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Gary O
# Posted: 23 Oct 2010 11:12am

Such a great site.

Such a mix of talent, from what seems many walks of life:

The novice, wielding the sole tools of energy and enthusiasm

The amateur, finding their way down the path of dream fulfillment

The wood butcher, unable to keep out of the shop, or away from the saw, overbuilding 'cause reading specs and prints are just too tedious

The craftsman, displaying his wares, sharing, offering

The business man, needing escape and a balance, a yin to their yang

The retiree (or soon to be retired), preparing an affordable haven

The maturing matriarch, with undying enthusiasm, a paradigm for those after her time

The family, seeking the simpler, purer part of life

The couple, sharing, helping, enjoying creating and creation

The kid, just wanting a place to share with his buds, hunting, camping

The nature enthusiast, in need of just a small shelter to aid his quest to 'be out in it' as much as possible

There are more here, I'm sure, but this is my observation.
And, even though of diverse origins, we are all of one common thread, in that we are enjoying having a hand in building and creating, and (maybe the best aspect) sharing our experiences.

I cannot find any books out there that offer the live play-by-play like this site.
I haven't seen too many other sites, but what I thoroughly enjoy about this one is the mix.
It has those trying/asking, and those offering/knowing, and the admin is more of a casual observer, not a butter inner.
There are really no crass renegades, as in some survival type sites, but some of us are on the fringe....
Permits and their restraints are a bit of a hot topic, as most of us just want to build what we (the individual) want to build. Under the radar so to speak.
Most arguments are kindly, some remarks are a tad veiled, like the term 'interesting'. I've had a few of those in my brief tenure. It piques my interest, especially if it's in regard to something I've already done..........

Forgive me if I get too wordy in other's threads. I'll back off..I swear....

But here's where I'd like your replies.

What does everyone like and dislike most/least about their cabins?

Here's my top five (bottom up):


5) Water is not in yet
4) Cabin is a bit small
3) The possibility of fire
2) I don't live there yet
1) It's so far to drive


5) good access but off the beaten path
4) flat, high desert, land
3) water table is high (50')
2) We own it
1) Sharing it all with my bride

Gary O'

# Posted: 23 Oct 2010 11:59am


5. Cell signal sucks
4. Bad (real bad) road coming into the place
3. Very rocky soil(the rocks are from gravel to small boulder and everywhere)
2.Surounded by creeks(no way to leave here not wearing boots)
1. Leaves falling have created a continuing job kepping them away from the cabin in case of fire


5. Cell phone signal sucks( not getting a lot of calls to interupt the peace and quiet)
4. Bad ropad coming into the place( will never see college kids coming by trying to sell me magazines or people just out driving or lost and asking directions)
3. Very rocky soil( I will have a good source of rocks to build a wall around the yard and line the drive, build a bbq pit, etc,.)
2. Surounded by creeks ( will always have a good source for water for bathing and laundry)
1. Leaves are falling ( beautiful fall colors and cooler waether have made the property more enjoyable and brings to mind the coming of winter and sitting by the woodstove reading a good book.

For every thing a person can find fault with another can find good. I try to see the good points where I can because if I cannot change it I gotta accept it.

I worked hard to get here and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I moved into the cabin yesterday and even though there is much to do yet the extra space I now have over what I had in the small camper is great. My greatest problem to be solved is what to put where. I have been cooking on a two burner camp stove for so long that last night I made corn bread in the oven I installed yesterday and a pot of beans with a nice chunk of ham in it. To have done this in the camper was impossible due to the fact of the size of the camper and the heat the sove put out not to mention the lack of oven before. But the camper made it possible to get the work done and not travel back and forth or pay rent else where.

I now feel like this property is home. I have a cabin to live out the winter and greet the spring in. Lots more to do but it is all good.

Gary O
# Posted: 24 Oct 2010 01:11pm

Quoting: fasenuff
For every thing a person can find fault with another can find good. I try to see the good points where I can because if I cannot change it I gotta accept it.

That kind of attitude will get a cabin built.

Corn bread and beans with a small chunk of fat meat...M-M-M-M, my southern bride knows that one. Enjoy

Thanks fasenuff

# Posted: 12 Nov 2010 10:49pm

what I dislike most:
carpenter bees
constant maintenance of the exterior
wood peckers

What I like most:
peace and quiet
spring peepers
seeing all the wildlife (turkey, deer, fox) on a daily basis
friendly neighbors
smell of woodsmoke from campfire or wood stove
seeing fireflies on the hill behind my cabin in the early summer
hearing goats, roosters, cows and horses on the neighboring farms
sitting in my stand and watching deer and turkey wander by

# Posted: 12 Nov 2010 11:10pm

Quoting: fasenuff
I now feel like this property is home.

Looking forward to some updates/pics on your build thread when you get a chance.

# Posted: 15 Nov 2010 09:18am

Quoting: MikeOnBike
Looking forward to some updates/pics on your build thread when you get a chance.

am going to post some today. got tons of pics......

