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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Holding tank question
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# Posted: 18 Apr 2017 07:22am

Good morning to all. I have a quick question I wanted to pose to the knowledgeable members of this forum. I have bath house with 2 showers at my cabin. They run right out to a gray water system. I am looking at adding one or two toilets to this that house, and I am kicking around an above ground, or below ground holding tank. So a couple above ground tanks smell badly?
Am I better of just burying a below ground tank?
This will only get minimal use. Primarily one or two months a year. Thanks in advance! Josh

# Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:01am

Have you thought about a composting toilet at all? We have a Sun mar at our cabin, that doesn't smell, or need a holding tank. It jus needs a small run-off with a gravel pit for excess liquids. (In our neck of the woods)

# Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:21pm

A holding tank, above ground or below, will have to be vented somehow so displaced air has somewhere to go. That's where the stink will come from. I have a full septic and occasionally get some stink from the vent on top of the out house. Locate vent terminations as high and far away as possible.

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