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# Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:18am - Edited by: Steve_S
Good Day Folks,
I thought I should pop in this update for anyone interested in Midnite Solar products. They have been working on Inverter/Chargers and other products and these new items are just coming available now and some of it is Game Changing for many applications.
New DIY Series Solar Charge Controller: MNMPPT60DIY $433.00 USD.
With 60A of charging capability and up to 150VDC input, the new MNMPPT60DIY is a powerful and flexible charge controller perfect for any 12V, 24V, or 48V battery system.
FEATURES: True Maximum Power Point Tracking "MPPT" LCD display standard User friendly buttons and prompts Optional Blue Tooth for cell phone connectivity 12/24/36/48V auto detection Lithium compatible Up to 99% efficient 20-30% more efficient than PWM style controllers Over Current Protection, allows for more PV than the unit can process Reverse current protection for night, prevents batteries from back feeding the solar modules 2 year warranty by MidNite directly
http://www.midnitesolar.com/products.php?menuItem=products&productCat_ID=56&productCa tName=Charge%20Controllers%20-%20DIY%20Series
New DIY Series Inverters:
MN3548DIY The MN3548DIY is a 3,500W, 48VDC inverter-charger with a built-in MPPT charge controller. $1,146.00 MN3024DIY Inverter/Charger The MN3024DIY is a 3,000W, 24VDC inverter-charger that includes a built-in MPPT charge controller. $785.00 http://www.midnitesolar.com/products.php?menuItem=products&productCat_ID=57&productCa tName=In%20verters%20-%20DIY%20Series
Hope it helps anyone shopping for Quality Components at Respectable prices.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:30pm

# Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:06pm
Yum. If I lose another SCC this will be the ticket. Thanks Steve.
# Posted: 15 Jun 2021 01:41pm
Iffn I was starting over..... Maybe I should sell my aging (10ish yr old) 12v system and do a new one! Hmmm
# Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:19am
I just watched an unboxing video by Ryan (Midnite guy) and while it isn't much to watch... there was a DING in it... Their DIY Inverters are HF High Frequency which are not great with motors (Fridge compressor, AC, Well Pump). A "DOH" moment for Midnite and it explains why so cheap.
Inversion Methods Explained: High Frequency vs Low Frequency | Magnum Dimensions
# Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:02am
Sure glad we got you watching out for us 
# Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:22am
LOL, "watching out" Ohhh I dunno about that, it's just information being shared. The timing sucks TBH, I'm just finalizing the Solar Config to "complete" that entire long-haul project.
Next up Toolshed, Front Porch and then detailing so this place can be sold next year, as Maggie has decided she does not want to keep it after I pass away. No more big projects or things like that in my future. Can't complain, they gave to 5-7 and I'm tickling year 8 now but damn its gotten hard to do anything at all. Would really be nice if someone who can genuinely appreciate this place, had hoped that one of my Daughter's would buy it "at cost" but that's not very likely at all anymore. 
# Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:46am
HF is not all bad. One should just be aware of what they have. It is still a Midnite product. They have never sold junk. They use quality components. I am sure that if one buys a high frequency inverter from them it is higher quality than many or most of the other brands on the market.
# Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:06pm - Edited by: SCSJeff
I watched the same video, read the comments, and downloaded the manual and the settings look very similar to MPP Solar, GroWatt, etc.
Since it is physically made in China, I bet they just rebranded the Voltronic AIO...
That being said, I would hope their support is better and can provide replacement parts if necessary
# Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:35pm
I hit up Ryan and a couple of others to get more 'meat'. They are Chinese production by a Quality manufacturer to Midnite Specs. Like more advanced High End HF & Hybrid Inverters, these are not finickity like the cheaper ones, and at this price you can't really go wrong.
While I am already setup, I would seriously consider these if I was building today, except for one gotcha, I would have to get a 4000W model which they don't have at this time. My existing Midnite gear, while dated, is Rock Solid & Tough as Nails.
# Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:46pm
I wish it had a bit longer warranty... Only 1 year. Comparable Growatt is 2 years at least (although about $200 more expensive)
# Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:52am
If surge capacity for motors is the concern about an HF, what about a using $20 start capacitor?
# Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:19pm
Quoting: maddiecycle start capacitor?
In some cases, one can help, but they are not magic, not a solution for all problems. They are a band-aid, IMO, to be tried if one already has some equipment and then has a new need to start a motor on something.
# Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:49am
Steve, I can't believe you're selling! I wish I could buy your place, I love the area and the intelligence of your design!
# Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:17pm
Quoting: qbodsyt Steve, I can't believe you're selling! I wish I could buy your place, I love the area and the intelligence of your design! Not much choice, Maggie does not want to keep it Kids can't be depended upon to take it over, even at "cost", no jobs, no money. Most likely will be listed early next fall after all the detailing is done. This was my Bucket List project which I hoped that either Maggie or the kids would want to keep. I was mistaken.
# Posted: 21 Jun 2021 03:35pm
well that really sucks Steve, but I'm glad you had the time you did to enjoy it and have the adventures it provided you.
Not much to say other than I'm sorry you and your family are going through this.
# Posted: 6 Jul 2021 12:10pm
I'm thinking of buying a MN3024DIY and was just reading your HF responses.
I am new to solar but was planning on matching 2 Hanwha 425 Watt MONO panels to make 24v and 4 200-250ah 6V Costco, Trojan or Rolls batteries to make a 24V system. The all in one controller, inverter and charger (hooked to a generator) seems like a great way to go I'm just wondering if I will be missing anything?
I will start a separate thread about our needs to make sure they match what I was expecting but I did want to see if anyone has tried out the DIY yet or has any more details / thoughts on that unit?
Thank you,
# Posted: 6 Jul 2021 01:55pm
The AIO's have come a LONG way even in the past 5 years, the new HF Hybrids are fine but not the oldstyle (used by the really cheapo's still).
We handle all sorts of this stuff at https://diysolarforum.com/index.php and there are plenty of diagrams and info on batteries & more....
I started with Lead 428AH gross that cost me around 3500 6 years ago.... Now I still have that but also 1190AH of LFP as my primary... LFP has come down a LOT and as such, Lead makes little sense anymore. Remember you can only discharge Lead to 50% of the AH rating else your damaging them.
# Posted: 6 Jul 2021 11:27pm
@Steve_S Yeah and with the lead I'm assuming you can set the controller to stop at 50% and then switch to the generator? Ill have to read the manual of that DIY I guess or contact midnight solar to see what they say.
I'm in Canada and have not see a drop in prices as much as you see in the US for lithium it seems.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2021 07:48am
@smokedvw, I'm up near Algonquin Park Ontario. I buy cells direct from a Known Good vendor who actually carries Genuine Grade-A cells with Factory test reports because they are actually properly Matched, Batched & Binned.
280AH LFP cell = $125 USD 4 = 12V, 8=24V, 16=48V. I'm just completing my final 24V/280AH/7.16kWh pack.
Bulk 280AH cells are $92 USD (you will get between 250-275) from those cells.
ANY Inverter will have Low Volt cutoff which you can program to whatever voltage you want.
My Rolls Surette's S-550's cost me $350 ea in 2015. The replacement S6-L16-HC is $460 now. Same Dealer: Solacity.com in Kemptville Ontario. So in CAD !
8x S6-L16 = $3,671.52 + Tax CAD. 222AH useable 8x EVE-280 Matched = $1000 USD . $1244.20 CAD 280AH useable + about $350 USD S&H DPP (duty/taxes fees paid) to the door.
The math says it all.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2021 12:55pm
Steve_S Can you send direct messages on this board? If not would you be able to reach out to me via email. aaronmagi AT gmail.com
I can delete that email after.
My father in law is very into batteries and I'm sure he can build me them based on the packs and something he would enjoy.
This sounds like a great route. I had also thought of just going with a super basic system from costco (120w panel, 2 6v 220ah costco batteries) and honestly that will probably we all we need this summer while I take time to wire, put in lights, dig trenches etc for the wires.
We just had our fridge die which caused me to think lets move to solar but at the end of the day there is not a great area to setup the panels unless I built it etc and at some point I just want to enjoy the summer with our new born and toddler vs build every weekend I am at the lake.
Well I like building but my wife likes a break form me being "busy" up there all the time haha
# Posted: 7 Jul 2021 01:49pm
LOL, ICC started a thread a few days ago...
You might be interested to have a look at my "About my System" page at DIYSolarForum LINK
# Posted: 7 Jul 2021 07:22pm
Smoke, my wife hates me messing about with the solar, but she likes the lights and fans! My currently (pun intended) abbreviated system is 4x100w 12v panels (I have 6), mppt 50a charger control and 2 old 100ish ah 12v batteries in parallel. Thus far it has been giving us the power (admittedly light draw) we need and recharging between visits just fine. But I want MORE, lol...... Btw, I invert from 12vdc to 120vac PSW right at the bat-bank and send the ac right to the cabin. That simplified my wiring and fixtures a lot. LED lights are a must.