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# Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:20pm - Edited by: rayyy
I'd like to hear more from my fellow cabin builders/dwellers.For all of you that joined this forum,there isn't much happening out there.In a few weeks we will all be busy with springtime activities.What will your first project be for this year?What are your goals by fall?Any of you gonna get a barn yard going?Start you garden?add on to the cabin?Start next years wood pile?Anyone into painting?carving?bird watching?Photography?Syrup making?
# Posted: 27 Feb 2011 04:50pm
It will be a few more months for us before winter leaves (We come from the part of the country where it is10 months of winter and 2 months of bad sledding/skiing) and spring arrives for real (the frogs must be frozen three times).
Thankfully the only major project I am thinking of is putting in a small dock on our second beaver pond so we can maybe put up a tent blind to watch/photograph from. We might have to stain the shed too.
We need to tidy up our trail system. Recreational chainsawing and brush whacking.
Want to get the shed's/my scotch collection nicely underway with our big game bounty game we play. Thankfully I have better distance eye sight than my wife from many years of going up and down the field in a tractor bored out of my skull.
Also like to get my ruddy duck sign carved up and painted.
We have to lay down some patio blocks for our telescope so we can star gaze without tripping over something....Hopefully not a skunk!!
I am not allowed to do anything hinting of agricultural activities cause the lady wife is worried that if I get a tractor I will start farmin.LOL
# Posted: 27 Feb 2011 07:51pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
well today it was 79 deg............this past week at my camp/cabin........hauled off a load of trash/debris...... burned one of my 2 brush piles, and yesterday, Bushogged 2 food plots........layed a 1inch water line with spigot, to the new cabin site, installled a elect outlet at well pump,,,,,,,,had to pick up a few PVC fittings today for the water line hook up to my existing well, and friend gave me a roll of elect wire to roll on top of ground for a temp. elect ot top of the hill for the new cabin site. This spring ---starting in 2 weeks, my quest for wild turkeys in MS 1st, then here in Ga. , then TN, on to SD and Montana for the turkeys........will finish my trips by 1st week of May. And during all of this hunting ---break ground for the new camp/cabin......want to get it dryed in before it get's so hot here in Georgia. AND after good friday---plant some maters and pepper plants in the garden.
# Posted: 27 Feb 2011 08:18pm
Great thread! I've got so much to do so I must prioritize. The wife says I have to plant some azaleas at the cabin, but save some for the house also. Then its time for gardening, potatoes now, followed by corn in late march with peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, yellow squash, okra, maybe some butterbeans and zuchini too. The turkeys are already gobbling here so middle of march I will start my 6 weeks of sleep deprivation in search of the strutter. The boy started baseball practice last week and that takes up lots of time also. I'm ready for spring but not the dog days of our southern summers! Here's what I'll be chasing
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# Posted: 27 Feb 2011 09:05pm
Hey Timberjack...is that an all out invitation to your next Thanksgiving dinner? Could be a full house (um...cabin!) Cheers.
# Posted: 27 Feb 2011 09:10pm
Spring Projects... -New shower -rifle range (bb / pellet)for my boys - lots of deadfall to clear,,,probably a 100 12' cedar logs in the making...thinking about building a small log cabin for my boys and their buddies...or just stacking them and having a portable saw mill come in to give me some lumber for projects.
# Posted: 28 Feb 2011 01:14am - Edited by: MikeOnBike
I need to finish last years shed. It needs some more paint, wiring, insulation and some plywood to cover the insulation. Should have it done in a couple of weekends.
This year we start on another shed. The plans have grown a bit in size and we (she) decided that we should upgrade the shower. The solar shower just wasn't enough in the spring and fall. We will probably use an Eccotemp L5, an RV pump and put some 50 gal plastic barrels behind the shed for water storage. I also want to start collecting rain water for showers. I'm going to pre-fab the wall sections and haul them up the mtn. so I can get the roof on a little quicker.
That and finishing the fencing will make it a busy year. We are going to try and squeeze in some play time this year. The last two years have been all work.
# Posted: 28 Feb 2011 07:01pm
MikeOnBike, From reading your posts, I thought that was your play time.
# Posted: 28 Feb 2011 07:59pm
Quoting: rayyy I'd like to hear more from my fellow cabin builders/dwellers.For all of you that joined this forum,there isn't much happening out there.In a few weeks we will all be busy with springtime activities.What will your first project be for this year?What are your goals by fall?
My first project for this year is tearing down the barn on my friends property. My goal for Fall is to turn that pile of wood into something that resembles a cabin. I'd also like to plant some grass, and maybe lay a few truckloads of gravel. That should kill my budget for this Year
# Posted: 28 Feb 2011 08:02pm
Quoting: Erins#1Mom From reading your posts, I thought that was your play time.
