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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / just getting started questions.
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# Posted: 21 Feb 2025 01:02pm

I'm looking at building a 20x20 3 season cabin in northern Mn, what are thoughts on screw in piers? I would have them installed, not doing them myself. I'm on a river that could possibly flood so I want it a foot off the ground.

# Posted: 21 Feb 2025 01:09pm

You might want to check what the history and projections are for flooding depth in the area.
Also on the restrictions and permitting for building in that flood plain.

# Posted: 21 Feb 2025 04:06pm - Edited by: Grizzlyman

Codes/inspections in St. Louis county not required. Just land use permit “to build” and septic permit. Septic must be inspected. Not sure about other counties but would imagine it’s similar.

I know you asked about screw pilings- just trying to be helpful as you said you’re just getting started.

# Posted: 22 Feb 2025 06:52am

Those screw piles look prety good to me. Strong, wont rot and have lateral support. I would put the cabin higher than 1' though. Even with 12in girders 2' isnt much room to insulate a floor or work under there.

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