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# Posted: 18 Feb 2018 08:28pm
I've plunged my 32" saw into this a couple times poured deisel down there. Should I light it or just let it rot? 5 gallon jug for reference.
# Posted: 18 Feb 2018 08:46pm
Depending how old the stump is, tree species. Plunging into with your chain saw or drilling down into the stump works well, just pour used motor oil into the top of the stump. Then you can burn it out over cabin season. I made a makeshift rock stove, kinda.
# Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:32am
Thanks, looks almost fun!
# Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:35am
My dad would dig around it a bit exposing as much wood as possible and load it up with charcoal briquettes and ass a small fan if needed. Much quicker than stump rot too. 
# Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:11pm
I hear epson salts work good. I would never pollute the soil with diesel fuel. That stuff is nasty and will be forever in the soil and groundwater.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:04pm
I'd assume the diesel is used to light it and burn. Wouldn't let it soak either but won't really be there forever. It did come from the ground and will eventually breakdown. But still not a good idea in my mind
# Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:45pm
If there were other trees around you could end up burning those roots as well if you light it on fire. Just FYI
# Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:58pm
Quoting: Bushwhacked If there were other trees around you could end up burning those roots as well if you light it on fire. Just FYI
Salt will also kill everything around it.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:15pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Salt will also kill everything around it.
Very true!
# Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:10am
I rent a backhoe. Too many stumps.
# Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:51am
I know for sure that the following works. You break your back digging around the stump, put a come-along or two around nearby trees, chains. chain saws (will go through at least one chain), hand saws, peavy's and levers, and the use of a 20 ton hydraulic jack underneath will eventually rip the sucker out of the ground. I like DaveBell's solution but I do not have any machine access.
# Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:08pm
If your "soil" ( close to peat moss from eons of leaves composting) is anything like ours, one could start a underground fire trying to burn a stump out of the ground.
# Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:33pm
I've come up with a method that works pretty well if you are patient. I've noticed that if you leave a stump exposed to air it dries out and takes many years to decompose. So what I do is I cover the stump with organic material like wood chips or leaves and then I pour a liquid nitrogen source over the mound. The liquid nitrogen source I use is my own collected and diluted urine. (You wouldn't have to dilute it but I want to stretch it further to use on several mounds.). By keeping the stump wet and supplied with nitrogen it stimulates the decomposition activities in the wood. I've found that generally in less than a year the stump will turn punky and can then can be hacked out in chunks without too much difficulty using a pick because the stump has become soft and spongy.
# Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:14am - Edited by: paulz
Good point on the diesel pollution. i saw some posts or videos where it was used but couldn't remember if it was to start a fire or rot the wood. This is an extremely dense, wet forest, doubt there's much chance of underground fire but I don't know.
I plan to use this stump as a 'test' subject, it's not in the way of anything, I cut the tree down for my deck boards. I have removed other stumps that were actually in the way with my backhoe, hydraulic jacks, root cutting...always an adventure. Here's one I dug up and took to the compost recycle yard down the street, lol. I finally convinced them to take if if I came back and quartered it, which I did.
Thanks for all the ideas, I'll post my results.
# Posted: 22 Feb 2018 07:43pm
I read some where that the gas companies were putting chemicals in the gas to make them more stabile because of all the crap they are already making gas out of....anywhoo 1 Drop could pollute 1 million gallons of ground water. Google it.
# Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:53pm - Edited by: darz5150
You could make into a "Gnome Sweet Home" th.jpeg
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SE Ohio
# Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:28pm
Hardware stores sell liquid saltpeter mixture for stump burning. Drill a few holes in stump, pour and let it soak in. I like to wait for ground to be wet or snow covered to start burn.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:23am
Another method I've heard of is explosives. As I understand it, you get a charge deep enough into the stump that it blows the roots apart. I have no experience in explosives but it sounds feasible.
# Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:35pm
Ever watch "What About Bob"? Be careful with that stuff.
# Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:22pm
Quoting: paulz Another method I've heard of is explosives. As I understand it, you get a charge deep enough into the stump that it blows the roots apart. I have no experience in explosives but it sounds feasible.
Sounds fun too. I have witnesses this first hand as a young kid. It was common in the house I grew up in on the lake, many people clearing property would dig under the stumps (was a lot of work in itself) and install dynamite. It was usually the dozer guy clearing the place who would do it. Quite a neat deal. As it became populated, the dynamite method wasn't used. My sister and I were in the small 10 foot aluminum boat in the lake close to our place and this husband and wife comes down to the beach, arms flailing around, I had no idea what they were doing or why and ((((BOOOOOOOM)))) goes the dynamite. I remember rocks and debris flying way up in the air and landed all around us in the water, but nothing hit us or the boat. We were no more than 30 feet off shore. I suppose one final check before lighting the fuse would of been a good idea.
My uncle had a lot 2 lots down, a massive stump, the dynamite never worked. In fact, to this day, its still there with the big hole dug under the base. They did multiple attempts and it did split and they called it off.
# Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:59pm
Looking at your pic it appears that a building isn't too far from it? Fire or explosives could be bad. 
Other than that I am all for fire and explosions. 
# Posted: 25 Feb 2018 10:02am
It's actually just a shed, not that I want to send it skyward. 
Here's the tree before, and where the boards sit now drying out.
TMT, that's a funny story! I have also heard that the previous owner of my property dynamited stumps. I wasn't thinking of digging under it, rather going in from above (but no idea if that is ever done). Also no idea where to procure some type of explosive without getting a visit from the FBI. Or how to get it down a slot cut with a chainsaw, or how much noise it would make..
Think I'll look into the saltpeter mixture SE mentioned. 0404171159.jpg
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