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# Posted: 1 Jun 2024 01:16am - Edited by: Royalwapiti
I had my ceiling and walls sprayed with closed cell foam. It is warm as heck now nut the noise from things like rain hitting my roof just comes right through. I knew that was a downfall of closed cell foam when I did it.
I have 2x6 rafters and plan on putting white washed pine boards on the ceiling. Is there any fabric or matting I could put down across the rafters before the pine to deaden the sound. I see stuff for vehicles called dynomat (which is way too expensive) but figured there are other variations of it. Think that would work?
I am not gonna try to mess with adding an inch or two of mineral wool sound deadening insulation, there is too much variation in the spray foam depth.
Pic shows corner with foam and walls.
# Posted: 1 Jun 2024 01:21am
Here's the corner. Walls are done.
# Posted: 1 Jun 2024 06:24pm
I am not aware of any sound deadener you could apply across the rafters that would suitable for securing boards similar to the wall siding.
The only thing that comes to mind is to first fasten 2x furring strips to the bottom edge of the rafters. Then install mineral wool batts and finally the 1x boards.
Johns Mansville sells a commercial rock wool product in a variety of thicknesses from 1" and up. I have no idea on costs for small lots. But maybe worth looking into.
# Posted: 2 Jun 2024 03:06am
I like the sound of rain on the roof.
# Posted: 2 Jun 2024 03:30am
I like the sound of rain too. But then where I am we usually can use more than ehat we get, so rain is always welcome.
# Posted: 2 Jun 2024 09:56am
I used 4in foam with r21 over that and cant hear a damn thing from the roof.
I think you have moved the reverberation parts inside the house so there not much you can do at this point.
# Posted: 2 Jun 2024 10:56am
I just wonder how much "deadening" I'll get from the 1x6 carsiding. Not sure I want to mess with any fiber type insulation.
Thanks for your input.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2024 02:57am
I doubt you would get much deadening from car siding. Some? Yes. But probably not as much as you want.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2024 12:48pm
When I was a pre-school kid back in the '50s we lived in and traveled for several years (WI to CA and back thru TX to WI) in a then used 'house trailer'. My early memories are about living in a tin can....to this day the rain on a roof is a soothing thing that often prompts a nap.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2024 06:10pm
Didn’t we used to staple egg cartons to the wall? Was that to keep sound in or out?
Rain on the roof does sound relaxing, if your not thinking about where it might leak in, or what’s outside getting soaked..
# Posted: 7 Jun 2024 08:04pm
@Paul LMAO indeed ! It's more that Loud Crack next to the shack that is more worrisome, 
# Posted: 8 Jun 2024 02:02am - Edited by: paulz
Tell me about it.. See my Big Storm thread.
# Posted: 8 Jun 2024 03:02pm
Im sure there is 'sound (somewhat) deadening' sheet goods that you could put up over the insulation, then put on your finish ceiling. That may help.....but really, how many hours you are there does it rain that hard to bother you?
# Posted: 8 Jun 2024 05:12pm
Quoting: gcrank1 '50s we lived in and traveled for several years (WI to CA and back thru TX to WI) in a then used 'house trailer'. My
That reminded me of a great old Lucy movie, The Long Long Trailer. I tried to post a YouTube link but it looks like you have to buy or rent first. Everything on the Net now, must sign up. Email addy etc..
# Posted: 8 Jun 2024 07:42pm
Yeah, that movie was a fav of my folks 
# Posted: 8 Jun 2024 11:39pm
Quoting: gcrank1 Im sure there is 'sound (somewhat) deadening' sheet goods that you could put up over the insulation, then put on your finish ceiling. That may help.....but really, how many hours you are there does it rain that hard to bother you That's a good idea. Like 1in foam board over the rafters then the interior finishing.
# Posted: 9 Jun 2024 01:12pm - Edited by: paulz
Quoting: gcrank1 Yeah, that movie was a fav of my folks
I broke down and bought it off YouTube last night, been years since I last saw. I went for the $10 purchase instead of the $3 rental, whatever that gets me, first time paying for YouTube. Maybe I can watch it again, or even show it at my drive in.
Not that it’s that fantastic a movie. It is enjoyable in a nostalgic Lucy and Desi way, but the drive in crowd would want more of a modern exciting violence/swearing/sexual type of thing. The trailoring over the Rocky Mountain passes was nail bighting though. And they do get rained on several times.
Also reminds me of our old RV, which we stayed in while building the cabin, long gone now but just visible in this photo. Which is better? Well with the RV we could travel the countryside (including a non forgettable trip to Colorado) but the cabin is our own ‘leave us be’ place. I’m sure many of you still do both.
If you want to watch the movie just put in Long Long Trailer on YouTube and hit the rent button. Or you can watch short scenes for free.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2024 01:50am
Quoting: paulz Which is better? Well with the RV we could travel the countryside (including a non forgettable trip to Colorado) but the cabin is our own ‘leave us be’ place. I’m sure many of you still do both.
I don't like RV'ing as much as I used to 20-25 years ago. That is why I sold the bus/rv. Too many RV's with too many people who haven't a clue about what they are doing. IMO. Maybe it's me getting old?
I still have the slide-in truck camper for the Dodge 3500 4x4 and my hauler trailer for the FJ rock cruiser. Come July we are heading to some CO mountain passes with that.
But I am using the cabin more than I did in past years. It is just nice being there in 75 minutes or so after leaving home.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2024 01:00pm
To me the glory days of 'rv'ing' has past; Very glad to have the cabin and 9+ac to retreat to only 45min away. Did some quick calc and we have less in the whole thing than many spend on a nice motorhome or even an upscale 'van'.