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Eddy G
# Posted: 8 Feb 2018 10:18am
Hey all,
We have a small enclosed porch at the cabin. It was kind of sort of insulated but not really all that well. So like every other room I'm gutting it out and doing it over.
The floor is presently wood planks over the joists. Looks like fur maybe spruce....It looks original and in great shape... The cabin is on piers and sits 18 to 24" off the ground under the porch. That messurment varies all around the cabin from just a few inches to as much as 36" in the back... For a number of reasons the floors are insulated and I'm fine with that.
What I'd like to do is cover the existing plank floor with solid subflooring plywood material and then vinyl plank on top of that.
My thought process is the plywood subflooring would help seal any air caps, tighten up any loose or squeaky boards etc...
I was also thinking of using an underlayment....for sound, insulation, and if need be a vapor barrier...
Would it be best to lay material between the plywood and plank? Between the plywood and vinyl? Or both? And what would you suggest using for the underlayment? Paper, tar paper, foam pad? last thing I want to do is trap moisture in between any of it..
I'm almost thinking of using no barrier at all but thought I'd ask and see...
What say you?
Nate R
# Posted: 8 Feb 2018 10:48am
All depends. What are the materials underneath and in the insulation? Can it dry to the outside?
Eddy G
# Posted: 8 Feb 2018 12:29pm
Underneath the porch is dirt. There is currently no insulation and don't plan on adding any under the floor/outside. The joists are covered with 1x4 strips of spruce (maybe fur).
Pretty basic porch floor may have been open at one time but always covered and enclosed now.
I'm going to use closed cell foam to insulate the ceiling/roof. Venting it isn't possible and closed cell foam eliminates the venting problem.
The walls are mostly (80+%) windows (I'll be swapping out the old for new)...what little walls are left I'll insulate with R15
The floor? I think the best way is to put the 1/2" plywood subflooring right on top and over the existing wood floor... Then either a paper underlayment An insulated underlayment A foam underlayment Or No underlayment at all and just lay the vinyl planks
Nate R
# Posted: 8 Feb 2018 01:30pm
You said this in your first post: "For a number of reasons the floors are insulated and I'm fine with that."
I guess you mean they are NOT insulated? 
With that much airflow/airspace underneath, I think you won't be trapping in any moisture. I think any underlayment OVER the plywood, under the planks will be fine, in that case. As long as the wood can dry to one side or the other, and in this case it sounds like it can dry to the outside, you should be OK.
Eddy G
# Posted: 8 Feb 2018 01:40pm
I could have sworn I wrote UN....as in UN insulated...
Anyway, yes no insulation.....
The Cabin's been there since 1950 (at least that section has) and the floor joists and framing is as solid and dry as the day it went in. There was some spongy and weak joists on the other side of the cabin but I believe that had more to do with water coming IN through a leak in the wall where the chimney was poorly sealed/connected. Water was coming down the wall and sitting under the hearth. When I replaced the hearth I took up the floor, replaced and reinforced the joists in that area to support the new granite hearth.