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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Cheap way to power a computer of the grid?
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# Posted: 22 Jul 2016 09:31am

I really want to build a place to live for myself because I've been homeless for the past few months or so. My friend is holding my stuff for me and I have about a thousand euros or savings. I also have an opportunity to buy land for a few hundred euros, so my leftover budget is maybe 200 to 500 euros. I figured I can build a clay house without permits or investment, I can even buy a stove and a shower and a fridge for cheap. But... Electricity! My work is based from my computer and I need to power a cheap fridge what can i do to get electricity after buying a piece of labs and building a clay house? P

# Posted: 25 Jul 2016 12:52am

We need more details regarding the computer and your needs.

As far as a fridge, off grid AC or DC power will be expensive. Look for a used propane/butane RV or camper fridge.

# Posted: 25 Jul 2016 04:00am

Quoting: sloweather
We need more details regarding the computer and your needs.

As far as a fridge, off grid AC or DC power will be expensive. Look for a used propane/butane RV or camper fridge.

Nice, thanks for the advice!

As for my computer, it would eat around 3kW per day. It could be lowered if it's a huge problem.

# Posted: 26 Jul 2016 12:58am

Quoting: Buildingahouse
As for my computer, it would eat around 3kW per day. It could be lowered if it's a huge problem.

I ran a bunch of numbers before I reread your post. Please clarify "3 kW per day". How did you arrive at that figure?

If you can, please tell us how many kW hours/day the computer uses. (how many watts the computer uses x how many hours per day it is on / 1000)

For instance, a 200 watt computer running for 15 hours per day = 15 x 200 = 3,000 watt hours per day or 3 kW (kilowatt hours) per day.

I could interpret your figure to be literally, 3,000 watts per 24 hours or a computer that draws 125 watts continuously. I just wanna be sure that we are on the same page.

And do you have any other electrical needs, like a light or water pump etc?

# Posted: 26 Jul 2016 04:45pm

Quoting: sloweather
I ran a bunch of numbers before I reread your post. Please clarify "3 kW per day". How did you arrive at that figure?

If you can, please tell us how many kW hours/day the computer uses. (how many watts the computer uses x how many hours per day it is on / 1000)

For instance, a 200 watt computer running for 15 hours per day = 15 x 200 = 3,000 watt hours per day or 3 kW (kilowatt hours) per day.

I could interpret your figure to be literally, 3,000 watts per 24 hours or a computer that draws 125 watts continuously. I just wanna be sure that we are on the same page.

And do you have any other electrical needs, like a light or water pump etc?

Actually your calculation was correct. That is the average amount however, it can draw 400w at times, and 150w sometimes. I took the average usage based on how long I use it in particular ways.

I would only need lights (led, weak).

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