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# Posted: 4 Mar 2018 09:06pm
Looking to pick up a couple tools. Power could be on site with generator but its not something I wish to haul up every time. Going to be starting with an outhouse this spring. Definitely looking to keep price down. I realize a Millwaukee kit would be superior. Just checking to see if anyone has any opinions on this kit. Looking to pick up an additional battery or two. https://www.cpooutlets.com/factory-reconditioned-porter-cable-pcck612l2r-20v-max-cord less-lithium-ion-1-2-in--drill-and-5-1-2-in--circular-saw-combo-kit/pcbrpcck612l2r,de fault,pd.html
# Posted: 4 Mar 2018 09:57pm
Can't get much less expensive than Porter-Cable or Ryobi. Probably about the same quality. I kinda snuck around my buddy's garages to see what they had I might need to borrow at some point, and Ryobi seemed to show up more than anything else, so that's what I went with.
I LOVE my Ryobi cordless impact driver. That definitely would be my tool of choice for pounding an outhouse together rather than a drill, especially if you're using hardwood.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2018 10:20pm
Cool, I actually havent had a bad experience with black and decker stuff and run a couple 12v craftman and rigid drills that I am more than impressed with so I guess you could say I have lower expectations. The impact drivers are impressive I should consider that option. The one thing that bothers me about them is the noise gets on my nerves. They sure can sink stuff without stripping though.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 05:37am
I bought one of those big DeWalt 20v Kits with Circular Saw, Reciprocating Saw, Impact Driver, Multi Drill & Flashlight. It came with 2 Batteries & Charger for which I bought 2 extra 4.0ahr batteries.
I built all my stuff (Cabin, Power house etc) with these tools and so they got well used and nary a problem or issue. Batteries charge fast, last well but the Circ Saw with a dull blade will kill'em quick. Only pet peeve, like most cordless, the circ blade is 6-1/2" but not a show stopper. These come on sale occasionally and are a good buy then. No problems in deep cold of winter or on hot summer days.
I have no exp with other cordless ones BUT Milwaukee, Ryobi I've head good, Black & Decker not so good (better to avoid really) Porter Cable ??? Owned by same group as DeWalt & Black & Decker. Thing is once you go with one brand, then your kind of committed as batteries are not interchangeable so do consider that, the batteries do add up quick as they are Lithium Ion and so not cheap.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 05:56am
I have the you I tools and even the cordless weed eater for home. They all work great. Charge fast.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 07:12am
I settled on Ryobi many many years ago after a gifted drill set. i don't think they have the best quality but I've rarely had any issues. The best part is they have alway kept the 18v system backwards and forwards compatible. I have a 15+ yr old drill that will work with the latest batteries (and work better - I actually have a couple of the original batteries that still hold a charge, use the same charger as the new batteries and will, in a pinch, run my latest tools. Although may of the manufactures now sell them, I think Ryobi was one of the first to sell a cordless 18g brad nailer. I used this tool for all my inside pine and it was superb. Add in a 18v weed wacker and I'm all set at the cabin. Oh - and no problem charging them off my modified sine wave inverter when needed.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 07:21am
I would consider DeWalt the best. But I also just bought a new Kobalt set as a spare. The warranty on the Kobalt was 5 years.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 08:33am
lburners, I just bought the Porter Cable 20V set for christmas. i have the cordless drill, impact, sawzall, and finish nailer. I bought them to do some home projects and so far they work great. All the tools seem to have plenty of power and i would recommend. I have not tried the circular saw yet though and I have only been using them for a couple months so I can't comment on longevity. $74 looks like a good price for that 2 tool set.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 08:54am
Dang that finish Nailer looks cool. I guess I didn't realize they made electric versions of those. Thanks for all the input.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 11:41am
They pretty much give away the tools. It's the batteries they screw you on and you can never have enough batteries. The Lithium ion batteries are superior to the Ni-Cad. I notice all my contractors use Dewalt 20 volt so that's what I went with.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 12:21pm - Edited by: CoyoteCaper
Porter Cable are great cordless tools and you can add to the set as they all take the same battery, I bought them as a backup cause they are cheap on Amazon but now they are my go to. I have a drill, impact, circular saw and jig saw which all use same battery....highly recommend
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 04:40pm - Edited by: 95XL883
I’m really disappointed with my Porter Cable set. Battery life is too short, the circular saw is weak and the batteries take a long time to charge and don’t hold a full charge. I had a 12V Makita drill that I loved but some scuzzbucket stole it. I still have my 14.4 volt Makita that I also love but after years of use I wore out the original batteries and a replacement battery. It needs a new set of brushes so I bought the PC on sale. I have two nephews that are contractors. They use Dewalt. I may replace my PC with a new Makita or Dewalt set.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 05:40pm
I like Makita 
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 07:34pm
Well I took a gamble with the 75$. Prior to the comment by 95xl883 of course. Anyhow got a additional 4.0a battery so hoping that might assist in workable time. Let you guys know how things work out for me but might be a bit till spring up here on the East Coast.
