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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Foundation Puck Leveling Question
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2024 20:46


I am building a 10x12 cabin. I am using a design by Bushradical on Youtube. I am having a hellva time leveling the foundation pucks. I had them all level then realized I had to move them in to accommodate the 5.5" sq legs (the inside legs were off the puck about an inch and it took me 20 hours to place and level the pucks initially).
Question - Can I use sand or pea gravel under the pucks to help level them more quickly? I live in Central Wisconsin. The site is on a down sloping hill.

# Posted: 5 Jul 2024 23:38

Yes you can.

You should really notch out the vertical posts to accept the horizontal boards then just lay the floor joists on top of that. Hes not much of a framer, hes a concrete guy. I still watch all his videos and enjoy them.

# Posted: 6 Jul 2024 03:10

Well.. looks like I have a new guy on youtube to watch..

I hope your project works out.

# Posted: 6 Jul 2024 23:18

Im south central WI, on sandy soil (well drained).
1st build in '83-'84 was No ground work leveling with some pitch. I stomped down the spots for the repurposed silo slaves (nice big footprint) and dry blocked/shimmed to level out my beams to build on. All was done with a carpenters level and string levels. I went for 'decent' not 'perfect'. That cabin only needed a minor shim after 15yrs to fix a sticking door issue.
Current one is better. This past April I eyeball leveled the new site (totally all new situation), laid down 3/4" crusher run limestone where the pads go and used lots more silo blocks as pads. I compacted the limestone by driving back & forth with my sub-compact tractor, laid out the blocks and used a laser carpenters level (wha-hoo, game changer for me!) to spot them after determining which corner was going to be my benchmark. This time I got +/- 1/8". You could rent a rotating laser but there is a learning curve and with lasers there are eye safety issues to be conscious of. For your modest structure Im sure a basic carpenters laser level would be fine.

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