# Posted: 9 Dec 2015 04:55pm
Logs, how old is the cabin? Is the current combination original to the cabin? What is the condition of the wood behind the skirting board? If the cabin has been around for a while and if the current combination of concrete and skirting board is original and has done its job well (no rot in the log behind the concrete and skirt), then perhaps all that is needed is to replace the existing with same after first preparing the log behind the skirt for the addition of preservative to the log before attaching a new skirt and concrete sloped away from the building. If the log behind the skirt shows rot, then that needs to be fixed. In that case I would contact the log home manufacturer and/or established log home builders for their professional opinion.
A long term but costly solution would be to add an auxiliary roof structure, such as for a porch, that protects the log walls once any rot is removed from it.
The bottom line: if the battle is between water and wood, over the long haul, water will always win. It is simply a matter of how much money you are willing to spend to preserve your cabin walls. In worse case the bottom logs may have to be replaced. My advice is to hire a knowledgeable professional to advise you.