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# Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:49am
Hello dear folks. I have spent the first spring and summer in my cabin, and am finding that the walls in the bathroom and other places are getting a few spots of what appears to be a black mold. I don't know if it is the dreaded Black Mold but at any rate, the logs are getting a black cast to them in places, and not from smoke. Would it be a good idea to spray down the logs with a bleach solution? I am open to any suggestions. The bathroom where I have a shower is NOT well ventilated and I do plan to add a window in there so there can be better light and ventilation.
# Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:31am
You need to vent the bathroom. If you have wood in there thats not sealed i would seal it. Poly or something of the sort.
White vinegar kills mold better than bleach.
# Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:06pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Bleach is also corrosive to metals such as nails etc. I like the vinegar one Brett. But it appears to be corrosive too. Maybe dilute it. But if no metal, looks like a good idea.
I am fortunate my cabin is in a very dry part of the state. I would not store wet or even moist wood or any wood inside if its molding.
# Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:45am - Edited by: Aklogcabin
I would suggest. Differentiate if the problem is it the logs or the environment around them. Poke into the log and try to determine its density. Is it hard or soft. Also is it on the surface or into the log. If on the surface it my be as simple as moving some furniture or such so that air can flow. You mentioned that you just moved in. Is your cabin new? If so the floor may have gotten soaked.( When I build l always paint the floor with an oil based paint as the first step after the last nail is down.) The window should help but if your in a cold climate you may have frosty windows if you are still dealing with stagnant air. As mentioned, killing the mold present. But also put a small fan so there is an air flow to carry away excess moisture. I wouldn’t panic too much. If you are burning wood that should help. Mold thrives in still moist air . You need to change the balance. There are also some molds that grow specifically in wood. The blue and pinkish colors in wood is a specific mold. Wood can also have dark colors caused by mineral stains from the ground in which it grew. Divide your problem. Hopefully some of that will help. I don’t have the silver bullet.
# Posted: 12 Oct 2019 05:32pm
Wow, thanks everybody.I really appreciate all the time people took to reply. I am installing a window in the bathroom this fall and for the time being am going to run a fan in there. The cabin is pretty nice and cozy other than this.
# Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:56am
Glad you are nice n cozy in your cabin!
# Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:05pm
Perma Chink makes products to clean mold safely off logs. You can find a dealer local to you via the internet. We use Perma Chink products exclusively. Yes as many have said here it is expensive but you get what you pay for. Never use bleach. It harms the wood fibers and does not kill the root of the mold. It just cleans the surface.
Since our cabin is seasonal we decided to bathe outdoors. I did not want to worry about venting all the steam. Built a nice outdoor shower with a claw foot tub. IDK if you could somehow set up a solar fan system so you wouldn’t need to open a window.