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Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:56pm
I have a 12 pack in our outhouse! 
# Posted: 23 Mar 2020 05:14pm
How am i doing? Like everyone else im scared. Im not sick yet nor is anyone i love . No one is working. Our Governor here in Michigan has issued a stay home shelter in place order beginning midnight tonight for at least 3 weeks. So far we have 1400 covid 19 pos patients and 15 deaths. Our numbers are expected to skyrocket in the next several weeks.
We will get thru it is what im telling myself. Be safe fellow cabin lovers. I have a contractor working on finishing my cabin addition next week. I cant wait to get up there . To feel safe.
# Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:19pm
Doing well. We mostly have no need to head to town for anything for a while. We had a trip planned but we decided to cancel when we saw covid-19 was spreading to EU.
Stay safe.
# Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:25pm
Quoting: naturelover66 So far we have 1400 covid 19 pos patients and 15 deaths. Stay safe naturelover66, sending best wishes!
# Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:18am
Hi Lisa, please try not to worry. I’m in MI too. I still don’t know anyone with COVID-19. I got my taxes done yesterday while my husband sat in the truck. No contact with anyone except my tax lady. In her office for approximately 10 minutes, one signature each, I took the paper out to my husband to sign. The chairs in her office were set back six feet from her desk. I noticed a lot of people out. So many at our local produce store where everything is uncovered. I do not understand why anyone would buy any food that is not in a package right now. Costco sells big bags of fruit and frozen vegetables. My local bulk food store had quite a few customers too. Same. Bins of food. With scoopers inside. People reaching in there with the scoopers and breathing on the contents. I’m allowed to walk outside. Just maintain a six foot distance from everyone. IDK how my daughters best friend is going to proceed with her outdoor civil marriage ceremony this weekend. She was only going to have a few people there. Gatherings of any kind outdoors is banned. The marriage has to happen. Off topic here I’m going over to the healthcare in Canada topic to write about this. Take care everyone.
# Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:12pm
You too. Be safe.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:55am
New world terminology: BC: Before COVID-19 AC: After COVID-19 Home: The fortress that will keep you safe Beyond: The world outside your home
Sad times. 
# Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:29am - Edited by: KinAlberta
Well we took a run out to the cabin on Sunday. Beautiful day. Very quiet but lots of people ice fishing (close to 50 vehicles within sight). Snowmobilers riding about too.
All the toilet paper was still in the outhouse. It won’t bother me if someone comes by and takes some. The hoarders have short sheeted everyone else (those who didn’t suffer an “emotional breakdown†and panic buy everything in sight) and so now can’t even find TP when they actually need it.
Looking forward to some warm days so our snow starts to disappear. Hope to get out there a lot more so hoping that people stay calm, practice social distancing and don’t screw everything up for the majority of people. Unfortunately I can see governments going all totalitarian because of the few bad apples.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2020 01:21pm
TP. We did lots of TP loads based out of Kimberly Clark in Beech Island NC. There are plants all over the USA. The above is the plant/warehouse we frequented. A semi 53’ trailer of TP is approximately 25,000 pounds with approximately 250,000 rolls of TP. As a team, we could be in California in two days.
We hauled relief loads during 9/11. Loads to Louisiana after Katrina. Loads before and after all types of catastrophic events in the USA.
What everyone needs to worry about is how the truck drivers are being mistreated. There is no place for them to park because many states have shut down rest areas, weigh stations and travel plazas. Some are reopening them slowly. They are being ticketed and at times towed because they have to find a parking spot to sleep and it’s a illegal parking area, the only place available. They have no place that is safe to shower or go to the bathroom. If our truck drivers get sick. That’s it. We are going to be in big trouble. Because every thing you buy, every medical supply used, everything is shipped to you via a truck driver.
# Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:11pm
There's a place local to me that I hope more businesses emulate. They are closed to most business (restaurant) but they've opened their parking lot to truckers and are offering rest room facilities and take out to them. They don't have showers, but still, they have the bare minimum and are offering it for free (I'm sure they still charge for take away food).
# Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:04pm
Today my daughters best friend got married by a judge on the sidewalk outside the courthouse. The judge had a N95 mask on.
The brides Mom and Daughter stood 6 feet away. My daughter stayed in her car because she has bronchitis. The grooms Mother is ill with kidney disease she couldn’t be there so they did FaceTime.
Wow. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be writing something like this.
# Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:12pm
I’m glad to hear that truck drivers are getting food.
However the one place they can shop is out of everything because regular people that can go to a grocery store with their tiny cars are sourcing products at the truck stops.
