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# Posted: 28 Jan 2011 10:02pm
walked face first into some metal panels hanging out the back of my truck
 got 4 stitches, and even tho the pic looks like it, its not broke
anyone else got any stories/pics?
# Posted: 28 Jan 2011 10:56pm
Summer b4 last I side stepped on one of those little 2 step handi-ladders while I was installing ceiling battens. I had a cordless drill chucked up with a drywall screw and was looking up at my target on the ceiling and not at the step ladder. I still see the whole thing in slow motion: ladder went out from under me and I started down. As God is my witness my only thought while I was free falling was "damn, don't let the drill put that screw into the new vinyl flooring I had just put down or the wife will have my hide"! Bad sprain. Walked with a cane and a limp all summer. Put on 10 lbs cuz I had to quit the gym.
But damn I didn't scratch that floor. Wifey appreciated my thoughtfulness very much.
# Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:21pm
Welcome to the 'look what I did to my head' club!
Nasty concussion and memory loss for me this last Oct. Had a scaffolding collapse on my brother and I. It's amazing how much falling 10ft. can hurt.
Gary O
# Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:52pm
Quoting: bobrok don't let the drill put that screw into the new vinyl flooring Glad I'm not the only one sacrificing life and limb to save my work. Too many stories to list, but the most ludicrous 'event' I can recall was when I too was on a ladder (an extension ladder), but only four rungs up. Too lazy to move the ladder a bit, I did the one leg out and stretch the arm in the opposite direction, ballet move, to reach a stubborn trouble spot. When pulling my leg back and venturing down the ladder, I misjudged the location of the rung. In spasmodically over correcting the precarious situation, I ended up doing a full Pirouette, clinging to my now twirling ladder. I magically stopped in mid air, frozen, for what seemed like a three count, then jerked the ladder back and forth two, three, maybe four times to balance (why? I have no idea) then proceeded down the hill, backwards. It's true, your life does flash before your eyes. And, aluminum ladders are light, so the marks were minimal......
# Posted: 29 Jan 2011 07:34am
Tell the truth Nathan, looks like your wife didn't like the panel choices you made?? - Ha!
As I'm pecking on the keyboard I can only use about six fingers, the others are twisted, mangled, mashed, and bloodied. Those sliding extension ladders are tough on misguided fingers.
# Posted: 29 Jan 2011 02:31pm
nathanprincipe i hope u are alright.wow.thats a big boo boo.hey.when me and hubby were pushing up 14 foot planks to our tall cabin roof.a couple of times we almost got knocked in the head and hubby too.i dropped a 4x8 peice of plywood on my shin.i swear i had a deep dent in my shin for so long.oh yeah.its still there.even after a year or two.be careful.to go slow is better.thats a hard one.not so much for us as we are older.slow is good.
Gary O
# Posted: 29 Jan 2011 06:21pm
Quoting: cabingal3 dropped a 4x8 peice of plywood on my shin thought I'd have to put her down......but she healed up nicely
# Posted: 2 Feb 2011 07:11pm
I remember cutting the hole in the floor of the loft to run my stove pipe up through.dam wasp nest was up on the ceiling so I got me a can of spray and while I was looking up,spraying them little buggers I steped forward (forgot the hole in the floor)owwww that hurt!
# Posted: 2 Feb 2011 08:00pm
Glad to know Im not the only one! Safety first is deff my new motto
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 12:37am
Well Nathan it's been a week. How are you doing?
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 12:27pm
Its healing fine! Im about to play doctor and remove the stitches myself. hope this goes well, I just cant bring myself to pay another medical bill for removing 4 small pieces of thread from my face! Ive had piercings before, Ill be fine! haha
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 12:44pm
just did it, piece of cake, Im going back next weekend for round 2 of the roofing
Gary O
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 12:53pm
keep yer guard up Nathan
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 02:10pm
Hmmm, maybe you should get yourself a hocky mask.
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 08:09pm
Quoting: MikeOnBike Hmmm, maybe you should get yourself a hocky mask. exactly what my wife said!lol
# Posted: 16 Feb 2011 01:15am
hope you are recovering quickly. I know personally, how painful it is. sometime back, I had a ladder fall injury; it took weeks together for me to say 'no more pain'. I should thank this defective ladder fall injury attorney for quick settlement and helping me for clearing all my medical bills, etc.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 10:34am
ouch. I hope, you healed up by now. My husband fell off the roof when him and his dad put the tin up. On the way down he sliced open his wrist on some metal roofing that was standing up ready to be installed.. Needed surgery that night and although it looks well healed, he figures he will have a partially numb hand forever. I'm just glad it didn't end up worse.
# Posted: 4 Apr 2011 10:13pm
my father and i where in arkansas work on our cabins 4-2-2011 where father was ripping some wood for his cabin and end up losing the tips of three fingers and having surgery on the thumb to make it useable again. he now has 3 months of recovery not fun i get to finish his cabin
# Posted: 5 Apr 2011 02:47am - Edited by: MikeOnBike
Quoting: Anonymous end up losing the tips of three fingers
I ran my fingers through a table saw many years ago. I messed up my fingers but I didn't lose any pieces.
Hope he heals quickly and heals well.
# Posted: 6 Apr 2011 01:08pm
Last summer, standing about 4 or 5 rungs up on a 6 ' ladder I proceeded to hammer in a 7' galv grounding rod with a 3lb hand sledge. I should have been holding it while I hit it, but I was just sort of eye-balling it and gambling that I could hit it square. I was playing a game with it. I'd hit it square and it would flail and buoy left to right in a circular motion. Well, wouldnt you know after several square hits, I missed. The sledge head missed the top of the rod completely, but the handle didnt. I managed to perfectly put the top of my pointer finger between the top of the ground rod and the handle. It flattened the finger and mushed it. Nail came completely off.. Worst pain, I ever felt. Surprisingly, it healed up nice and you' never know that happened.
# Posted: 6 Apr 2011 06:42pm
Quoting: scout100 Last summer, standing about 4 or 5 rungs up on a 6 ' ladder I proceeded to hammer in a 7' galv grounding rod with a 3lb hand sledge. I should have been holding it while I hit it, but I was just sort of eye-balling it and gambling that I could hit it square. I was playing a game with it. I'd hit it square and it would flail and buoy left to right in a circular motion. Well, wouldnt you know after several square hits, I missed. The sledge head missed the top of the rod completely, but the handle didnt. I managed to perfectly put the top of my pointer finger between the top of the ground rod and the handle. It flattened the finger and mushed it. Nail came completely off.. Worst pain, I ever felt. Surprisingly, it healed up nice and you' never know that happened. man that sounds painful, I also lost my index fingernail a while back a new one grew in nicely...... and your right, very painful!
# Posted: 7 Apr 2011 05:55am
Ewwwww that makes me cring!lol.I have too,mashed or cut every one of my fingers at one time or another throughout the years.It is excruesheating pain when ever your nail is involved.Knock on wood,my fingers are all sound right now and pain free.Now if only the rest me can follow suite!You know,elbow,foot,knee,wrist,,,,lol.