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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Pre-Painted T&G boards
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# Posted: 16 Oct 2024 13:49

Greetings fellow Cabin junkies!

I know this topic has been discussed before but information gets outdated, new folks don't always have responses to old posts, new technologies change things, etc...

that said, after wasting countless hours stripping old beaded t&g boards, I decided I should just bite the bullet and buy pre-painted boards. I have found a few vendors via a google search but also thought I would see if anyone here had some additional input.

I'm looking for white painted t&g boards. They're going to be the floor of my loft and the exposed ceiling detail for the bedroom below. Has anyone purchased pre-finished boards from an online retailer? How was it shipped? What were your experiences?

I would just buy boards locally but then I have to make the space and time to paint them. I found a local sawmill in upstate NY that has boards and will deliver but as I mentioned, I then have to paint them...

any suggestions, input, etc are greatly appreciated!

# Posted: 16 Oct 2024 19:11

Theres a auction house in sidney NY that sells primed T&G boards.

# Posted: 16 Oct 2024 22:23

As on your other thread the floor joist spacing would be important.
How about laying whatever you want as a ceiling 'look' in a thinnish sheet product and topping it with whatever floor suitable for the joists?

# Posted: 21 Oct 2024 20:30

Quoting: gcrank1
How about laying whatever you want as a ceiling 'look' in a thinnish sheet product and topping it with whatever floor suitable for the joists?

This was actually my original idea. It’s an exposed beam ceiling with a small loft (4 foot at the center, primarily intended for attic storage and maybe the occasional sleepover with the nephews). I had considered laying down sheets of drywall first, then fastening plywood over the drywall. The drywall seems to be finished from below in the plywood above, would serve as the floor of the loft.

After I had posted this, I completely scrapped all of those ideas and bet the bullet, and bought one by six v-groove tongue and groove boards.

Thanks for all your input and help! I can’t remember who ( It may have been BrettNY ) but I thank you for your recommendation to use New Hampton lumber in NY. They were incredibly affordable, extremely helpful and they’ll be delivering a large load of lumber Wednesday.

# Posted: 21 Oct 2024 22:53

That was me. But I forgot about them. This was some where else I was talking about. Either way glad you found what your looking for.

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