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# Posted: 25 Mar 2025 09:39pm
Appreciate any input on window suggestions for a small cabin addition, trying to watch budget but want quality which may be tough, amongst windows so many grades and price points, trying to keep simple been looking at Lowe’s, Home Depot just because generally cheaper than contractor supply houses if buying as homeowner. Rather have a vinyl with probably Brickmould frame so don’t have to trim out as well and probably don’t want a j channel, so I can butt Hardie siding directly against window. HD has American craftsman on lower stock while Lowe’s has Reliabilt their brand and United windows. Of course they can get other windows with special Order. Anyone have any advice please as good mix, quality and good value
# Posted: 25 Mar 2025 10:50pm - Edited by: MtnDon
Do you have any local window manufacturers? Look for local companies that specialize in doing replacements windows in existing homes. We used such a local company for replacing windows in our brick front wall. They made finless multi channel vinyl units with hd insulated glass. We got sliders; s/s wheels, nicely sealed. Slipped into the openg after the original aluminum windows were cut out with a Sawzall. Secured with screws to the framing. Not cheap but less than a Pella. A plus for us was the lifetime warranty on the sealed glass units. Being made at the same 5500 ft elevation as our home makes it less likely to have a seal failure.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2025 10:51pm
Many areas have supply places that cater to contractors or have job left-overs to resell. Great deals may be had. Fwiw, some 20yrs ago we put in the Wen? windows from Menards, vinyl with low E glass, etc. They are still just fine. BUT, ime, stay away from casement or side swing! The crank out type, eventually the weight hanging out will Mess You Up. When we put in the Wen we went sgl hung and our favorite, sliders.
# Posted: 26 Mar 2025 06:18am
No local companies, thank you for replying, trying to find new construction value/ quality window , realize that’s a deep dive that can be all over the place , prob need a more specific ?
# Posted: 26 Mar 2025 06:54am
gcrank1, I'd bet Jeld-Wen is the brand you're thinking of. Lowes and home dopey carry them too I believe, not the best reviews but not the bottom.
Actually casements have the better seals and air infiltration numbers if I'm remembering right but I would not go budget if you choose them, the operators need to be high quality.
Hmm, I think Jeld-Wen absorbed Hurd who we bought from years ago. I chose the latest new glass idea they had. They were tearing up the builder mags at the time. These things were better than bubble wrap. The seals all failed and the company went under. Another lesson in being the guinea pig .
# Posted: 26 Mar 2025 07:01am
I have 15yr old american craftsman windows in my house. They work well but have had some glazing issues. They where the cheapest new construction windows I could find at the time. I would never use anything but new construction windows ever again. The ability to weather seal is so much easier.
My cabin also only has new construction windows of various brands. I have t111 siding and used some shaved down 1x4 for trim around the windows.
Check Facebook marketplace? Theres also supply houses like Jim waters and ABC supply. I would also suggest not framing out windows until you have them. This leaves you alot of options. This is how I got new 3'x6' windows for $120 each. I had all the windows and doors 1yr before I even finished plans for my cabin.
# Posted: 28 Mar 2025 11:24pm
Thanks for the info