Gary O
# Posted: 15 Nov 2010 08:56pm

Quoting: pheasantplucker
what I dislike most:
carpenter bees

Never heard of them until just now.
Thought maybe you might be talking about bumble bees, but looked 'em up.
Are they a big problem in your neck-o-the woods?

# Posted: 16 Nov 2010 06:15pm

likes for me
2-high water table
3-no snakes
4-lots of trees
5-far from everthing
1-do not live there now
2-do not live there now
3-do not live there now
4-do not live there now
5-do not live there

# Posted: 17 Jan 2011 05:43pm - Edited by: elkdiebymybow


5) Not quite finished yet
4) No bathroom
3) Limited Solar power
2) No running water
1) Squirrel that keeps sneaking inside


5) Departure from modern day living
4) Peace, Quiet and Tranquility the cabin offers
3) Bald Eagles I can see out the windows
2) I built it myself
1) Snowed in with my wife for days :)

# Posted: 17 Jan 2011 06:16pm

Very poetic, Gary O!

Underground Aquifer
Mountain, rocks, sand, wildlife, plants
Being there with my wifey
Cocktail hour starts earlier than at home :-)
Building it ourselves

can't spend enough time there (yet)

# Posted: 18 Jan 2011 07:48pm

Burning my own firewood
Being there with my family
Built it the way I wanted it
Nearest neighbors 2 miles away
Visits from neighbors
Forest Roads, Forest trails all around
Doing my work from my cabin
Planning stuff, like how to build my shower

Whenever I'm not there
Water supply frozen in winter

# Posted: 19 Jan 2011 01:00pm

I have to agree with most here.

My number one dislike is not being there!

# Posted: 19 Jan 2011 01:23pm - Edited by: hattie

1. Mice,
2. Cottonwood stickies sticking to my floors in the spring,
3. trucks using their jake brakes coming through town,
4. snakes,
5. cougars.

1. Deer coming to our yard at night,
2. whisky jacks landing on me looking for food,
3. sitting on a chair in the river and panning for gold while the wildlife passes by,
4. watching the stars at night,
5. sitting on the front porch and chatting with neighbours.

Oh - one more dislike: That GaryO and cabingal3 haven't been around for so long. Come on back - we miss you!!!

# Posted: 19 Jan 2011 04:04pm

What a topic! Very appropriate and thought provoking.

My likes are easy - list could go on and on, but:

*Peace and quiet
*Burning wood indoors and out
*Gathering wild rice in the fall
*Happy hour with friends
*Kayaking on local rivers

Dislikes are few ---- but one thing that is really p---ing me off is the control our local zoning officials have over property that I own and pay my fair share of taxes on. If I want to be honest and get a building permit when they say I need one (a change in the cabin roof as one example) I lose my "grand fathered in" status for the entire property, and besides the remodeling I want to do, I have to bring every thing else (well location, outhouse location and design, gray water system, etc) up to current standards.

Whew, glad I got that off my chest!!!

# Posted: 19 Jan 2011 08:24pm

Quoting: hattie
Oh - one more dislike: That GaryO and cabingal3 haven't been around for so long. Come on back - we miss you!!!

Hey Hattie-
I just sent off my manuscript for publication. I got busy with it once I swore off posting for awile.
I think I drove admin nuts with tromping all over other's threads. My OCD got the better of me.
Now to be considerate........ yeah right.

Cabi3 and I are heading to the camp this week end to do some slag pile burning. The snow has melted quite a bit during this pinnapple express weather we've been having. It'll be a bonsai trip....head out at 2AM Sat, thru the pass (I hope) and at the cabin by 10AM. Then burn baby burn....take some pix.....crash....oatmeal and coffee in the morn.., head back to the valley at 8AM. It'll be like we'll be on continuous fast forward.
Cabi3 has been crocheting, and tending her crochet site...and if she doesn't quit feeding me these delightful meals, next summer, when we haul ass, we'll need to make 3 trips with a wheel barrow.

We finally got the adjoining property purchase recorded at the county, so now to find the well, and check out it's condition.
This next summer s/be quite busy

Gary O
# Posted: 19 Jan 2011 08:26pm

Dang it, I know I signed in......

Quoting: fasenuff
am going to post some today. got tons of pics......

Can't wait to see your pix

Gary O
# Posted: 19 Jan 2011 08:45pm

Quoting: TomChum
Built it the way I wanted it

Dang Tom, your cabin is such an absolutely beautiful structure.
Thank you for posting the pix in your thread. Very inspiring.

# Posted: 20 Jan 2011 01:43am

Quoting: Anonymous
I just sent off my manuscript for publication. I got busy with it once I swore off posting for awile.

WOW that's GREAT (the manuscript stuff, not the swearing off posting *grin*)! Let us know how it goes with the manuscript. It's great to have you and cabingal3 back :-) Say HI to her for me *waving*

Good luck with the burn and congrats on the property purchase.
Think up some good jokes while you're gone to post when you get back.

Gary O
# Posted: 20 Jan 2011 09:07am

Quoting: hattie
Think up some good jokes while you're gone to post when you get back.

Geez Hattie, I'm constantly bubbling over with them.
Unforunately, they seem only entertaining to myself........