# Posted: 6 Mar 2018 06:44am
For good quality good prices tools ridgid is the way to go. Ryobi is cheaper home handy man tools. I have a few ryobi tools ones I don't use often but come in real handy that I don't want to blow the bank account for.
Mike 870
# Posted: 6 Mar 2018 08:46am
I had a older generation ryobi set that I wasn't happy with. Not sure on the new stuff. I switched to Ridgid which im also not happy with. (maybe I'm the problem). Like you originally said, I wish I had the Milwaulkee...
# Posted: 6 Mar 2018 05:06pm
Congrats on the new purchase. I hope it serves you well. The PC does have the advantage of low cost. Enjoy.
# Posted: 6 Mar 2018 05:35pm
I have both the DeWalt 20V and Ryobi 18v one set at home and the other at the cabin...I use both sets extensively(2 yrs ), no issues yet. I had Black and Decker and found the batteries just didn't hold a charge after I built a couple small decks, went and bought more batteries and they died within a year and I hardly used them....
# Posted: 6 Mar 2018 09:26pm
Having used these types of tools for years in my day to day business and seeing what my subs use, it comes out like this to me... #1 - Makita (hands down, the original and still most innovative..... more expensive, but I've still never had or seen a fail!! That's with dozens and dozens and dozens of tools and hundreds of batteries...) #2 - Bosch (new to the game but really high quality) #3 - Milwaukee #4 - Dewalt #5 - Ryobi No experience or observations of Porter cable or Craftsman battery tools, I never see them on jobsites, actually no Contractors use Ryobi either
I think you can tell a lot by what the people who depend on tools for a living actually use.....
# Posted: 7 Mar 2018 08:49am
Buy good tools, and only buy them once.
Buy cheap tools, and you buy them many times
# Posted: 7 Mar 2018 11:59am
Ditto with Cowtacer.
I have an 18v Dewalt cordless drill. I have had it probably 8 or 9 years now and I have worked it hard. It still works great and the batteries still hold a lot of juice. They charge in an hour. My son does siding and has a Dewalt drill and driver and loves them. He has been using them about 3 years now and no issues.
I have heard recently though that Dewalt is not the same product it used to be and Milwaukee was the superior choice. I quite often see good sales at tsc on Milwaukee tools....
# Posted: 13 Mar 2018 07:58pm
I like my hitachi. they've been great for 8 years. the circular saw has saved me so much time. i replaced the saw blade with one of the red ones. nice improvement. i suppose its time to rebuild the batteries but so far so good.
I bought my gf the ridgid on sale. gotta say they are awesome. but you know. newer tech. we got a "return" drill just for the extra battery. score.
# Posted: 14 Mar 2018 10:12am
The circular saw (6-1/2") is an amazing tool, saves so much time rather than pulling out a corded saw and extension cord for one cut.....
The other ones I use a lot (besides the drill/driver combo) are the grinder, sawzall and the multi-tool.. I recently bought a chainsaw (w/ 2 batteries 36v) and it is great for light trimming or notching beams etc.....
