# Posted: 22 Feb 2016 01:34pm
Would have been best if you had plumbed before you poured, but let's deal with it as is.
The hole just needs to be deep enough for a 2" trap to fit. There is no minimum for the distance from shower to trap, but there is a maximum, I think it's like 18" but not sure. But- very important- you need to install a vent on the drain pipe so the trap won't siphon and empty itself. This can be within 8 feet of a 2" pipe, so if your shower is against the outside wall the vent can be installed on the drain pipe outside the slab. If the shower is more than 8 feet from the slab edge then it's harder. That's why they instal plumbing before the slab usually.
Vent pipe can be 1-1/2 pipe, should take off from the top of the drain pipe, and go above the roof.
Hope this helps