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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Li Battery Charging
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# Posted: 21 Jan 2025 02:33pm - Edited by: paulz

I’m back on my old Valence bank after a successful test of the new ones. I had them hooked up next to the others but in front of my night table, had to do acrobatic bed maneuvers to get around them. They are now under the bed, still at 13.2, hope that’s a good storage voltage.

Thanks for the generator info Steve. When I use my ancient gas genny and plug in both meanwells, it almost kills it with a low voltage bank. An hour later when the amps drop from 60 (all it will give out) to about 30 it purrs along just fine.

I just drug this meter out here from the house. Never really used it, must have got it HF on sale back when. I usually just use those small volt meters, not so bulky. This thing measures amps just by clamping around the wire. I have a permanent ammeter on the wall of course but this will come in handy around the cabin.

# Posted: 21 Jan 2025 04:12pm

Might be more accurate too. Check em against each other, Im curious.....

# Posted: 21 Jan 2025 07:38pm

Ha, I just did that. It’s about 1/4 volt off from my usual VOM, the smaller one here. And I have a bunch of those little dime sized readouts. Handy because you can leave them clipped to the battery. Notoriously off though, as much as a volt. Whaddya want for a buck.. I also have a bunch of those cigarette pack sized red ones, non here at the moment. They are ok.

Which to live with? Don’t really know, and the way you hold the probes or where you take the reading makes a noticeable difference.

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