# Posted: 26 Jun 2018 09:32pm - Edited by: Fanman
I have to redo the roof on my cabin and am considering the options.
The cabin is 80+ years old, with an 18x18 central (original) portion with a reasonably pitched hip roof and low pitched shed roof extensions, too flat for shingles, on three sides. The current roof, put on about 7 years ago, is asphalt shingles on the hip portion with roll roofing on the shed roofs. The shingles are fine, other than a minor leak around the skylight, but the roll roofing is in horrible shape, wrinkled and cracked everywhere, why I don't know... it really should have lasted longer than that. When the current roof was put on all the old roofing was stripped.

I could just redo it with the same materials, but I don't want to do it again in another 7 years. My current thought is to use the new stick-on roll roofing on the flats, and the same thing or shingles on the hip portion. One of my neighbors did a rubber roof, but that sounds like a lot of work. I'll be doing the work myself with the assistance of neighbors, our community has several "roofing parties" each summer.
If I had my choice I'd do a metal roof as I did on my house but the cabin is in a state park with its own rules and they say asphalt roofing (shingles or otherwise) is the only option. My neighbor got away with rubber but that's not as obvious as metal. I know metal costs more but it's so easy to do (and lasts so long) I'd really prefer it.
The main (hip roof) portion of the cabin has thick chestnut boards for the roof decking with big cracks so the first layer, whatever it is, must be black as it's visible from inside. The shed roof portions are tongue and groove so it doesn't matter as much. The cracks are another reason to use shingles rather than the stick on stuff on that portion, as I believe the stick on stuff requires a primer that could/would drip through the cracks and make a mess inside.