# Posted: 3 Sep 2020 04:03pm
Novice here.. looking for some wisdom on what would be better/more efficient/last forever for family. Planning off grid 20x16 cabin with loft in the Ozarks. Have a mason and carpenter/builder to help and all the stone i need. On top of a hill/mountain and on level ground with solid rock underneath. Will get lumber from local mill.
Foundation -- planning on 16" rubblestone foundation (rock wall w/mortar) then to 12" thick stone walls for first 3-4'. 9' walls total but after that 3-4' the plan is for the stone walls to be 6" wide on outside and all lumber on the inside of the cabin. 1 wall (fireplace) to be 12" thick all the way up.
How far down do i need to go with the 16" foundation? Rebar? Not sure what's even possible since it's little soil and mostly boulders.
Floor is to be stone as well? Rebar here too? Not sure how you do that and keep level, but i'm no builder.
Any ideas let me know.