Ok, yeah, well I would like to add some mtn. biking and hiking into the mix. Oh, and a nap.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2011 10:39am
we will be clearing debris off our newly boughten land...it also has an old camper and a mobile home on it and we need to tear it down and get ready for the scrap man to come haul it off along with some truck out there.we have alot of burning still to do.With the new land we have alot of cleared off ground to start on building a new cabin that is bigger and with a kitchen.be still my heart...no going out in 18 degrees to make coffee in my summer kitchen.yahoo.and we have a newly found well on the new property so we will be checking this out and getting a hand pump for it.so much fun to look forward to.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2011 10:41am
oh yeah.getting the solar shower built.i may do this one myself.i may take a shower curtain out there and figure out a way to put it up and have the solar shower container put over head and also something to stand on while we shower.that would be a boon.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2011 12:21pm
Wow,cabingal.You sure got your work cut out for you. I got my spot almost done.There was a bunch of junk from the fourties right smack where I want to build the cabin,adding a lot of extra work to this project.I'm overwelmed but at the sametime very excited.This cabin will be my finist creation!I also got to build a barn and fence in 2 acres for my 2 horses and (someday)a dozen chickens.Don't think I'll get a garden in this year.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:34pm
Quoting: rayyy I'm overwelmed but at the sametime very excited.This cabin will be my finist creation i am overwhelmed at times too rayyy...i want to get the show on the road and get the next cabin up.so i can be inside cooking in an inside kitchen...but u know.theres so much crap on the new property.it needs to be cleaned up.hubby has to keep me in check with slowing down.i am a bit nuts about the land.i am like lets sell our car and me get a junker and put the monies from the car to the building fund.lets sell the kids.lets sell everything.for building monies.so he has to slow me down...I wish u the best luck on the finest creation ever.yes.we too are waiting for gardening and chickens and the like.it is a slow process but i sure dont want it to not ever happen.good luck
# Posted: 13 Mar 2011 05:48pm
Quoting: cabingal3 i am overwhelmed at times
We have had our place for 5 years and it seems we never finish "getting it ready". I bought it to have a place to go to and get away, relax, enjoy outdoor activities, slow down and forget about life and work, but it seems that preparations, repairs and/or new construction take all precedence over relaxation.
If someone has figured out a way to just look past all the stuff that needs to get done and (even just once in a while) enjoy these cabins that we treasure so much, please share with me. I'm referring to those of you who have standing places, of course, not those in the planning/building stages.
Why does my 'small cabin' need more work than my 'big house'??? I must be pre-wired to not stop working no matter where I am.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2011 06:02pm
i sure do that...bobrok. we can only do so much our bodies will let us do.only so much our funds will let us do.only so little time spent there...so when we dont have the extra building supplies to get a place with a kitchen started...we rake up trash and burn it.we clip tree branches and cut wood...just happy to be there and in the great out doors. the place will probably never be done but we peck at it. the reason i get overwhelmed is i want to be out there way more...doing more.but it is just take it as it comes and breath in the view and the air and the silence.cannt get much better than this.except to live out there.hee hee.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2011 06:28pm
Quoting: cabingal3 breath in the view and the air and the silence
That's the big draw for me. Remote & quiet. We've been up there for a week and not seen a soul so many times. We really would like to start inviting occasional company for weekend stays and that has been our big push to get things shipshape.
We did the outdoor shower thing for 2 years. Got cold. I built an inside bathroom/shower. I can't ask company to shower outdoors.
Ooops, there was no plumbing whatsoever. I plumbed the bathroom shower and sink.
While I was at it I plumbed the kitchen sink.
While I was at it I installed hot water heater.
Ran out of room to store stuff. Built a shed.
Outhouse was tipping and hole was filling up. Moved it and dug new hole. Why do we need an outhouse if we have a bathroom?
I have to work on Type-A wife to slow down a bit to accommodate this Type-B husband.
That is a talllllll order. You need to keep reminding me to stop and smell the roses (er, the pine trees) OK? I rely on this forum for that.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2011 10:02pm
this spring I'll be starting on a shower house with a toilet. also will be making a proper storage area for my wood so it can dry and remain that way. nothing sucks more than trying to get wet wood to burn
# Posted: 13 Mar 2011 10:49pm
Quoting: bobrok That is a talllllll order. You need to keep reminding me to stop and smell the roses (er, the pine trees) OK? I rely on this forum for that. u got it mister.u have done alot already.u could just sit back a bit and enjoy...which it does sound like u will.U are getting ready for company and fun times.yay!
# Posted: 7 Apr 2011 10:25pm
Work list for cabin:
April long Weekend Panel inside of cabin Stain wood Paint walls Hang trim pieces Hang curtain rods/curtains
May long weekend Mount all solar panels Connect all batteries Install all electrical (lights/outlets) in and outside Finish and attach the small shed doors Stain back shed
June long weekend Stain cedar shower panels Install walls of shower room Tile floor Install Tub surround Install propane hot water on demand Box out propane system and enclose Install water filter system and run water lines through property
July long weekend Create base for composting toilet Put together shed for toilet Install composting toilet Stain toilet shed
August long weekend Fill in holes in dirt Box out propane tanks, stove, fridge Prep cabin for winter Install wash tub next to shower Install clear roof over wash tub
When we have time: cut cedar rounds for side decks.....
lastly, only do 1/3 of this list so we can relax....there is always next year and the next year, and the list isn't going anywhere:)
# Posted: 8 Apr 2011 08:40am
Quoting: nicalisa lastly, only do 1/3 of this list so we can relax....there is always next year and the next year, and the list isn't going anywhere:)
you got a PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....wow....that list made me tired.....: )
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 12:12pm
Great idea Rayyy... this is summer no. 2 at the cabin, and our goal is to finish all the necessary jobs before tacking big projects like the cabin exterior or a solar setup. These include a tiled shower with drain (materials all purchased and job started), connnecting the composting toilet (air vent that goes through the roof and overflow hose that goes to a small pit), finishing whitewashing/clearcoating the indoor walls, paint the the porch, and dig a new greywater drain pit (that's the big one) which will be lined with cinder blocks. I'll post info about the drain pit back on our main thread. Loving reading other people's to-do lists!