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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Medication access
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# Posted: 2 Mar 2015 02:21pm

Hi I'm new here and I really just wanted to ask one thing: How far off the grid/self-sustained living can one get when they need regular medication?

I've always wanted a simpler, freer lifestyle like this, but as it turns out I need access to a pharmacy once a month. Has anyone else experienced this? Or does anyone have any tips on how to be as far away as possibl but still close enough to get to a pharmacy?

I wouldn't want a car. I'd like to get around by foot, bike, or kayak.


# Posted: 2 Mar 2015 03:45pm

I continue to be amazed that my camp neighbor, who must wear an insulin pump, will spend up to 6-7 weeks straight, alone with his dog, at his camp.

He knows how to handle his situation and he's going for it, come hell or high water. If I happen to be there at the same time we make it a point to visit often, especially if I haven't seen or heard him for hours.

# Posted: 2 Mar 2015 04:04pm - Edited by: MtnDon

Does the PO deliver to your place? UPS? FedEx?

You can usually get 90 day supplies shipped out.

# Posted: 2 Mar 2015 04:22pm

I get regular mail deliveries of meds and need to make at least once a month trips for checkups but I use those trips to get needed supplies and to fight cabin fever! Getting away from it all is greaat but sometimes you gotta get away from that too for a day! It helps....

# Posted: 2 Mar 2015 05:27pm

Some stuff requires the prescription be picked up in person every time with no refills. I was planning to travel and be away for a time, my doc prescribed more of the meds I needed so I wouldnt run out before getting home. On my regular visits I take my meds so she can see how much (or little) I've used since getting them filled. I take as little as possible to deal with the pain.

Tell your doc your situation, and see if they will let you stay a month ahead in case if winter emergency etc.

# Posted: 2 Mar 2015 07:42pm

Some doctors will give you a prescription to be refilled every 90 days instead of the standard 30 day refill. I hate going every 30 days and have my stuff on a 90 day cycle. More time to be "outback in America" instead of "in town with the idiots"

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