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# Posted: 16 May 2020 07:55pm - Edited by: moneypitfeeder
Hi, asking if Spoofer is around (or anyone else in the NY area around Lewis county) and if you can let me know what the local grocery conditions are in the area. We are planning on going to our cabin the end of the month, but looking to know how the grocery stores in the Pulaski area are doing (if you ever venture out that way), we normally hit the Tops or the Aldi there. We can bring-in or buy there, but don't want to "steal" from the locals if they are struggling to get goods. (and thankfully not looking for TP, lol) Thanks! {edit to say that we will not be in any other stores, hanging out with people, and will be socially distancing}
# Posted: 17 May 2020 12:49am
everyplace has everything. No worries. Bring a mask or bandana black flies are waking up As you know the weather...it snowed one day last week and was 81 degrees, 2 days later where are you again? I'm on Beecherville Rd.
# Posted: 17 May 2020 10:05am
Hi Spoofer, thanks! We are off Jackson Rd just past Line Brook Forrest, with Mill Stream below our camp. Glad to hear everything is fairly normal up there. Here at home (in PA) it's still pretty crazy in some of our stores, we switched to a different store because our normal one is a zoo. There are robots that wander the store and take inventory, look for spills you name it, and the other day a customer picked up the robot and tossed it (they are over 5ft tall), employees had to go get it back from the parking lot 'cause it's circuits had gone haywire.
# Posted: 17 May 2020 11:15am
I'm about 2hrs north of NYC. If you dont care about TP, hand sanitizer or cleaning products everything is basically normal. Theres actually less people in the stores now it seams.
# Posted: 17 May 2020 06:51pm
Thanks Brettny, we are a god bit west of you, I think, much closer to Redfield. But good to know, we have TP and cleaning products at the cabin, I was able to get hand sanitizer from my work, so good to go there. Hopefully we won't need to go to a store, but I wanted to know what we were in for if we did, never seen anything like it here at home.
# Posted: 18 May 2020 09:38am
I'm from PA as well, and have a camp in Williamstown NY, I was up last weekend...Stores have everything, restaurants are doing takeout, guides are starting to fish again, things are slowly getting back to normal...
I'll be up again this weekend for Memorial Day, bringing the ATVs and may head up your way to my hunting club MRC.
# Posted: 21 May 2020 07:52pm
That's great! My in-laws live in Williamstown, so we will be passing through there as well 