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# Posted: 12 Jun 2022 10:03pm - Edited by: gcrank1
A short while back I bought a Menards house brand 'Master Force' 4 tool cordless (lith battery) tool pack. They work waayyy better than the old HouseSmart? cheapies I saved from my folks estate sale (though they did clue me in on how handy such are). Got the Menards sale flier and there was a MF light duty pressure washer that runs on the same bats (doesnt come with one or charger); 275/400 psi and it will run on a hose or PULL source water from a bucket, about 1gpm. Yeah, 275/400psi isnt going to be like the 'real-deal', but for the driveway bike/car wash down, windows, or at the offgrid cabin use this is going to be pretty sweet. Just under $60 after the 11% rebate now thru 6-19.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2022 11:40pm
I have the Worx hydro shot. Had it for about 4 years I think. I use it all the time for solar panels, lawnmowers, even for cleaning the trays of my dehydrator. It has the hose attachment that you can put in a bucket, or toss it in the water for washing your boat. It also has a hook up that you can use a 2 litre soda bottle. No, you probably aren't gonna pressure wash a house. But, man it sure is handy to just pick it up and quickly wash something off without having to drag a big gas powered one out. They definitely are a handy tool for off grid or semi off grid cabins.
# Posted: 13 Jun 2022 07:28am
Hey can you shower with those? 
Pretty neat, I better get one.
# Posted: 13 Jun 2022 10:06am
For a shower you would find it awkward unless you could have someone else pressure wash you. I was hoping the nozzle snap fitting would fit the hand held pump unit but no. Odd to my way of thinking since it it just a push and twist to lock and one does not always need the whole wand. The wand is two piece and nozzle doesnt fit with just one piece on either. Its the full wand or nothing. Keep in mind this Menards unit on sale has No bat Or charger. To buy those separately ups the price considerable.
Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 13 Jun 2022 06:21pm
When thy come out with a hose-less model let me know /s
# Posted: 13 Jun 2022 06:53pm - Edited by: gcrank1
Oh, the one that sucks the humidity out of the air? To be clear, this new one doest need a water hose connected to a hose bib, it has about a 10' lightweight hose attachment that can suck water out of a bucket. And a 'solution' attachment for soap. I can carry this and a 5gal bucket of water down to my driveway and wash zip-zap wash one of my bikes or spray off the car. So easy I just might 'wash' the cars more 
# Posted: 13 Jun 2022 07:18pm - Edited by: paulz
I had a Karcher 120v pressure washer, about the same output as the battery ones I'm guessing. I gave it to a friend, the gas one I have is much stronger, and at the grid house the water department pressure is pretty good to begin with.
But at the cabin a battery one would be nice. I was at HF today getting sawzall blades and checked, they don't have them (yet?). Not to leave empty handed however, I picked up this 20v inflator on sale for $19.95. Different battery than my other 20v stuff so I jumpered a battery on to test it and decide to keep it or not. It's not as speedy as a full size compressor, took roughly 60 seconds to inflate a car tire from 20 to 25 lbs. I think I'll keep it though, much easier than walking around with an air tank to all the wheelbarrows, tractors, UTVs etc..
# Posted: 13 Jun 2022 09:15pm
Ive been doing similar away from grid power, my old jump-pac running a cheap cig-lighter type inflator. We've kept on in each car to be able to pump up a tire if we pick up a nail on the road; beats being stranded! Then I had the inspiration to use the jump-pac away from the car. It is slow but has been handy 
# Posted: 14 Jun 2022 08:00am
I use to own an electric then got given a 2300psi and threw out the electric. I have since used a 2800psi and want to throw out the 2300psi now.
More psi means you can clean quicker.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2022 10:30am
My 'big one' gets used for real blasting, that is true, but lots of times Ive wished I had a hose bib close so I didnt need 4 hoses to get there. Or I didnt want to drag the big one wherever for a small job that could use a bit more than a hose nozzle puts out. Older I get it seems bigger isnt always better.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2022 11:14am
Quoting: Irrigation Guy When thy come out with a hose-less model let me know /s
Not a bad idea actually. They have 1-2 gallon 20v garden sprayers but lack washing power.
Speaking of garden hoses, and having just washed my truck, has anyone tried one of those collapsible, self coiling, non-kinking, do it all hoses, the ones like Al Borland hawks on TV? Could be nice features, if they work...
# Posted: 14 Jun 2022 12:31pm
My dad had one. The connectors were poor. Ime, anything that expand/contracts regularly tends to fail. Dad's ended up with the rest of the junk hoses in the 'estate clean up'. That said, Ive been disappointed (No, Ticked) at the new 'std' (and expensive) hoses Ive bought in the last ten years; poor quality, leaky connectors too, kink when the packaging said 'non-kinking', etc. Even the replacement connectors are problematic for me . Maybe Im just hose challenged.......
# Posted: 15 Jun 2022 05:54am
Quoting: paulz Speaking of garden hoses, and having just washed my truck, has anyone tried one of those collapsible, self coiling, non-kinking, do it all hoses, the ones like Al Borland hawks on TV? Could be nice features, if they work.. I have one that I didnt buy. The thing about them that stinks is they need pressure to stay at length. This means lots of washing or filling a bucket and the hose wants to be 15ft long again.
# Posted: 15 Jun 2022 08:50am - Edited by: paulz
Ha, hadn't thought of that. I have one of those pre-coiled, non expanding hoses but never use it. Unless you are on wide open ground the coils are constantly snagging on something. Smaller ID as well.
Guess I'll just stick with regular old kinking, pain to coil up and store standard hose.
# Posted: 15 Jun 2022 10:36am
Last winter I stored our std hoses by draining and stretching straight out on the lawn in a shady spot. My ocd made me make them parallel and match the ends for type and the female (and even) at the home end. Come spring I just picked the one I wanted, dragged it over to the hose bib and bingo. Waayyy easier than coiling in the fall just to uncoil in the spring; also avoided having all those bigger curls to contend with 
# Posted: 17 Jun 2022 02:40pm
Not done bragging about tools..
I've had this stump grinder a long time, used it again yesterday. Two stroke Husky, like a chain saw but with a belt driven carbide toothed wheel. I love this thing. Gnawed through a root two feet down, then took a few inches off this stump I've been tripping over. You'd think it would be a handful but it's not, once the wheel starts digging in it stays very steady, like a belt sander, and cuts fast. They must still make them but I've yet to see another one. Got it off CL for $150 about 8 years ago.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2022 12:21am
Hey Paul. If you ever have to retire the RM. You might consider one of these. My buddies kid got one, and it's seems to be a good ride. I think it's 200 cc. About 800 bucks. The thing behind the seat, is a slow/go orange plaque. He had to put on after his debut ride was noticed by the local rent a cop. Lol.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2022 09:26am
Cool, I'd have to get some Peter Fonda glasses and find my Steppenwolf CD. 