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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Densarmor over plywood?
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# Posted: 15 Jan 2025 10:58am

My cabin has plywood sheeting on the walls and ceiling, and I was wanting to install densarmor on the walls and tougne and groove on the ceiling. I was originally in the mindset of removing the plywood on the walls to install the densarmor. I'm starting to wonder though if keeping the plywood on the walls and installing densarmor over it? I was thinking it would add strength to the walls? Thoughts are appreciated. Also, if I in the wrong mindset, please feel free to tell me so.

# Posted: 15 Jan 2025 11:00am

I forgot to mention, a large majority of the plywood is going to be remove for wiring and insulation.

# Posted: 18 Jan 2025 10:50am - Edited by: spencerin

I wouldn't keep the plywood, just install the DensArmor straight onto the studs. Now, would the double layer strengthen the walls? Probably, but it wouldn't be needed, and it'd create extra work not only during re-installation, but also any renovations/improvements that might be needed in the future.

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