These young guys are spoiled having access to these tools, I was trying to explain to a guy last week that back in the day, we didn't have these cordless things.....he was incredulous! Then my 70+ year old carpenter started telling him that we didn't have electricity back in the 60's either.......the kid actually bought that for a while, then he did the math...
# Posted: 4 May 2018 09:44am - Edited by: KinAlberta
Battery Fix - 40V won't Charge! Solved - Nailed it. - YouTube Solved - Nailed it. - YouTube
Neat scissors trick:
How to revive a dead rechargeable power tool battery easily - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmA8ukBJU9o
How To Jumpstart a Power Tool Battery and Bring It Back to Life
https://www.popularmechanics.com/home/tools/how-to/a18978/how-to-jumpstart-a-power-to ol-battery/
# Posted: 4 May 2018 02:32pm
I will echo what a few others had said: Makita, Bosch, Milwaukee are the best pro tools these days (its been a while since I had a DeWalt). If you are looking to save money and are just a home handiman, the Ryobi line is pretty impressive in its scope and value.
Also, we have a few of the 12v Bosch tiny drivers (Milwaukee makes a version too I think) and they are awesome. Won't do everything, but for light work, they are really nice:
https://www.lowes.com/pd/Bosch-12-Volt-3-8-in-Cordless-Drill/3185363?cm_mmc=SCE_PLA-_ -ToolsAndHardware-_-CordlessDrillsAndComboKits-_-3185363:Bosch&CAWELAID=&kpid=3185363 &CAGPSPN=pla&store_code=2627&k_clickID=b0d94da5-5081-4f2d-91e3-e72b52cf317d&gclid=EAI aIQobChMI9_HB59fs2gIVBTJpCh0ULwuuEAYYAiABEgKmUPD_BwE
# Posted: 4 May 2018 11:17pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
How about chainsaws and other outdoors/cabin tools?
Any great brands?
I bought a set of Echo 58v tools: a chainsaw, couple trimmers and a weed eater. The units all seem pretty good but I have nothing equivalent to compare them to.
I also have a fairly new Bosch cordless drill and a Mastercraft dual impact/regular “max†something or other. Both seem ok. But my dirt cheap 2008 Canadian Tire corded drill built my 1,000 sqft deck and redecked another about the 2/3 that size and number of other little projects and decks. It still works fine. Can’t beat a cord is my view.
# Posted: 5 May 2018 11:12am
I know Makita has a line of outdoor tools: Chainsaws/Weedwhackers/Blowers, etc, I think Ryobi does too, at a much cheaper priceline if that's what drives ya.... I'm sure the other brands will soon as well....most of these use 2 batteries, so their power can be significant....
I will echo what cowracer said...you only want to buy a tool once.... I occasionally buy a Ryobi if it's a throwaway/use only once kinda thing because they are often less than half the price......but they perform like it too....
# Posted: 6 May 2018 01:43am - Edited by: KinAlberta
Best Electric Chainsaws for 2017 - Battery-Powered Chainsaw Reviews
https://www.popularmechanics.com/home/tools/reviews/g1649/which-battery-powered-chain saw-should-you-buy/
Best Battery-Powered Chainsaw Shootout | Pro Tool Reviews
https://www.protoolreviews.com/tools/outdoor-equipment/best-battery-powered-chainsaw- shootout/29018/
# Posted: 6 May 2018 11:40am
I like my Battery chainsaw and it is pretty useful for smaller jobs, limbs/logs/beams/posts...etc.... It was not great for chewing through old railroad ties, too much creosote and grease in there, kept fouling the chain... I don't like the gas chainsaw that I have, mainly because I don't use a chainsaw that much, once or twice a year, and the gas model always has problems starting up, just a PITA every time...but they are more powerful... For what I need, the battery model will be just fine...
# Posted: 8 May 2018 03:32pm
You can't beat Ryobi 18 volt battery powered tools.I have the circular saw,sawzall,jigsaw,drills,4"grinder,2"nail gun,6 batteries, 3 chargers when you wear one out,you toss it out and buy a new one.All my building's,all my projects,all built with Ryobi.
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