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# Posted: 18 Mar 2020 07:54pm
Thought I'd throw this post up so everyone can "check-in" due to all the current world turmoil. Hubs and I are good, but right now I can't travel to our cabin as its more than 150 miles away from my home of record. (military rule for restriction) Hope everyone else is staying safe and doing well!
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:10pm
All good here in Ontario. we are social distancing in town and heading to the cabin in a few days to kick it up a notch! Stay safe everyone.
# Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:37pm
Doing well here in Southern Colorado. Will be headed back to our primary home in AZ Monday or Tuesday for a few days... Dr. Appointment and to grab the cats, freezer/pantry supplies, tools, etc. and move to the cabin for the summer or however long seems prudent. Not panicked but feel it wise just to stay up here where "social distancing " is the norm.
Gary O
# Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:51pm
Well, we're gonna be living back to the cabin in a couple/three months
Doubt the COVID-19 thing is anywhere out there
Heh, those that live at the edge of civilization have enough to be concerned about anyway What with bear, cougar, wolves, snow, ice, wind, fire Even mice and hantavirus
One gets used to dealing with things...daily.....by the season No panic Just common sense
In the five years we lived out there, we always had three month's supply of most anything.....yeah, even TP Thing is, if one remains stocked up, rotating inventory, supplies at stores are never impacted
Some, actually most, folks out this way buy land, throw on wunna those little prebuilt sheds, and move in ….then move out in the wee days of winter
Living on land out, away from most anything, brings one to some basic realities What one is made of What one is capable of What one is willing to do to maintain livability
It's a continuous challenge Our motto and daily saying; 'Well, nobody's gonna do it for us.....best git busy
I'll tell y'all, we do miss that Never have slept so good
I will miss the hand held shower head
will be working on that
Y'all keep a fire
# Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:17am
Everything is basicly life as normal for both of us. I take and work on public transportation every day. She still goes to work as normal. All is the same. I think the only turmoil is if your kids are out of school or you failed to prepare.
# Posted: 19 Mar 2020 12:10pm
Quoting: moneypitfeeder military rule for restriction where are you located that the military has you locked down?
# Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:34pm - Edited by: Brettny
Well the national guard has a whole city locked down In NY so it's not that crazy of a thought.
# Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:22pm
Here in British Columbia the grocery stores are empty. Hoarders are taking everything they can get their hands on. Now they are going to smaller towns and cleaning them out as well. As GaryO said, it is always a good idea to keep a supply of things at home in case you can't get out to buy them.
We are good here. We closed our motel until the end of April (will re-evaluate then) and are staying put. Take the dog for daily walks to get our fresh air. No one around to bother us - gotta love small town living!
# Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:38pm
COVID19 free here.
Not free from the rest of the BS
# Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:21pm
Quoting: hattie Here in British Columbia the grocery stores are empty. Hoarders are taking everything they can get their hands on
its early days and people were caught off guard. Sure there are some horders, but most people are just getting enough supplies to get by for a couple weeks if they need to. I did that a month ago, and glad I did as I'm now quarantined for 2 weeks.
Grocery stores carry about 2 days of stock on their normal sales schedule. When you get a sudden increase they sell out fast. The supply chain will catch up and all will be fine.
Everyone loves to blame horders, but its just a sudden uptick in demand that nobody saw coming as fast as it did.
But yes I have seen the pictures of the real horders. But they are not the norm. Just give it a chance to catch up. Even the horders will have enough TP that the shelves will get restocked.
# Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:55pm
Quoting: sparky30_06 where are you located that the military has you locked down? It's not where I'm located per se, it's the fact that anyone that works on a base is currently travel-restricted. (can only travel 150 miles from the base) My base is in south central PA and my cabin is in upstate NY, so beyond 150 miles. They just want soldiers and civilians to be close enough to account and care for everyone. Glad to here many are doing well, (we're having TP shortages here too, lol). But the overall in PA is still good. Sorry to hear that Brettny is experiencing a lockdown situation. (We are isolate by choice).
Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:20pm
We are healthy here on the east end of Long Island. My work season is just getting started here and it’s hard to say how it will shake out. I hear of construction projects going on hold or canceling. My work is about 50/50 sprinkler install and service. I think install will be down but service may increase. Most of my customers are wealthy New Yorkers who fled the city to their summer homes. I think they will be there from now till end of summer at least. While there they will want the house and grounds kept up and may even think of new things they want done. Hope it clears up soon. My brother has a tree nursery who just told me he spent two days this week digging a tractor trailer load of trees bound for Nantucket only to get a call that they have a temporary moratorium on all construction on the whole island.
# Posted: 20 Mar 2020 11:06am
Moneypitfeeder you mis read what I wrote. I'm not on lock down. New Rochelle NY is.
Guys that drive by west point and camp Smith said they have never seen so many cars waiting to get through the gates. They got something planned we just don't know what yet.
# Posted: 20 Mar 2020 01:53pm
I still haven't gone shopping yet, been taking the opportunity to go through two cases of mac and cheese I already had. Spamaroni and cheese last night, not too bad. Gotta fry that Spam first.
Wife will need meds from Costco soon, I hear they have 60 year old plus shopping hour now. Hope it's not after my bedtime, 7:30.
Gov says half the state will be infected sooner or later. Hopefully a scare tactic to follow the shelter inside. Then there's the 60K homeless..
# Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:29pm
I think the CA statement was that slightly more than 56% will likely be infected over the next 8 weeks.
A year from now it is more likely to be 70%+. Being infected only means just that you have had contact; the severity of the illness can vary widely. But one can infect others while not showing symptoms. Or maybe die.
The 60+ shopping time was more crowded than later in the day. In the big city near me the senior hours were early; 7AM at Smiths/Krogers for example. The theoretical advantage is that in the early AM, at store opening time, the store will be cleaner than later in the day. As 60+ are supposedly in more peril than younger folks that might make early morning shopping better for us senior members.
# Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:40pm
Hey Brettny, I apparently was misled, the soldiers here (and I think nation-wide) are on the no travel outside of 150 miles. That's a standard thing they do, over 150 can be authorized, but requires a higher authority to sign off and a need for it (not really lock-down). I'm a DoD civ now, and I found out today that while they can't order me to not travel, they are encouraging compliance with the soldiers orders (so I could, with my director's approval possibly take leave to my cabin). Originally, they were just giving the info out that pertained to soldiers and didn't differentiate for the civs. My office (not my whole post) has gone to work from home. They are limiting people that are allowed on post, and limiting the PX /Commissary hours. All indications are that this will continue for the next few months.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:10am - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Doing well. I don’t personally know anyone with the virus. Does anyone here?
My daughters best friends daughter works in admissions in a nearby hospital. She admitted a patient with COVID-19. This was at the very beginning when nobody was taking precautions. It took three weeks for the media to report that case. She has not been tested. No symptoms. Quarantined at home.
It took two weeks for her to find out the person she admitted had it. She has been around thousands of people. Including a great grandmother and grandmother. So far everyone is okay. In her family. The ball was dropped here. So crazy. This is exactly how this virus is spreading.
The governor of FL allowed spring breakers to come on down. Waiting far to long to close the beaches, bars etc...A bunch of young people that have no issue with congregating in large groups. They are going to head up north spreading the virus. I’m so thankful we did not go to FL this winter. Stayed home and did a bunch of work around the house instead.
We’re staying home. If anything needs to be done outside the house I’m going. Odds of me going out are slim. I’m younger. Though out of the three people that have died in my state, two were in my age bracket.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:29pm
I'm so glad to hear you are doing well silverwaterlady!! I saw the pictures of the Florida beaches. It was disgusting!! All those folk will be spreading it across the country now. Entitlement isn't going to save you people.
We are also staying home. We go for a walk every day to get fresh air (we live in a very small town so there isn't anyone around). We will only go into town once a week for essentials. This week we will be wearing masks for that trip.
I know many say masks don't help, but the Health Minister here said the virus can live in the air for 2-3 hours. My thought is that if you are in the grocery store and someone in the aisle next to you coughs or sneezes without covering their mouth and then you walk down that same aisle minutes later, you may get infected (assuming that person had the virus). For the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask, I think it is worth it. Just my opinion.
