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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / J-Bolts vs Straight Bolt with nut/washer
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# Posted: 14 May 2024 23:15 - Edited by: socceronly

I was reading about this, and people were having a discussion over which one was better. The reason being after a Tornado somewhere, the J-Bolts were pulled out of the concrete and this other method was considered better....

Then I thought... is this ridiculous? Am I missing something? I mean what kind of stick frame structure can survive the force required to pull out a J-Bolt even if your new method is stronger...

# Posted: 15 May 2024 00:34
Reply strong is strong enough?
I guess I don't care if the bottom plate stays with the foundation while the rest is gone.

# Posted: 15 May 2024 17:56

Tornadoes pack a crazy amount of force, and honestly, most stick frame structures aren’t gonna hold up against that kind of power, no matter the bolts. Straight bolts with nuts and washers might have their advantages, but in a tornado, it's more about the overall build and reinforcements.

# Posted: 15 May 2024 22:30

I would not waste time & energy arguing about j-bolts vs other types of anchors when discussing tornadoes and any stick built structure. A tornado will decimate )retty much and wood stick building.

If I lived in an area with high likelihood of tornado occurrence I would want a reinforced steel concrete box or series of concrete boxes; floors, walls & roof.

If a stick built is all one has then they need a steel or concrete tornado safe room on premises.

Not cheap, not too DIY friendly but they give you a real chance.

# Posted: 15 May 2024 23:57

Quoting: ICC
I would not waste time & energy arguing about j-bolts vs other types of anchors when discussing tornadoes and any stick built structure.

Should I delete this thread?

# Posted: 16 May 2024 00:22

Not necessary if someone learns stuck builds have limits, but there are solutions. Most homes we build suck in extreme winds, however, the costs to build tougher are too high for most people. Insurance costs are going to become unaffordable for many though.

# Posted: 16 May 2024 17:02

Its not likely to be a long thread and is pertinent imo to even small builds.

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