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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / new here hello
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# Posted: 23 May 2021 05:08pm
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Hopefully building a small home on land in East Tx. Id like to put it on stilts. Reason for this is many.
Garage/workshop/storage underneath, away from critters, safer from flooding and well i just think itd be really cool being 10-12' up in there with the tall pines.
For the stilts i want to us 5x5 sqaure structural steel posts. Like the ones you see in Walmart. etc. Then basically build a deck like floor with 2x12" floor joists and hopefully steel stud framing, spray foam insulation.
Plan on doing most myself aince i sort of do it for a living.
Hopefully i can learn and pass on knowledge and make new friends. Thank you.

# Posted: 23 May 2021 08:03pm
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Please post pictures. We all love to watch people's dreams progress.
Best wishes

# Posted: 23 May 2021 08:13pm - Edited by: ICC
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Elevated is good for many reasons as you stated. For a 10 or 12 foot height how do you plan to deal with anchoring against wind lifting forces and reducing high wind sway?

# Posted: 25 May 2021 11:00am
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When I lived on the bayou, most everything was on stilts for good reason!

A warm welcome from Alaska! I look forward to seeing posts and learning from you!

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