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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / connecting 2 cabins
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# Posted: 3 Jul 2022 20:05

I currently have a 12 X16' bunkie sitting on concrete piers. The piers only probably a foot or so deep but is on very hard ground and it has not moved in 12 years. I have plans for a 16 by 28 cabin beside the bunkie and would like to connect them with a breezeway. The new cabin will be on a slab. I am in Canada.
I have been told the connection between the buildings must allow for some movement since the bunkie is not on a proper foundation. How can this be achieved?

# Posted: 4 Jul 2022 11:28

Ive seen a 'split breezeway',,but it was in a more moderate temp zone and the real consideration was his taxes, if they were 'hard connected' his prop taxes would go up; ie, an 'attached garage'.
Anyway, the smaller garage had the lower peaked breezeway halfway to the house and the house breezeway overlapped it with a longish 'eave' for the weather protection.
Iirc he used some garage door seal stuff to fill the gap.

# Posted: 20 Jul 2022 09:54

You need to start your own thread rather than piggy-back on someone else's; the continuity of what is being discussed gets lost.

# Posted: 20 Jul 2022 10:55

Quoting: jesmi73
Is the remainder of the instalation a Do-It-Yourself project

If you have to ask then no. There are DIY kits out there made by mr cool.

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