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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Cabin Blueprints
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# Posted: 16 Apr 2021 11:05am - Edited by: yoshisakan
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Hey all,

I am doing some research to see if building a cabin is right for me. I am having a hard time trying to find schematics of the build process so it's hard to price out materials and see if it makes sense. I have little to no carpentry experience so this would be a big risk financially without the proper planning. I am looking to build something like this:


# Posted: 16 Apr 2021 11:46am
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Fist post and it's a link?

No carpentry experience and cant make a material list? Call a local builder as your finances will be better spent with them. How big of a cabin are you looking to build?

# Posted: 16 Apr 2021 12:26pm
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Are we not supposed to post links/images here?

24x16, one bedroom, bath, and a loft space.

# Posted: 16 Apr 2021 12:33pm
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Quoting: yoshisakan
Are we not supposed to post links/images here?

There has been a lot of spam lately, so people tend to hesitate when people post a link and they don't recognize the name of the poster....

# Posted: 16 Apr 2021 12:38pm
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Oh I see. Here's a picture of the cabin style I'm trying to build.

# Posted: 16 Apr 2021 12:38pm
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This forum GETS ALOT of spam. We are all leery of a first post with a link to a commerce site.... I clicked on your link to discover it is just a picture. Please excuse our wariness!

For something like your linked image, and your admitted lack of experience, a D-Log kit would be the best route if logs are what you want. The foundation is the tough part but many kit suppliers will have drawings if not code compliant blueprints that can be included. Your best bet is to search the local area for Amish log kit suppliers or other local mills that do log kits.

We are in south central Colorado and have both these options locally... YMMV.

# Posted: 16 Apr 2021 12:41pm
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Thanks for the reply. I've been calling around but i'm skeptical of prices. The cabin above can be constructed on site from a company for 30k for just walls roof and flooring. Another company wants 40k for a similar kit, unconstructed. I'm not sure how much money I stand to save by piecing it together and building myself. That's mainly the question I'm trying to answer.

# Posted: 16 Apr 2021 01:07pm
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That's prob 30-40k for what you see in the pic. No foundation, no electrical, no plumbing, inspections and may not even include the roof.

That also wouldnt include site work or a driveway.

# Posted: 16 Apr 2021 01:13pm
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30-40k in materials or assembled?

# Posted: 16 Apr 2021 03:37pm
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Not sure. I'm merely saying you could have another 30-40k into this when all said and done.

Driveway alone could be 10k and that's not a long one.

# Posted: 23 Jun 2021 08:03pm
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I mean, I've been looking at a ton of places for prints and lists. It's a hit and a miss. I'm still looking for one with a loft that you can stand in. lol

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