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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Question about 1840 cabin
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# Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:36pm

Hello - I am new to the forum. We recently purchased a cabin in central Virginia constructed in 1840. It has a stone foundation below the main floor, and a porch off the main floor that is about seven feet off the ground. We are trying to figure out what type of porch railing would have been traditional for the time. We’d like to stay true to the period while also keeping our three children (one of whom is a toddler) safe, and we are having trouble locating information about cabins from that time with off-the-ground porches. Does anyone have any pictures or resources that could get us started? Thanks!

# Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:28am

Not much help here.... did an image search for 1840's cabins and didn't see a railing on one of them. Back then I suppose it was natural selection, and kids were tough!

If you can find some weathered wood, or poles I would build out if that. Something that kind of matches the cabin.

# Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:19pm

Yeah, most old cabins did not have a rail on lower porch, and most didn't have one on uppers either! No pesky codes back in the day, lol

But in real life the porch was more for working than for rocking. It was where you shelled peas, shucked corn, most anything that you could do sitting in the shade!

But the rail would just get in the way moving bushel baskets on and off porch.

But today we put rails up for safety. I have seen a lot of tobacco tier poles used around here for the rustic look.

# Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:51pm

Thanks to you both! I appreciate the insight.

Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:20pm

Maybe post pic of your cabin so we could make more informed suggestions. It’s hard to say what would look right without seeing what you got

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