That’s so crappy. Really. Some of these drivers are staying out on the road until this is over to help out. We did that quite often. Imagine being afraid to shower in a public shower and not being able to keep yourself clean because Biff from the tiny four wheeler bought the last package of wet wipes.
# Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:34pm
With all this doom and gloom, we need a little bit of fun too. I think you will like this video. It seemed very appropriate for this forum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3xpRZITi2w&feature=youtu.be
# Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:13pm
Thanks Hattie! Made for a nice smile!
# Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:15pm
@silverwaterlady, wow, that will be a wedding for the record books! Glad they were able to tie the knot and I hope your daughter gets well soon!
# Posted: 2 Apr 2020 07:07pm
I am fine up here in Central New York. Because my husband is a health care worker with a community based hospital practice in a town with many cases, we decided early I would come here alone with the dog. I moved up here in early March with enough food for three months and got internet installed (did not want to) so I can work from home. It is nicer here and I know every inch of my 16 x 24 cabin now. I am so glad I carefully chose to make it comfy over the past 18 months. It works very well. A few people have judged me for leaving the bigger CNY town where we live to go and live alone in a second home with my dog. How entitled! I ask them to go to bed each night worrying about a spouse who is treating sick people all day in a town with community spread, and who volunteered to do extra shifts if needed. I would be very happy to share that anxiety with anybody who wants to help burden it. I hope everyone here is well.
# Posted: 2 Apr 2020 07:46pm - Edited by: moneypitfeeder
Janemarie I'm glad you chose the smart decision to isolate you and your pup! I'm sure that you have a ton of apprehension leaving your husband (temporarily), but you are both doing the right thing. The more I hear about CNY, the more that I realize they are really in the ditches, Central PA isn't near the hotspot that your hubs is working in. I commend him for the vital work that he is doing, and I only hope that both of your mental spirits can stay well in the midst of this. Stay well!
# Posted: 5 Apr 2020 07:34pm
Due to the new .gov self quarantine/social distancing recomendations. I am trying an new approach. My wife doesn’t like watching the news usually. But lately, she has. In another room, on a TV that has about a 3 second delay, from the one I am watching. It seems like she is asking me what’s going on…….while I am trying watch what’s going on…….. Soooo. I have a hand held Bull Horn PA speaker. To answer her questions. Much like Garrett Morris used to do on Saturday Nite live news for the hearing impaired. wife…Why are they doing that? me…..BECAUSE THEY ARE MORONS HONEY! wife…That doesn’t make any sense! me.. THATS BECAUSE THEY ARE MORONS HONEY! wife ….Why don’t you stop using that stupid Bull Horn! me….. Because I am a……never mind. I love you dear.😘
There is a new side effect to this social distancing thing. I have developed a bruise on my shoulder from my wife punching my arm and taking away my bull horn, while I am trying to keep her informed. I think my idea is brilliant. Her opinion……not so much. Lol.
# Posted: 5 Apr 2020 09:03pm
LOL. THANKS for the laugh Darz.
# Posted: 5 Apr 2020 10:09pm
You are welcome. We all are going thru some very different/difficult times. Sometimes a little laughter helps.😠I do have a follow up from the bull horn story tho. After she took my horn away. I told her. " Fine, I just won't talk to you." 🙅 Later when we were cooking dinner. She asked what would I like with my steak. So I decided I would use sign language to tell her. Although I have no clue about sign language. I figured since I've seen it on TV for weeks. I would give it a try. I started doing high kicks, various karate moves and other what I would describe as very obvious sign language thingys. She had tears running down her face from laughter. And begged me to stop before I hurt myself. She said I looked like a drunk redneck at a Disco! Then she asked,"What do you want??" I firmly stated. "It should've been obvious!....potato salad."
# Posted: 5 Apr 2020 11:25pm - Edited by: paulz
Funny stuff Darz. Oh man, you had a steak? I have not had fresh food in over 3 weeks, afraid to go to the store. Restaurants are closed. Tonight I made canned tuna pasta with Manwhich sauce. It was terrible. Kitchen is getting pretty bare, some mac and cheese, tuna, peanut butter, canned string beans is about all that's left. I may have to learn to hunt. Saw a bird on my cabin cam today. What is this, can I eat it? It looks plump enough
# Posted: 5 Apr 2020 11:37pm - Edited by: darz5150
@paulz Looks like the turkey that hangs out on my UIV. If you can kill it....grill it!
