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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Woodpeckers
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2015 10:50pm - Edited by: neb

I haven't been on here for awhile and hope everyone is enjoying cabin life.
I have been spending a lot of time tinkering and just putzing at the shack. I was there yesterday and taking nap and was wakened by a jack hammer going off on the roof! Lol
I'm sure they can't do much damage to a tin roof and or chimney stack but I do hope he leaves. Lol
I believe a while back there was a post about this. Have a great summer.

# Posted: 12 Jun 2015 11:06pm

Where I am we have about half dozen different woodpeckers. There's a pileated wdpecker, looks like Woody and almost the size of a crow. Bunch of little ones, then there is the Flicker. Not real colorful, but cocky. Gotta respect a 6 oz bird that will stand up to a 220 lb person

# Posted: 13 Jun 2015 12:18am

LOL! I also have a few kind here also. This is a large one with a large red spot on his head.

# Posted: 13 Jun 2015 12:33am

Quoting: neb
I believe a while back there was a post about this. Have a great summer.

Neb, that is actually a mating call. It will start out rapidly and then slow till its stops each time. Hitting on the metal makes the noise they are after. It will pass as mating season passes.

# Posted: 13 Jun 2015 07:03am

Quoting: neb
I haven't been on here for awhile

you better not stay gone long...we miss your posts Neb!!!
Glad you were out at the cabin....nice weather out for sure!!!

those wood peckers are alarm

PS/you been carving lately??

# Posted: 13 Jun 2015 07:08pm - Edited by: neb

I thought I better check in to make everyone is still alive. Lol

Yep weather has been good fish came to a halt because of high water. So now just fine tuning things at the shack. I cut in a small air intake for the stove. I did some chalking and some fixing here and there.
toyota_mdt_tech>>> Try to get a nap in once in awhile I hope the woodpecker mating season ends soon. Lol He was there today also and he thinks he owns the place.
I built a H frame for hanging game and doing some skinning. I have some beaver problems so I will be trapping this fall to thin them out. I have and will be making some beaver throw rugs when I harvest them this fall. I also have been making willow loops for stretching beaver pelts. They look nice on the wall.
TH>>no carving of late but with hot days ahead I will start again. You still selling North Camp?

# Posted: 13 Jun 2015 10:39pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter

Quoting: neb
You still selling North Camp?

YES headed up August 1 for a month or so.

# Posted: 14 Jun 2015 04:19pm

TH>>sounds like that will be a fun trip with new scenery and something different. Have a good trip my friend and send some pictures our way from the camp up north.

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