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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Sewage setup/ideas
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# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 11:35am - Edited by: MtnDon

1. Thanks for your service to the country.

2. The New River flows through VA. The state upstream has some good laws about development along the river. VA decided they were not going to bother protecting the water by their decision not to regulate development along the river. The result has been unbridled development in the floodplains along the rivers path. Lots of small parcels with non code buildings and non code sanitation. The water quality entering the state is quite good. The water quality where the river leaves the state is not so good; high coliform levels for one. Downstream are many towns and cities. The water ends up in New orleans. Is it fair to tell the downstream folks, "oh, that's too bad but that's what happens when you live downstream" ?

3. Question: Why do you think Haiti still sits in more or less ruins all this time after their earthquake while life in Chile goes on more or less as normal after they had an even bigger quake? Answer: Building codes with teeth and enforcement of those codes by officials who are not corrupt. More or less.

4. your quote... "Apparently, you can't respect mine. " Show me where I was disrespectful. ??? I simply posed a question, more or less.

5. your quote... "For your understanding - "I don't like Domestic Enemies." I'd rather shoot them." Ya' ought to be careful about posting stuff like that on the internet. By now Google, MSN and probably even Baidu (the Chinese search engine giant) will have indexed and recorded that remark. Stuff like that can come back to haunt you. But that's your choice to make. Guaranteed by the Constitution!!

# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 11:51am - Edited by: MtnDon

6. I never challenged your choice of toilet. I was challenging your attitude, the attitude that you can have whatever you want without regard to anyone else in the world you live in. Sun-Mar has many models that are approved by many states. They do work. They also have limitations; cold weather for one. If the state you are in does not allow composting toilets (yet) you should become an advocate, an activist and lobby your state representatives. Several states have lengthy approved equipment lists. They usually use the NSF rules. It's not impossible to make changes in/to the system, but one has to make an effort.

# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 05:19pm

I was curious, did a little surfing. It was about impossible to come up with any Ohio gov site that had info on composting toilets. But I did notice that NaturesHead was made in Ohio. So, I emailed them. Copy of email from me (at the bottom) with a reply from them (at the top). I know this is not a SunMar (mentioned as the product that was wanted), but it is a composting toilet.

> -Don, thank you for your interest in Nature's Head. I have never heard of any issues in Ohio. We have them in many homes and cabins here. I am located in Ohio, we manufacture in Ohio and PA. Where are you located? Please feel free to call or email with any questions.
Regards, Larry
> >
> > Are these approved for use in the state of Ohio in a rural residence?

One thing I learned long ago was to sometimes don't trust the first answer you get from someone in a government office. Now, granted, that is NOT the way tings should be. But sometimes that is the way things are. I'd do a little more question asking, maybe talk to the guy in the email.

# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 05:22pm

Maybe I did cross the line a bit. Wasn't meant to bring my feelings on him. For that I apologize. For the truth in what I say, I cannot. My duty is to the Constitution of the United States of America, not to the people. My feelings are true.

I purchased 16.7 acres with the intend to build a forest around myself so I wouldn't have to see or hear the people fighting among themselves on which is better for the country (The Left or Right). When you spend 20 years of your life defending something you believe in, it takes a toll on you physically and mentally when you hear these people wanting your life regulated.

I guess Benjamin Franklin was Right, "Those who will sacrifice liberty for safety, Deserve neither."

MtnDon I apologize for my abruptness with you. I don't know you personally as an individual. Just lately feel alone in a country I don't recognize anymore.

# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 05:23pm

PLUS.... I found camp in Ohio that has or is building or will be building composting toilets....

Camp Wanake

# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 05:28pm

Quoting: millerke
MtnDon I apologize for my abruptness with you. I don't know you personally as an individual. Just lately feel alone in a country I don't recognize anymore.

Our posts overlapped. Apology accepted; no hard feelings.

# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 06:10pm

I already checked out Sun-Mars Composting Toilet system which is available at Lehman's in Kidron Ohio. Clivus Mulstrum also talks about greywater discharge systems. What I was originally trying to get across was that no matter how safe you are willing to be. Government wants to regulate you. This includes your Right to Live your Life as you choose so long as you harm no one else. The government isn't about protecting you or me. They are there to protect corporate/business interests and their Revenue stream. I have gone through the Wringer with the U. S. E.P.A. they tried to insinuate I was harming Grandma and Grandpa as if Grandma and Grandpa have a Right to my home.

If GRandma/pa feel I am harming them - They can stay home. Suits me just fine.
Get a hotel or motel - They pay for it
I can buy you drinking water or bring your own.

I do not have a Right to dictate what you build or do on your property. But apparently somewhere since the founding of this country people want assurances of safety. And therefore will throw their Rights and Yours in front of a moving bus.

Show me where the Bill of Rights says I waive my rights for safety. Want to see it in Black and White. Not hearsay!

# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 06:25pm

Anyway, enough of this stuff. I am trying to build a 32x48 A-Frame Cabin with Loft. I know seems like overkill, but want a place on those 16.7 acres I can get away from everyone. Trying to go off-grid before the cost of utilities gets out of hand or in case of loss of supply. Going to move my wife and Daughter out there. Like the neighbors who are friendly (about 1/3 mile from house). Driveway has been leveled. Waiting on gravel. Will be measuring for posts next week, along with taking down pasture fence so it can be brush hogged. Here's a couple pictures of it.

Will be building on hilltop as lower landscape has clay soil and stays wet. My son and Grandson are in the 2nd picture overlooking the property. Big area of trees on right side with lots of Brush hogging to do there.

So I have my work cut out for me on this place.
Hilltop to drive
Hilltop to drive
Hilltop overlooking property
Hilltop overlooking property

# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 06:36pm

Hey MtnDon, Thanks for the input. Camp Wanake is just down the road from me. Didn't know they were putting in Composting Toilets. I know the City of Columbus put them in their parks.

Putting those in - I was told they couldn't regulate them because it was considered indoor plumbing. But if you put in a Pressure Tank in your Cabin or Home -they can. Doesn't make sense. Either both are indoor plumbing or they aren't. It's like they want to have their cake and eat it too.

# Posted: 14 Nov 2012 02:15pm

my god this has been the most interesting lesson in national and state law when I just wanted to see what it costs and what the simplest septic sewage system would be for a cabin or tiny house...I keep thinking why not just install a camping toilet? Especially if the use is infrequent, ie for me it would be maybe 3 days every two weeks and not at all in deep winter...then I guess the camping toilet could be dumped in the outhouse, does outhouse need pipe connecting to sewage miles away or does greywater etc. mitigate that....

# Posted: 14 Nov 2012 02:18pm

I am also looking at aquaponics because to grow some herbs, lettuces etc. if I get to use the cabin full time for 2 weeks vacation the one post above about greenhouse interests me and on another website I discovered some states do not allow you to collect rainwater! this seems absurd as if collecting rainfall could be criminalized...

# Posted: 14 Nov 2012 02:27pm

central composting sound like it could be really sensible but the speed of development in certain communities makes the law lag behind or causes overlapping sometimes contradictory laws on the books at the same time...there's also ex post facto...check the laws on the books, cross reference and see if some other protective laws regarding compliance exist No double older properties built under older laws will not be held to current builders but might be relevant if codes are contradictory HOPE THIS GETS YOU ALL PAST THE IDEOLOGICAL STALEMATE peace

# Posted: 14 Nov 2012 02:28pm

sorry that was No doubt, older properties built under older laws will....etc. typo

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