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# Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:20am
years ago i saw a youtube video that i cant find now of an off grid sewage treatment system which was very very good.
it was a non-permitted system grandfathered in but the county was monitoring it because everyone agreed it was a good idea
the man's toilet was connected via conventional plumbing to an old bathtub in the yard. a wooden box surrounded the tub, and big windows formed the top of this solar oven.
a vent pipe extended maybe 10 feet in the air, and the drain of the tub was filtered and hooked to a greywater system.
the solids that remained were evaporated fairly quickly left only a tiny bit of "dirt" in the bottom of the bathtub, completely dehydrated pooh
he said every year or two he'd sweep out about a cup of pooh dirt and throw it in the yard 
i have no idea on how to find this video, maybe someone has also seen it, or heard of something similar i can look at for important details i may have forgotten.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2021 10:40am
Interesting. Might have been an 'old school' mini system a step or two beyond the common pit privy? Might have even been something in The Mother Earth News long back? In spite of the rules,regs and permitting for systems in 'civilized' countries there are a bunch of systems explained online for developing countries, or even remote facilities in the outback of the USA (think NFS) that take sanitation well beyond what many (most?) rural homes and farms had pre and even post WWII. In my youth in the late '50s, early '60s there were still a number of folks around here (sc WI) that were living pretty 'basic'. Im considering a multi 5-10 gal bucket micro septic system and drain field. Imo Two people in a mostly weekend dry cabin do not produce enough black and grey water to require a full home sized system and can still be sanitary. But no way would the authorities permit it. Until then its the Luggable Loo method.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:58pm
well i know i found it on youtube but asking on Motherearth is probably a great idea, so i shall do so.
his system i THINK would now be about 30 years old and he did it himself, the county granfathered him in when he asked if it could be permitted and basically said "we want to see how it goes"
i THINK his water table was too high for a septic tank and his solution was so smart, i figure i can use it with or without a permit and since i have a research group, maybe it could get some grant money to "research" its use.
who knows. but i want to see the video and be sure i get everything right first.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2021 04:27pm
Was it this one? Sounds like your guy - his county is letting him use it on an experimental basis.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2021 05:54pm
Interesting idea! If you're in an area where codes don't apply, this might be a good solution to human solid waste issues if you don't mind packing the porta potty tank around.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2021 07:04pm
doesnt seem like the " right one" but sure seems good enough to help me out 
thank you
# Posted: 20 Feb 2021 07:23pm
see now,
watching his video, i think this is genius, in many counties this would be enough for code, but if it flowed into a traditional septic tank and field... i think it would DEFINATELY be up to code.
the disadvantage is paying to put in a septic tank and field. the advantage is that if your grey water goes right into the septic tank, and your sewage water goes through the greenhouse first, then you probably NEVER need to pump your tank so long as the initial stage was designed well.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:48pm
Sounds like an alternate take on a composting toilet.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:09pm
Im starting to think about things like some pipes, a big truck cast iron brake drum and a propane weed burner. Winter is seeming long here......
# Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:51pm
Quoting: Fanman Sounds like an alternate take on a composting toilet.
thats exactly right... except much larger and without any need to maintain it.
# Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:52pm
Here's another alternative that sounds similar to the system you have described. It's like composting meets septic system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRXJn5Edf3U&feature=emb_imp_woyt
# Posted: 1 Mar 2021 05:19pm - Edited by: gcrank1
I had thought yeah, hey, Im good with making a sanitary, thoughtful mini-system thats enviro-friendly! Ive found out in our area that ANY 'unapproved/unpermited/uninspected' system will likely result in a fine of 2x the permit cost and red tape..... Might as well just use a Luggable Loo and bag it to take home.....or just take a walk back in the woods like a bear .
# Posted: 6 Mar 2021 10:34pm
Just got back from a 30 mile backpack below the rim of the Grand Canyon. So the "toilets" on Horseshoe Mesa appear to be pretty much what has been discussed in this thread. It was made by Romtec in Rosenberg Oregon.
BTW this toilet has the best view of any toilet in the world! Solar toilet
|  Morning view from the toilet
|  |  |
# Posted: 7 Mar 2021 07:41am
Maybe it is the perspective but that looks...awkward.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2021 08:39am
Awkward... kind of but a relief after a few days squatting over a "cat hole!"
Just interesting to me that this sort of composting toilet has a window to allow solar heat to evaporate a l o t of the liquid. They add wood shavings to it to help the process along.
# Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:51pm
I use a Coleman porta potty with 5 gallon holding tank, a hole in the ground and worms, natures digesters.