# Posted: 8 Sep 2011 01:51am
I like the chargers made by Iota Engineering. They have several 12 VDC models, ranging from 15 to 90 amps output. I have a 55 amp model I use with the 4 GC batteries in the RV and a 30 amp model for other uses. They have the ability to piggyback identical models to increase amperage capacity. The basic models do not have a true bulk-absorb-float charge, but they do drop from the higher rates to the float automatically. There is a plug that can be removed to permit an increase in charge voltage from 13.6 to 14.2 to speed the charge.
With the optional IQ4 they are turned into a 3 stage, bulk-absorb-float charger. I do have that plug in device. Then the only thing they will not do is an equalization charge.
PS, they also make solid state ballasts for FL lights. With one of those a 120 VAC fl light can be converted to operate on 12 VDC (or 24 VDC)
They are in AZ and make things there.