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# Posted: 5 May 2020 03:06pm
Hi All, I currently have a 8x20 floating dock with a 6x12 section anchored to the shore. My question is I want to add another section to the end to form an L shape. Can I bolt the new section directly to the old making it ridged or should I let it pivot on a hinge?
Thanks Rick
# Posted: 5 May 2020 06:33pm
I've always seen sections like that hinged, but maybe that depends on how much wave action there is? I think if a rigid connection is made it needs to be stronger to resist flex.
# Posted: 6 May 2020 12:01am
I think the right angle would be a good spot for large galvanized plated to make a hinged section. Mainly for waves. If its in a lagoon where there is no wake etc, might not be as critical, but flex will extend life of the structure I would imagine.
# Posted: 6 May 2020 08:07am
Quoting: MAYHEW21 Can I bolt the new section directly to the old making it ridged or should I let it pivot on a hinge?
I have a 2 part floating dock, just straight, not L-shaped. The parts are hinged and I have no trouble with it. The hinges are big, beef galvanized metal and require no maintenance. Stepping from one piece to the other is not an issue. I'd make it hinged if I were you.
I've attached a couple of pics from mine.
# Posted: 9 May 2020 06:17am
Another vote for hinged.
I'm on a small lake with no motorboat and so no wake.
I first attached my 8x8 section to a 16x4 section rigidly, not thinking about it much, using bolts through some unused galvanized backing plates to hold the mating frame elements (2x8s going crosswise to the walking direction) together.
The next weekend, I saw the flexing forces had cracked the 2x8s where the bolts were. I replaced the cracked 2x8s and sistered the frame 2x8s going the other way (parallel to the direction of motion, i.e. the sides), fastening with bolts/plates at the ends of the sister board.
That lasted 4 weeks before the join became soft anyway, the flex forces having enlarged the bolt holes to give way.
And so I bit the bullet and bought those hinges (pretty expensive!). The hinged dock is fine, and was a heck of a lot easier to pull out of the water before winter.
This is all on a lake with no wake and very little wave action. If you have either of those, your learning process might be even quicker than mine 