fwiw, dont ever use an 'eth-blend' gasoline in any engine that may sit for more than a month. Im fortunate to have non-eth Premium locally, for a price.
# Posted: 29 Oct 2022 09:23am
Quoting: gcrank1 dont ever use an 'eth-blend' gasoline in any engine that may sit for more than a month.
Unfortunately, that's not a possibility where I'm at in PA. I don't know of any fuel stations within hours of me that has non-ethanol fuel. So here's what I do...
1) ALWAYS leave the fuel tank filled to the brim. (supposedly leaves less room for moisture to form)
2) If I know it will be sitting for longer than a month, I put StarTron in it.
3) I no longer drain the carb. It can't get 100% of the fuel out. So back to the moisture problem...
I've been doing this routine for 10 years now and have had no issues with any generators, ATVs, or mowers. 
# Posted: 29 Oct 2022 09:31am
Quoting: SCSJeff I don't know of any fuel stations within hours of me that has non-ethanol fuel.
If you have even a small airfield near you, aviation gas is ethanol free.
# Posted: 29 Oct 2022 11:24am - Edited by: paulz
I've removed the ethanol several times. Put 4 gallons in an Alhambra jug, add a quart of water, it goes straight to the bottom. Mark a line. Next day it has moved up about an inch. Pour out the gas, drink the booze. Just kidding!
Haven't done it in awhile, a friend brings me E free when he goes to his cabin upstate where it's sold. I really don't even need it, my well pump and cabin gennies run often enough, all the tools I empty out, leave the carb drain and gas caps open.
# Posted: 29 Oct 2022 12:12pm - Edited by: gcrank1
For a lot of my small engine equipment I have a 5-6 month layup period here in south central Wisconsin. If I let our 'up to 10% eth' blended gas sit about half the stuff will be trouble getting going. Most often its the low speed jet that is plugged up with the 'goo'. In season, when using the equipment regularly I just run the eth-blend regular, Im just running it through anyway. But for the 'end of season' runs I use the non-eth Premium with some Sta-Bil added. Never know quite when too cold to use sets in so I usually start that in Oct. All have gas-cocks which I normally close when not in use. Last run before storage I run a bit, turn the gas-cock off and run the float bowl dry OR (better yet), use the drain screw on the bowl. All ready to go into storage as is. Come spring they all start up. Works for me. Btw, our local small engine shop LOVES the folks that store stuff with eth-blend gas.
# Posted: 29 Oct 2022 04:05pm
Quoting: SCSJeff Unfortunately, that's not a possibility where I'm at in PA. I don't know of any fuel stations within hours of me that has non-ethanol fuel. So here's what I do... Did you check pure-gas.org?
# Posted: 29 Oct 2022 06:39pm
I use avgas (aviation gasoline) in my small engines, it has a 2+ year shelf life and no ethanol.
# Posted: 29 Oct 2022 11:02pm
Quoting: Brettny Did you check pure-gas.org?
Didn't know about that site. Thanks!
So apparently, there are a few "within hours" .
However, not conveniently close. And quite frankly, I've not had any issues in 10 years with my procedure, so it's not worth the additional time/cost to travel to a special location and probably pay $10/gallon for non-ethanol
# Posted: 30 Oct 2022 08:10am
I wouldnt drive hours for E0 fuel either. Our trip to our property takes us by many stations that have E0 fuel. I put everything away with E0 and only use E0 for 2 stroke engines. Also about 10yrs and never cleaned a 2 stroke carb. The 4 stroke stuff how ever I have some that I need to clean every year but that's single use equipment. Like log splitter, I split a years worth in a few weekends then it sits.
# Posted: 2 Nov 2022 06:28pm
Still waiting on the new start module from Westinghouse. Since it only had 2hrs run time I decided to drain the oil... it hadn't been changed yet.... fresh oil and do a break-in run, even if starting at 2hrs. I needed to roast coffee and my roaster draws 1,600w but cycles on and off every so many minutes. I usually use a space heater and turn it on and off as I'm breaking in.
The issue.... while I had the generator side panels off a few days ago I installed the high altitude jet. We are at 9,500' so small engines tend to run pretty rich. The HA jet that came with it was for 5-7'000' . Figured I'd still run a bit rich but better than the sea level jet.
As I've been running it today I notice that when there us no load the engine surges, no horribly but very noticeable. Usually surging is associated with an engine running lean, not rich. I did not drain the fuel the PO had in it as he told me it was regular gas with stabilizer in it.
Maybe bad gas? (I know, drain it and try fresh) or is the jet too small? Or is the altitude probably the issue and be glad it runs!
# Posted: 2 Nov 2022 07:20pm
Easy enough to tell, put the choke on a bit, if the surging stops it's lean. Most of mine run a bit of choke until fully warm. If you think it's rich, take the air filter off and see if that helps.
# Posted: 2 Nov 2022 07:39pm
Good tips! I didn't know that! Just wish I didn't have to take the whole side off the generator to get to the choke and air filter! Automatic choke... sometimes new equipment!
I will try these... when my part comes in and I have to dismantle it for that. Thanks!
# Posted: 3 Nov 2022 10:51am
Quoting: Nobadays Kind of feel like Paul!
Just to be clear, PaulZ would have gotten this for free or possibly had the seller pay him $20 for removal fee 
I feel bad for all you guys dealing with crappy ethanol fuel - They don't even sell it in my state 
Nice score though! Many a deal to be had if you don't mind fiddling with things!
# Posted: 3 Nov 2022 12:44pm
@SCS... I'm not sure where you live in PA, but some Sheetz sites are now selling Ethanol-free gas. They just recently opened a site not far from me that does. Check this URL for the list: https://www.sheetz.com/ethanolfree
# Posted: 3 Nov 2022 01:09pm
Thanks for that info also! There are a few within a few miles off the highway on our way to our cabin in central PA.
But, like @Brettny mentioned, I have no problem with my 4-stroke engines (even the ones that sit for months on end, like the snowblower). I do occasionally, have to clean out or just replace a 2-stroke carb on a weed wacker. But, I'm attributing that to not performing "my procedure" on the weed wackers :-/
# Posted: 3 Nov 2022 01:16pm
Quoting: PA_Bound but some Sheetz sites are now selling Ethanol-free gas
Wawa is selling it as well....
# Posted: 3 Nov 2022 01:17pm
Quoting: BRADISH Just to be clear, PaulZ would have gotten this for free or possibly had the seller pay him $20 for removal fee
Your right! But a good score anyway... the part is in but with 10" of snow on the ground now and still snowing, it's going to be a few days before I venture into town!
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