# Posted: 4 Apr 2012 06:46am
I have a relatively small wood/coal stove that I'll be installing here in the next month or so. Its around 120 Yeats old so information on it is limited. I'd say it is 20 inches tall, 12 inches deep, and maybe 22 inches wide. I'll post pictures as soon as I track them down, I think I have a few from when I purchased it.
My question is this, how close can I comfortably place the stove to a well prepared wall? What's a well prepared wall you ask? That's the second part of my question
Im thinking of lining the walls behind the stove with cement board, making spacers from strips of cement board, and putting another sheet of cement board up, thus creating a 2" air barrier as well. This would then be covered with tile og some sort.
Thoughts ?