Cabi3 says HI (waiving w/crochet hook in hand)

# Posted: 20 Jan 2011 12:38pm

Quoting: Gary O
Unforunately, they seem only entertaining to myself........

Nahhhhh.....I think there's lots of folk here who enjoy them. They just don't say nothing. *grin*

Gary O
# Posted: 20 Jan 2011 09:28pm

Quoting: hattie
.....I think there's lots of folk here who enjoy them. They just don't say nothing

I s'pose
Once we get back I'll commence hammering away at pix/frames, but only in my threads, so admin won't feel the need to OD on prozac, and that facial tick that occurs every time I post will disappear.....

Hattie, you have caused a breach in this dam of self imposed abstinence of mine...I'll be the comic section in the off subject/humor forum.

However, when the publisher accepted my works they said I've gotta re-format and re-send (they almost rejected it because of how it was sent, but somehow thought it worthy). So might be busy with that for a bit.

Get this, no charge to me....not a penny.
Royalties begin at 8% and climb to 50%
I've gotta get with an attorney to go over the contract, copyright mumbo jumbo, and step thru the publishing depts and processes, then my turn to accept their work.......whew, tired, need a nap just thinking about it all.
To the sack at 7:30 tonight and up at 3:30....slog thru home...fill the water jugs....cram the Jeep with cameras, guns, grub, and tarps....................and matches.
Sleep 4-5 hrs and off we go.

# Posted: 20 Jan 2011 10:58pm

Quoting: Gary O
However, when the publisher accepted my works they said I've gotta re-format and re-send (they almost rejected it because of how it was sent, but somehow thought it worthy). So might be busy with that for a bit.

FABULOUS NEWS Gary O!!!! Congratulations!!! cabingal3 must be over the moon excited too!! *big smile* Keep us posted how it goes.

Have fun with your burn piles this weekend!

# Posted: 21 Jan 2011 04:09am

hey are u gal?? u sound like u are doing well.i hope the little new grandbaby is still thriving.
hope all is well with u.and hubby.i have been busy crocheting wrestlers for the little grandsons this last week.made about 12 wrestlers and zombies and the like.been biting nails over the purchase of the land.the daughter is moving out i say this?and then Gars book to be published.yay.hugs!

# Posted: 21 Jan 2011 04:10am

now that is a cabin!! wow.what a beauty.even just this picture is pretty enough to go on xmas cards.

Gary O
# Posted: 21 Jan 2011 07:08am

HEY Cabi

Check out the '24 x 14 cabin''s a confab of three log cabin builders...fpw, tomchum and elk. quite inspriational in the consideration of using logs..........we do have tons of lodge pole pine......

Gary O
# Posted: 21 Jan 2011 08:58am

Quoting: hattie
cabingal3 must be over the moon excited too!!

Oh, she's excited all right.
It's funny, cabi3 is usually not animated when amused or excited.
When my brother and I get together, and back when he, I, and my now departed sister would convene, we could never stop joking and laughing...truly, non-stop, no matter the occasion, funerals, anywhere. Cabi never gets over it all.
When she finds something amusing, she'll remark 'that's funny' but narry a chuckle. The exception is when I say something that gets her tickled...then she can't stop laughing...tears and all.
Gawd I love that woman.

# Posted: 21 Jan 2011 05:50pm

Quoting: cabingal3
hey are u gal?? u sound like u are doing well.i hope the little new grandbaby is still thriving.
hope all is well with u.and hubby.i have been busy crocheting wrestlers for the little grandsons this last week.made about 12 wrestlers and zombies and the like.

We're all doing great hear cabingal3. Thanks for asking. This is our quiet time of the year so I'm feeling pretty lazy. *S* Grandson is fabulous! Growing like a weed - up to 12 lbs already!! *S* Grandson #4 is due anytime now - what a population explosion of boys we are having out here. *grin*

Okay - I must ask....What the heck are "wrestlers" and "zombies"? *S*

It sounds like you and Gary O are doing pretty terrific out there!!! I'm so happy for you both!!!

# Posted: 22 Jan 2011 05:50am

thanks gal.good to hear from u too.little one is already 12 pounds??wow.thats pretty dog gone good.dont u just love them so?just so fun.last nite our mayo who is 8 seemd to be in a grand mood.i said buddy will u miss nammy and papaw?? he usually tells us hell no.this time he said yes he would.hee hee.a pickle is pictures of zombies and wrestlers Hattie.first i started out making zombies from a cute book called creepy cuties.then the boys wanted wrestlers to play wwe .so they have been playing with the fighting crochet guys all week now.the wrestlers are my pattern.the big wrestlers are cabingal3
big wrestler.
big wrestler.
fighting family
fighting family

# Posted: 22 Jan 2011 12:22pm

cabingal3 - *ROTFL* Oh those are just too cute!! I'm sure the grandkids must love them!

# Posted: 25 Jan 2011 05:09pm

they do gal.they get there WWe fighting ring and go at it...with these little crocheted fellows.much better than them going at it with each other.hee hee.

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