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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Cabin stories
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# Posted: 3 Dec 2019 08:49am

I enjoy reading stories about the adventures you have while building and using your cabins. But seems that this site turned into a how to fix or build a cabin. With usually just the regulars that seem to chime in. Usually several times.
I’m sure there are some great stories and even some good ones that are out there.
Was wondering why so many visit this site and ask a few questions . Then it seems that they drop off. I do feel that some get quite pushy when given their advice. Especially with the limited info given sometimes. And they just don’t care to come back. As they asked for suggestions and get beat up with a bunch because they did it their way. Just my opinion.
Anyhow some adventure stories about about all the fun you’re having while enjoying your cabin would be nice to see. Hope you’re having a great day.
Merry Christmas

Eddy G
# Posted: 5 Dec 2019 08:26pm - Edited by: Eddy G

We’re coming up on our 4 yr anniversary at the cabin we passed papers on the property Dec 28, 2015.
We spent that very cold New Year’s Eve weekend there in the filth, with mice, and roughed it out by the leaking fire place....The place has come a long long way since then..The first floor has been gutted out and completely redone and now we’re going to do the 2 bedrooms upstairs.

One crazy story off the top of my head was in the fall of 2016. We’d been at it pretty hard every weekend with some major DE-construction and repairs.
We noticed some ants around a window and some wet wood around the chimney as we’re pulling down old wood paneling. Then I hear my wife screaming in horror and see what it looks like huge black clumps of dirt falling from the wall .....Not dirt! ANTS! Thousands of them pound and pounds of black ants are packed in the wall and ceiling and now raining down on top of her. It looked like she was covered in tar. wave after wave of ants came pouring out of the wall and was something out of a horror movie, I kid you not....How we didn’t see more then a few here and there up until then is amazing to me..We went through a lot of raid and bombed the place a few times eventually exposed everything and repaired the surprisingly little damage they have done...Not something either of us will soon forget.

Eddy G
# Posted: 5 Dec 2019 08:35pm

I’ll add that after the place was completely gutted to every stud we scrubbed and beached everything, replaced every window, repaired or replaced anything that even looked questionable and sealed every crack, nook and cranny

# Posted: 6 Dec 2019 01:41am

Oh my. That is just awful. Were they alive or dead?

Eddy G
# Posted: 6 Dec 2019 03:12pm

They where full of life at the was crazy.
Once the walls and ceiling was fully removed we found how and why they where coming in.
They had a trail along the outside of the chimney into wall, across the wall along a rotted out window sill
and into the porch ceiling where they nested.
They ate their way through a header and chewed up a few ceiling/roof rafters..Easy enough to fix.

Our cabin was left locked up for a long time before we picked it up. Besides the ants we found The skeleton of a mouse that must have electrocuted it’s self chewing through the wires hahaha...

# Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:47pm

I bought a mountain cabin in western NC and it was a complete gut job and roof removal and replacement. After getting about 80% done my son and I went up to insulate and got there late one night. We got to house and he was asleep at like 1am so I was going to run in cut power on and air mattresses ready before waking him up being the nice dad I after turning on power and a 3.5hr drive I had to pee...when I got to restroom and lifted toilet seat something cought my eye on ground to the right,,looked like with my left hand on a window seal and right hand busy. I look above to the ceiling above the (dirt) I see a large brown ball that seems to be moving...I grab my phone and use it as a light and see it's about 12 bats in a nest ball.....I jumped back,bought fell,made a mess on floor and probably screamed like a girl.....I hate mice,,,,bat is a flying mouse...needless to say we slept in truck and had to remove next day,,,many internet tricks didnt work,,,so a very long broom woke them up and made them fly ,,,some at us,,some out door,,,some tried to kill me(in my head)..that day we insulated and spray foamed every crack,window and opening possible..,,,,,, my 2nd suprise up there was one morning as I arrived after a snow someone placed a dead dog on my step as my driveway is the last on a road before you get to the forestry land,,the only think I can think is someone found or hit him and assumed it was mine and plased him on the step.. I went to my only 2 neighbors and asked if belonged to them both said I buried him on land and posted the ad that a hound was found. Was called and it was a hunting dog that ran off and was thanked..not the best cabin stories but they are mine!, love this site and the reads

# Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:10am

Bats. Oh yes, I have a bat story too.

One of the kids forgot to close the front sliding patio door one evening. It was open for about two hours.

Fast forward to bedtime and I’m lying there exhausted until I heard a fluttering slightly above my head. I knew immediately what it was. So I put my head under the blanket and told my husband there was a bat flying around my head.

Of course he said I was just dreaming and to go back to sleep, lol. I said no way. Turn the lantern on and find it and get it out of here.

Long story short he could not get the bat out of the cabin so I spent the rest of the night with my head under the blanket. We were leaving to go back to the city the next day. So needless to say I was exhausted the next day. My husband was fine he slept like a baby.

Imagine my thoughts. We are gone now and that bat is still in our cabin. Will it die or find a way to live all winter. Is it female and pregnant. How much of a mess am I going to have to deal with in the spring.

Fast forward months later and we are back to the cabin. Artwork on the walls is askew, there is bat poo here and there. I go up to the loft and see a bunch of big black ants making a beeline for something under a side table. Umm-no, I’m not even going to look.
Send my husband up there to deal with it. Off course it’s the dead bat.

# Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:18pm

Thanks for the stories on bats. We have a few around. I have always enjoyed the acrobatics of these little creatures. Like mini fighter jets .
Having a remote cabin in Ak gives s lots of unique opportunities to hear n see Mother Nature. There are always the local wolf pack that passes through regularly. A couple years ago my son n me were in a blind where he harvested a huge 58” bull moose the year prior. We waited until shooting light faded before we headed back to the cabin. Was a beautiful evening, but they all are right, hanging with my son, great weather, doing moose calls in the middle of nowhere.
We got up n had only gone a hundred yards or so , my son looks at me n says “ did you hear that “ ? Yep. Actually that was kinda one of the sounds as two wolves were working there way towards us. One on each side of the ridge that our cabin sits on. Making a drive. Communicating to each other. With the realization that the chances of harvesting a moose just got harder. Moose don’t like to be where wolves are.
But that’s ok. Just the way the world works. Just being able to witness all of this happening. Is a win.
I have been doing moose calls and have had wolves came in two other times. That I am aware of. One clear morning I was working my way way along still hunting n trying to sound like a moose. As the fog lifted a black, grey n pure white colored wolf was sitting on a small point of land near the pond in front of the cabin. I took a shot n missed. He booked. The next evening I’m sitting next to the pond, calling, across from where I saw this wolf the day prior playing with another grey wolf. They were fun to watch as I new I couldn’t get a clean shot just sat back n watched. The sun going down behind them.
Another story about wolves. I was in a ground blind with a long time friend. Reminiscing about how we both grew up about 15 miles apart, many moon ago. I was doing an array of calls when a huge pure white wolf steps out. Attracted to the moose calls. This wolf was well over a hundred pounds. He took off after a big splash of water exploded in front of him. Yeah I know. My buddy had been watching him in his range finder, a scope that tells you the distance to a target. After I miss he says 173 yards. Wish I would have known that he was that far out before I shot. Oh well, still a win n my eyes. The state wildlife biologists who oversee this area are asking hunters to try to reduce this wolf pack. The moose calf survival rates are as low as 6% in these areas because of predation. And the wolves are suffering because of lice n mange and other issues.
Being able to hang out in this ecosystem is one of the most enjoyable experiences in my life. And sharing with my family n friends. And knowing that I can leave these opportunities to my family to enjoy for many more years to come.
Merry Christmas to you all.

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