# Posted: 7 Apr 2020 02:04am
COVID-19 has gone out of my area. But cabin have not been done yet.
# Posted: 9 Apr 2020 06:56pm
darz5150 Lol, love your communication method! So sorry the wife took it away. @Paulz, do you have anything dry to work with, your last described meal sounds dreadful. I can help you out with vegetarian recipes (you might not have to go after that bird after all) if you have rice and beans or such!
# Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:23pm - Edited by: paulz
Quoting: moneypitfeeder @Paulz, do you have anything dry to work with, your last described meal sounds dreadful
Well I finally got the courage to go to Costco last Friday. Freezer was dead empty, couple cans still in the cupboard. Wore a mask, spent $400, doubled up on everything. There was no toilet paper, people were buying paper towels instead. How can this TP shortage still be going on? We didn't need any, fortunately. Surprisingly less than half the people had masks on, including the employees. There was a long line waiting to get in, they only let so many at a time.
Then, Sunday, yesterday, I woke up with a slight headache, which I never get, and a fever. No sore throat or cough. I thought it was curtains. But today I feel fine, no fever, worked 8 hours. Sure drove home the importance of us old geezers to be careful.
# Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:46pm
@Paulz, glad you were able to venture out an get what you needed! I still can't wrap my head around the TP issue, same here in PA. I went to the grocery this weekend too, and there were quite a few w/o masks on. It was utter chaos there, they had tried to implement "one-way" traffic through the store, and no one was complying. I feel your pain, I felt like I had a sore throat and I started to feel warm this morning and my nose hasn't stopped running since plants started popping. (no covid, I have seasonal allergies and my housecoat was too warm, lol) Stay safe, everyone!
# Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:04pm
We have been back up at the cabin since our quick tryback to the primary home (been here 9 out of the last 12 months beginning to wonder which is the primary home!) A couple of weeks ago. Had to go to town last Friday as we knew mail was building up and had parts there to finish a solar storage addition. Tried to make it quick... got building materials while my wife was in the grocery, got the necessary "spirits " at that shop and got out of town. Wife said Safeway was better stocked than a month ago but still slim pickings. Today we made a quick trip to the farm supply, she hit the independent Hispanic grocery next door.... she said they were way better stocked than Safeway! We have a lot of groceries at the cabin so she was just gotta few items.
Like Paul... surprised how many people, both shoppers and workers not masking up. We took all the recommended precautions to keep safe and keep others safe (though quite sure we ain't got the pox!)
Shouldn't need to go to town until Friday next week.... by then the mail will be getting out of hand! Stay safe and healthy!
# Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:31pm - Edited by: paulz
I've been thinking I had a fever..I've had something, other symptoms..sweating easily.
I broke my old mercury stick thermometer a couple years ago. Bought a couple online, wanted to stay away from batteries. They are mercury free, don't work worth a darn. So I bought an electric one.
Took my temp Saturday morning, didn't feel good. That didn't read right. Checked the battery, good. Drove to the drug store (CVS), against my better judgement, and with a 12' 15" diameter culvert pipe sticking out my truck bed waiting to go to the cabin. Hat off, mask on, hat on, go in to get another thermometer. Searched 15 minutes, can't find one, they are sold out. Back in the truck, hat off, mask off, hat on. Feel silly driving around with it on, no else does..
Drove to another drug store (Right Aid), hat off, mask on, hat on. They had a fresh box just came in. Bought one (electric, not sure you can get sticks anymore). Hat off, mask off, hat on. Tried it outside, not right! GRRR! No returns during virus. Drove to the emergency room. Culvert pipe is diving me nuts banging around. Hat off, mask on, hat on. Can you take my temp? No sir, you have to be admitted. OK, I'll just die out front here. Hat off, mask off, hat on. Finally, I drove to the fired department, there was a guy out front working on a rig. Hat off, mask on, hat on. Can you take my temp? Sure! Goes and gets the kind you stick up to your forehead. 96! What? 96. Can't be. Yes it is sir, you have a low temp. Don't worry about it.
Drove home, stuck my other two thermometers in my mouth, 96. something. I have a low temp. Went up to 97 something later. So I am old, I may have diabetes, low thyroid.. or just dying, degree by degree..
Feel great today though 
Yes, I should have just left the damn mask on.
# Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:41pm
Quoting: paulz Back in the truck, hat off, mask off, hat on. Feel silly driving around with it on, no else does..
You should leave it on the entire time you are going to be running into other people. Every time you touch it you run the risk of moving virus around. Or don't wear one at all and keep your distance and your hands clean.
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