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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Gutter guards?
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# Posted: 1 Jul 2024 13:32

I'm glad I put gutters on my cabin. I'm not glad I have to clean the pine needles out of them each season. I used gutter brushes on my home, which still need seasonal cleaning, but they still allow the water to flow even when in need of cleaning. Have any of you found a good product that might not need cleaned of pine needles. I remember I bought a couple pieces of the specialty gutter covers, but found that the sample piece allowed the water to just flow over it without draining into the gutter. Let me know what you might have found that works well or not....thanks.

# Posted: 1 Jul 2024 15:59

I gave up with gutters on the cabin. Pine needles are able to fall and insert themselves through the openings in anything I tried. Clearing trees back 30 feet can help and is more firewise.

I ended up removing the gutters. Than placing a row of concrete patio pavers at thr drip line. Next the area between the pavers and the skirting was "rocked" with 1 to 1-1/2” colored landscape rock; applied over weed barrier fabric. 20" eve overhang helps to keep the splash away from the structure.

# Posted: 2 Jul 2024 14:56

Our (940sf) home is surrounded by a huge walnut, old burr oaks and pine trees (kinda sounds like a cabin,lol) with full traditional gutters. Ive tried inexpensive caps with no success and the fancy ones that will 'wick' in would likely get too much snow load from our steepish roof and in a heavy rain much of the water would shoot off/over then hammer the ground line much like with no gutters.
I somehow suspect that if I have them come to do an 'inspection' they will say that the caps can't be put on my existing gutters but they will be happy to install the new heavy duty ones c/w caps; that's gotta be pricey.
If I had a basic one story cleaning the gutters 1 or 2x a year wouldn't be bad, but 1/2 of my place is 2 story on a bit of a hill and I have to use a safety harness and strap over the roof peak to access.
Im getting too old for this much fun......

# Posted: 2 Jul 2024 16:42 - Edited by: Tim_Ohio

I used these on my house and found that some stuff will stick to them, but most blows off. This is what I was saying still needed to be cleaned, but even when it's clogged a bit, water flows through the bristles. And, at least the downspout drop does not get clogged at the top, inside the gutter. I guess I'll see how they work on the cabin.

# Posted: 2 Jul 2024 18:26

Those are interesting.

I should have mentioned that I used snow stops on our cabin roof to prevent sliding snow from tearing off the gutters. But I designed the roof for a 120 PSF snow load so was not concerned about snow weight.

# Posted: 2 Jul 2024 19:54

Hey Tim, that is one lonnggg hedgehog

# Posted: 2 Jul 2024 21:52

@gcrank1, chuckling. Can’t keep my dog from chasing them.

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