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# Posted: 25 Oct 2021 06:27pm
Hi All,
I have a vermont castings c3 on order and waiting for chimney arrival. This model had passed the new 2020 EPS emissions test but I just heard from an aquantance that EPA did a retest and the model failed. The vermont castings website shows the model is temporarily unavailable. I did a web search and can't find any info about this. The EPA Certified Wood Heater Database shows that the model has passed the NSPS 2020 certification. Has anyone heard anything about this?
Nate R
# Posted: 25 Oct 2021 07:31pm
Interesting. I'd ask at Hearth.com. I've heard there that Jotul was supposed to have a 2020 compliant F100, and that still isn't out. I wonder if the rumblings from Alaska or Washington are changing things in the EPA on this.
Can you ask the dealer that you ordered from?
# Posted: 25 Oct 2021 07:50pm
I was visiting on a couple of woodstove fora winters of 2019 and 2020 quite a bit. My personal woodstove experience was with some vintage stoves; I had no idea of all the regs that had been enacted since my 1st build '83-'84. Eye Opener! My gut analysis was they were going to be getting even more restrictive, maybe that is what has happened? Then I was hit with my insurance co. 'NO coverage with wood stoves'; even if I bought the latest state of the art/reg compliant stove, followed install to the letter c/w a high priced chimney..... We went LP furnace. We love it every time we fire it up and the place starts warming pretty much immediately. Warm and cozy comes far more quickly with no messing about. Yeah, gotta buy propane, but wood aint free even if you can put it up yourself, which I cant anymore.
Nate R
# Posted: 26 Oct 2021 08:21am
gcrank1, yes....a new round of emissions took effect in 2020 for wood stoves. Older/noncompliant stoves weren't even allowed to be SOLD after May of 2020, not just that they couldn't make them anymore after that. So there was no glut of supply. The new regs are tougher, and there's few options out there right now. Also, there's been some scrutiny about the testing protocol, labs, etc coming on.
Thankfully, I bought my stove in 2018, as I was afraid they'd sell out of old stock in advance of the 2020 regs. Glad I did, as the small stove options right now....there's about 2.
# Posted: 1 Nov 2021 11:19am
Hi All,
I was able to get some info about the Aspen stove being "Temporarily unavailable" by Vermont Casting via an email from VC sales to their vendors. It seems Alaska did not like the legalese of the EPA testing procedure and several other states followed. Here is the email copied to me from a vendor that came from Vermont Castings sales:
Hearth & Home Technologies (HHT) was recently informed by EPA that there is an issue with the certification test report for the Aspen C3 that needs to be resolved. The issue identified by EPA does not impact the emissions calculations; however, the report was missing one piece of data that should have been submitted by the test lab in the report purely for reporting purposes.
HHT is in the process of re-certifying the Aspen C3 in order to address EPA’s concern. In the meantime, effective September 17, 2021, HHT will no longer sell or market this product until such time that we can resolve this issue and the EPA has signed off on this resolution. Here are the impacts that you may experience because of this situation: The Aspen C3 will be marked as “currently unavailable†on all applicable HHT websites. All LTD and non-LTD orders that have not shipped will be cancelled. No new orders for Aspen C3’s will be taken by HHT effective immediately. Any Aspen C3 stoves you have currently in stock may be sold. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope to have it resolved as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, please contact your HHT business partner."
# Posted: 9 Nov 2021 08:04am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Geobuild, maybe consider a Vozelgang? They are decent looking. Prices are real good and EPA certified.
Vozelgang from Northern Tool
I have a Quadrafire model, (Millennial 3100 flat top)its almost identical to the #2 seller, I paid $850 for it new in 02. Retails now for $2500+
The sides and back have a permanently fixed thin panel, so you can scootch is closer to the wall. Also, the blower kit will mount on bottom of back and blow air under panels and the top panel curves around over the top, so the warm air comes out forward direction. Variable speeds too.
Blower is an add on item, extra couple of snaps
Not sure on shipping, but I have ordered heavy stuff and it was free over X amount of dollars.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2021 10:18am
Wow just wow. All I can say. Way tooooo much government. My old blaze king is working great and old stove at cabin works excellent. And they are both very safe.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2021 10:29am - Edited by: gcrank1
Agree Note, the Aspen works fine, it seems to be just a paperwork issue.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2021 11:08am - Edited by: ICC
Quoting: Aklogcabin Way tooooo much government.
Way too many people who do stupid things and too many corporations that are only interested in making profits no matter what happens.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2021 09:18pm
Heaven forbid a corporation who supplies a product or a service that I am willing to buy at my own free will makes a profit.
There will be a time in the not too distant future, you wont even be allowed to have a woodstove.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2021 09:22pm
Quoting: Aklogcabin Wow just wow. All I can say. Way tooooo much government. My old blaze king is working great and old stove at cabin works excellent. And they are both very safe.
AK, preaching to the choir with me. 
# Posted: 10 Nov 2021 06:29am
That's only one of there stoves pick another. Do those northern tool stoves have a thermostatic damper?