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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / New Best Friend coming...
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# Posted: 3 Dec 2018 09:04am - Edited by: Cowracer

I didn't post it, but in august, we had to have my best girl put down. Abby started swelling up in the abdomen, and after a bunch of work at the vet, the diagnosis came back liver cancer. Options were limited, and honestly at best would only buy her a year or so. And not a very good year either. So with destroyed heart, I made the decision to end her suffering. She went out in my lap, with her front paws crossed (as she always did). I am not ashamed to admit that I cried like a little bitch.

RIP Abby girl..

After some time, I was ready for another dog. I told the wife that I wanted a puppy for Christmas. However, I am pretty particular about what I wanted. I've always had female dogs, so I wanted another girl Aussie. I knew that I couldn't get another Abby, but I really like the Red-tri color that she was. I thought she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen. But no matter the color, it would have to have a white blaze on the snout/forehead, and a white 'ruff' or collar. Preferably white socks on the paws. I know, that's awful specific, but even before I got my first Aussie I loved those traits in dogs. Even some non-aussie dogs like border collies have them.

A good camping buddy of mine lives in Ohio, and his 'neighbor' raises Aussies. He knew Abby and knew how much I was tore up when I lost her. When his neighbor had the next litter, he had her contact me. Imagine my suprise when a lady I don't know called me up out of the blue and asked if I was looking for Aussie pups... The timing couldn't have worked out any better.

Meet Trixie Belle!

She's a little more brown than red, but she checks off all the boxes in what I wanted in a new dog. Look at that little face! The breeder says she is a mini Aussie, which is ok with me. The wife prefers smaller dogs and it makes no difference to me.

She will be ready to come home around the 20th of December. I've already planned out the trip to go get her. I find myself excited like a little kid this Christmas. I didn't realize how much not having a dog sucked. Of course, more pics coming when I get her.


# Posted: 3 Dec 2018 10:44am

Good for you Cowracer...sorry for the loss, but it is good to move on. I think even the tough guys tear up when this happens, it's something about the loss of your innocent protector....I know I bawl too.
Hope your new puppy brings you much joy, and you her......

# Posted: 3 Dec 2018 10:54am

Beautiful! Oh, and I've cried more times than I wish to remember at losing a dog, horse. Just the natural pain following the years of pleasure they give you.

# Posted: 3 Dec 2018 11:04am - Edited by: snobdds

Oh man...good for you. Love aussie as well, and have a mini trip. Here is mine when I took it to the lower meadows to chase some tail...cotton tail.

# Posted: 3 Dec 2018 11:44am - Edited by: hueyjazz

Congrats on new family member. I know how you feel. I lost two Golden Retrievers at early ages that were my constant companions. The last one at three years of age to cancer. It ripped my heart out. I swore no more dogs as I couldn't take the loss I felt.

Then my daughter brought how a rescue pit bull that was an angel. It melted my heart.
This was follow by her idiot friend that was a grad student that thought it would be fun to have a puppy. When we discovered the puppy spent 22 hours a day in a cage we ended up buying it off her to rescue it

These two dogs are the only things that love our land and cabin more than we do. We can't use the C word at home or the dogs get quite excited. We use to spell the word out as in code but then they figured that one out too. Friday evenings they know we pack up and go to land so they are waiting by door every Friday.

# Posted: 3 Dec 2018 12:13pm

Congratulations Tim. What a wonderful Christmas present, and addition to the family. Losing a dog is awful, and you're right, there is never a replacement for what you lost. But, that shouldn't stop you from making all new memories which will likely reinforce your memories of Abby.

# Posted: 3 Dec 2018 03:43pm

Congratulations! What a wonderful addition to your household at Christmas.

# Posted: 3 Dec 2018 07:07pm

Best Christmas present ever!!!! Shes beautiful.

Nate R
# Posted: 4 Dec 2018 10:56am

Congrats on the new pup!
Sorry to hear of the loss, though. How old was Abby?

This past July, we had a similar situation, our 7 year old female Aussie tricolor came down with some issues. We never found out for sure what kind of cancer, as it was already spread to her lungs and possibly bones by the time we knew about it. Vet said there was a good chance it started in the liver. We got a rescue aussie (male) later this summer from another state. (We still had another aussie the entire time, 2 seems to be a good # for us. ) We've had a total of 3 males and 1 female now......I think next one will be a girl. Different, more directed/task oriented personality, it seems.

# Posted: 4 Dec 2018 12:09pm

Tim. Abby was a beauty. Gut wrenching.. Hope the new pup soothes the pain.

# Posted: 7 Dec 2018 08:11pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech

Cowracer, bless her little heart. What a doll. I tried to do without my frenchie too after he passed, didnt last too long.

Looking at her, she is in for a life of love, warmth, comfort, plentiful food and water supply and lots of fun at the cabin with "mom and dad"

Man I love dogs. Never has there been a finer companion to mankind as a dog. Its as if they were put on this earth just for our enjoyment and companionship. Amazing animals. Unconditional love always.

# Posted: 8 Dec 2018 10:02am

I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Abby was absolutely beautiful. But I am also glad to hear you have a new pup coming. She looks like a real cutie. Safe travelled to pick her up. I’m sure she will bring a lot of joy into your life. God bless.

# Posted: 8 Dec 2018 11:52am - Edited by: Asher

Man I got glassy eyed just reading your post, and my dog has been gone for over 10 years... That dog saw me through some rough times and even a marriage.. I saw this a while back and even though might not like the show, I think this guy was spot on with what he said...

Congratulations on the new pup, she might not be like your old friend, but she is your new friend and your will be the love of her life...

# Posted: 19 Dec 2018 07:14pm

Everyone that is classified as "dog people" have had to let our canine family members go at some point. It is always the hardest thing for me to say good bye to my dogs as they are always my best friend, constant companion and 100% part of our family! We are on dog number 10 in our lives now.

I feel your loss and congratulate you on your new friend. New dogs never replace your lost ones but they do help you mend your broken heart.

# Posted: 19 Dec 2018 08:45pm

I read a great quote about dogs a while back and saved it:

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender.....your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader, He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion,"

For the PC types, feel free to use the word 'He'
interchangeably with 'She'.....

# Posted: 21 Dec 2018 09:11pm

She's here!

# Posted: 22 Dec 2018 09:42am

What a doll, many years of fun at the cabin for both of you.

# Posted: 22 Dec 2018 09:58am

She’s beautiful. Those eyes already say she is attached to you and will love you forever. Congratulations!

# Posted: 24 Dec 2018 11:05am

Cingrats Cowracer!

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