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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Cabin flooring and under floor insulation
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# Posted: 24 Dec 2024 02:02pm

I’m sure you’re right but it did say it does everything but cook dinner. If nothing else it will smooth out any seems in the plywood (which has air gaps I’m sure) and make the floor a touch softer.

# Posted: 2 Jan 2025 09:03am

My new construction camp (1000 sq ft) in central New Brunswick (CA) required (building code) R40 floor insulation. Two layers of R20 between the joists. Wasn't fun. Insulation laid in from above (before subfloor), 7/16" OSB to protect if from the bottom. Did it as I laid the joists; started at one end and worked backwards, so only 8 feet at a time. Made a funky rail system that I would screw to the underside of the joists, then I could slide the osb into place, then nail into place. I work alone; this system served me well. Never had more than 1.5 feet of space down there, sometimes as little as a foot. Being a small guy helps!

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