My daughter and daughter-in-law are both expecting. Scary times for them. They are staying indoors except for doctor appointments.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:29pm
Quoting: hattie I know many say masks don't help, but the Health Minister here said the virus can live in the air for 2-3 hours. My thought is that if you are in the grocery store and someone in the aisle next to you coughs or sneezes without covering their mouth and then you walk down that same aisle minutes later, you may get infected (assuming that person had the virus). For the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask, I think it is worth it. Just my opinion.
A mask sure won't hurt if used properly and if it makes you feel better then why not. Please take a minute to watch a YouTube video of how to properly don and doff them. Many people just end up cross contaminating them by putting them on and off improperly.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:08pm
That is a good point FishHog. I was a Dental Assistant so have worn many a mask. I will, however, be showing my husband how to properly wear one.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:44pm
BrettnyMy cabin in ny is still snowed in. Getting close though....maybe a foot or 2 still in the driveway.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:03pm
So glad to hear everyone here is fine for now. The only person that I know of personally that is affected, is my bosses' friend has it (older male) and is in the hospital in my city. We are house-bound for the most part, I did a Walmart run today for medication, but we are mostly isolated. Thanks for the heads up on masks, I didn't realize there was a "method" to follow. I may try to sew some, because there are none here to be had (along with TP or purell). Good to know from spoofer that my cabin likely is still snowed in, thanks!
# Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:06pm
Prescription medication users in the USA. Call your insurance company and check to see if you have coverage and can have them delivered through the US mail from some of the prescription delivery companies. That’s what we do. It’s less expensive and we never have to go to a pharmacy where we could pick up germs.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:16pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Here is a update from Italy today. From my nephew whom is in the Army there. They are quarantined to base. They can only shop at the PX store on base. A few at a time inside. Long lines outside. They must maintain a 6 foot distance. There are limits on alcohol. One six pack or one bottle of wine or liquor. They are not allowed to gather. They are only allowed to hang out with their roommate. One soldier has contracted the virus. He is in another Army base a few miles away. So far they are all doing okay, our US Army men and women in Italy.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:37pm
Hi Hattie. I’m relieved to hear that you and your husband are doing well.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:32pm
This is a GREAT video to explain COVID-19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtN-goy9VOY&feature=youtu.be
# Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:04am
People mention the lack of masks. I have a 3D printer and have made a few. They seem to be pretty good but the filament is porous and could be subject to contamination. They all require filters and straps.
# Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:11am - Edited by: KinAlberta
For now everyone I know is staying well here in Alberta. (Reported cases and fatalities are rising.) Close relatives on both sides of the family are in isolation in their homes due to recent travel.*
We’re all in a State of Emergency and only going out for walks and essentials.
Noticed a group of runners the other day all clustered together. Too bad. I can’t see this going very well for a whole lot of people. (Including me. I’m almost certain to be a goner if I get it.)
Taking a trip out to the cabin today for the first time in months. Check for breakins etc. In the fall I’d left a brand spanking new package of six (yes SIX) rolls of toilet paper in our unlocked outhouse. I know, I know you’re thinking: this guy’s totally reckless. What was I thinking!
Everyone, don’t forget to pack a roll of TP on all your travels. 
* my in-laws and their child flew down into the states for a team competition that was then cancelled. If you’re child is part of a team how do you bail on things like that? (Pretty unsettling as everyone knows that planes are petridishes at the best of times.) To me this is just one more example of how unprepared officials and organizers were in the face of such threats. Sad. By analogy it’s like everyone being encouraged to travel far and wide while tossing lit cigarettes out the window - during a heat wave.
# Posted: 22 Mar 2020 01:45pm
Doing well here at Dallas, Texas, we can't go to our cabin too since its a bit far. Hope everyone is safe.
# Posted: 22 Mar 2020 06:48pm
KinAlberta, lol, thanks for the laugh I hope you're TP is still there! I think it might be more valuable than copper now (our cabin had copper stripped several years ago)! I never thought about the TP, I've left some up there accessible too, who would have thought...
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