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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Quick way to measure and fill odd sized gaps between rafter tails?
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# Posted: 11 Mar 2025 09:12am

Soooo, maybe I did things in a way that made several extra hours of work for myself—I’m trying not to dwell on that. Next time I use diagonal sheathing, I’ll cut the ends flush with the bottom of the rafter tails, leaving myself rectangular shapes to fill AND I’ll have the proper sized rough cut 2x10 to use as bird blocking and install them flush with the sheathing instead of the cockamamie situation I’ve got going on here.

So my question is, anyone have a quick and easy solution for measuring and cutting the odd sized triangles and shapes to fill these gaps? I’m just trying to make sure I don’t have a bunch of prefab insect and mouse homes at the tops of my walls…the rafter tails average around 13 7/8” apart (of course they’re not uniform since I used rough cut lumber).

Other than measuring and cutting the old fashioned way, the best idea I came up with was to get a piece of clear flexible plastic that I can put between the rafter tails, trace the shape with a dry erase marker and then transfer that to my wood to cut. Or do the same with paper or cardboard and just scratch the paper/cardboard to transfer the mark onto wood.

Is there some method out there that I’m missing?

Or am I overly concerned about filing these gaps at the tops of the walls and my mouse nightmares won’t come true?

These walls are getting house wrapped and then furring strips and siding or possibly house wrap, then exterior insulation, furring strips, and siding.

Thanks for any advice!

# Posted: 11 Mar 2025 10:20am

I dont see any easy way to deal with that

# Posted: 11 Mar 2025 10:42am - Edited by: MtnDon

DRP may be the guy with an answer as I know he has used 1x diagonal wall sheathing. Whatever the solution that's a lot of cutting and fitting. Measuring and cutting each filler individually may be as good as any solution.

Will you be installing soffits? Soffits would cover the entire underside of the rafters and eliminate the need to fill in all those spaces with 1x.

Do you need venting between the rafters into the roof?

# Posted: 11 Mar 2025 11:05am

That's easy. Cover the rafter tails and perlins with plywood.

I didnt on the ends of my building so my perlins are exposed but added a trim board and blocking between the perlins before the roof went on.

# Posted: 11 Mar 2025 04:53pm

LOL, my issue is keeping critters out of the bottom of the wall with diagonal sheathing. Yes, it should have stopped at the plate prior to rafters or tails spaced for them.

I would just grab the long-to-long dimensions and cut them all. Nail up the easy ones and carry a tough one up each trip. Measure the detail dimensions onto the piece and saw them out. I just wrote for longer than it actually takes. If that's the worst, you're golden .

# Posted: 11 Mar 2025 09:16pm

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.

No venting will be needed, I’m insulating only on the exterior. And wasn’t planning to put in soffits—so I can at least save that work.

I think I’ll do as DRP suggests and just cut the pieces and trace them out as I go…

# Posted: 12 Mar 2025 12:36pm - Edited by: paulz

Haven’t been following this but looks like something I would do. There is an app called AR Ruler where you take a picture and it spits out dimensions. Not familiar with it.

I’d probably just use bondo.

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