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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / double 2x12 or 3 1/2 x 12 glue lam beam/girder for a 12' clear span?
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# Posted: 30 May 2024 08:26 - Edited by: hydrazine

Building an 8x12' sauna. Have concrete pads/piers on the 4 corners and would rather not add more. Can I get away with a double 2x12 (with 1/2" plywood sandwhiched between) do you think, or should I use a glue lam beam? Or even a triple 2x12 with plywood inbetween? This is in interior AK, so snow. I believe snow load code for roofs is 50psf. From what I've read double 2x12s have a 12' clear span, but would like feedback.

# Posted: 30 May 2024 14:54

2)2x12 should be fine..however adding a second pier or a 3rd 2x12 would always be better. Is it just on blocks? If so just add another.

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