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# Posted: 7 Jan 2022 06:04pm
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That's my question - do you just slip and glue the flexible male end into the (smooth) rigid female end of the body? Some of the smaller bodies are smooth on the inside. Just thought there would be an adapter for that.....

# Posted: 7 Jan 2022 06:32pm
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Just to be clear.... what type of flex conduit and we are connecting to a PVC box or a metal box?

# Posted: 7 Jan 2022 07:12pm
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PVC watertight flex, to a PVC conduit body (LB, LR, LL, etc.).

# Posted: 7 Jan 2022 08:42pm - Edited by: ICC
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I do get confused with some of these things. But...
There are special fittings for that. I believe they must have markings FNMC-B or LFNC-B cast into the fitting to be code compliant. If a box has a slip fitting it is meant to have rigid conduit glued into the hole OR a fitting that adapts to the length of flex conduit.

When there is a male threaded fitting that needs to mate to another male threaded fitting our elecrician has made a coupler using a short piece of rigid pvc conduit with a threaded adapter on each end. Two of these connected with a short length of rigid.

Like if the flexible conduit is this stuff.... then, this fitting would be used.....

Sometimes I wish I had become an electrician. Then when I see the size of the NEC book I have other thoughts.

# Posted: 7 Jan 2022 08:44pm
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I messed up one of the links but I think I fixed it ok.

# Posted: 7 Jan 2022 11:36pm - Edited by: spencerin
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I guess they don't make what I'm looking for. Or, I just need to use a body with threads.....

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